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India’s Muslims. Growing, and neglected.

Why would you have a problem when Pakistan itself was created as a homeland of all subcontinental muslims ?
because pakistan is not a big enough land to have twice the amount of pakistani population in one mass exodus if hindus care for muslims they should give them a seprate states where they are in numbers and they can call it a new muslim nation and be free of the suppressive hindu majority regime. Do you know how quota system work in india or pakistan when it comes to government job in pakistan its population based in india it is based on religion not population, IN usa it is based on minorities vs majorities IN paksitan they dont consider shia to be majority or minority same as in india they dont consider religion to be minority but they consider red indians minority all non white as minority so but in india it is opposite its religious affiliation is considered.
e.g pakistan punjab would have 10 people then sindh then nwfp then balochistan because of population In usa they would have 60 whites and 40 non whites and afghans/pakistan/indian/arabs are caucasin(whites) in america the other left are asians/mongloid african/negriod/ and red indians and latins and in india its 70% hindus in government 20% muslims 10% others

Now how this plays in governance in india Religious policies would be dominated by hindus same thing in US it would be dominated by major group in pakistan it would be dominated by the populace So e.g hindus muslims christians from punjab have same quota out of 10
because pakistan is not a big enough land to have twice the amount of pakistani population in one mass exodus

Did Jinnah think about that when put forth his demands for Pakistan ?
Don't think that is a fair comment. Indian Muslims stayed back, because they chose diversity, trusted the secularistic nature of the society they lived in and had stood shoulder to shoulder with every other Indian in Freedom struggle.

Not really. Thats just what they and Congress try to portray. While KS's comments were extreme on one end, your comments are extreme on the other end.

The reality is a a considerable amount of Muslim votes for partition came from Bengal and UP/Bihar (look at Muslim League leaders, majority from Indian states, barely any Pathans or Punajabi muslims in it). A lot of them couldnt move to Pakistan because they were poor. Lived in Mumbai in the 90s and early 2000s, go to any Muslim majority slums and you will see Pak flags. There are Muslim organizations in India that operate as college groups/all out political parties that are dedicated in their party slogans to make India a Muslim Republic openly. Look at Kashmir which is Muslim majority, already wants to make itself some kinda Islamic Republic away from India. Whats the difference between Jammu/Ladakhis/Kashmiri Buddhists and Hindus who are fiercely pro-India, and the seperatists who are anti-India? Inevitably thats what is going to happen to all Indian states/areas where Muslim become majority (whether we like it or not, that is always what has happened in reality. NE has many states which are CHristian majority, and Goa has a huge population of CHristians, but you never see such talk coming from them).

I am not one to care about religion, but I am a nationalist, and Muslims that are not happy in India should move to Pak because we gave them a freaking country for people like them who want to be religious and live in Sharia and cannot accept a diversity of views/religions.
Did Jinnah think about that when put forth his demands for Pakistan ?

was india most populace at that time in other words look at population number now and look at it at that time

plus i dont know what are you trying to say when indians did not honour the partition of land fairly ie indian occupied kashmir punjab land sindh land which is what suppose to be pakistan is now india it is in the history
Look at Kashmir which is Muslim majority, already wants to make itself some kinda Islamic Republic away from India. Whats the difference between Jammu/Ladakhis/Kashmiri Buddhists and Hindus who are fiercely pro-India, and the seperatists who are anti-India? Inevitably thats what is going to happen to all Indian states/areas where Muslim become majority (whether we like it or not, that is always what has happened in reality.

NE has many states which are CHristian majority, and Goa has a huge population of CHristians, but you never see such talk coming from them).

To the first part.... All I am saying is that NOT ALL Muslims in J&K want Independence or separation of any kind... A LOT of them are as proud of being an Indian as you are. Look at the Cadre after cadre of Kashmir Police and admin service and you will find examples of muslim officers volunteering to form the "Special Task Force" to tackle millitancy, when it started. Therefore, all I am saying is don't generalize it. And the Green Flag you see in Dharavi or Bandra East is the Islamic flag (without the white strip of Pakistani flag).

On part two. I have worked in Kohima & small surroundings and portions of Northern WB/south east Assam (GJM area) and you'd be shocked to see that you will find exceptions there as well, to people who have a problem with the system.
was india most populace at that time in other words look at population number now and look at it at that time

Pakistan stopped the migration at that itself. 1951 to be exact.

plus i dont know what are you trying to say when indians did not honour the partition of land fairly ie indian occupied kashmir punjab land sindh land which is what suppose to be pakistan is now india it is in the history

You need to read up the Partition plan.
was india most populace at that time in other words look at population number now and look at it at that time

plus i dont know what are you trying to say when indians did not honour the partition of land fairly ie indian occupied kashmir punjab land sindh land which is what suppose to be pakistan is now india it is in the history

Mate, which history book are you referring to, when you talk of partition of Punjab and Sindh? There were only 3 issues that get raked from sides... Junagarh, Hyderabad and J&K... Punjab and Sindh was settled then only
Pakistan stopped the migration at that itself. 1951 to be exact.

You need to read up the Partition plan.

i have bro, and we were talking about muslims in india not about when the migration stopped or partition plan Muslims in general are suppressed now a days Look at Middle east wars Islamophobia in Europe now its coming here in america i am sure their are islamophobia in india and rest of the world where muslims are present so India in sence is a victim and the victims are indian muslims not anyone else just like european muslims or american muslims and the end word is Muslims are the victims

and it takes a bigger man to admit so indian muslims and hindus should admit it that ISLAM in INDIA Is not a free establishment it is suppressed just like how i admit it that america is the greatest but muslims americans are suppressed here just like how black people were in the 60s and70s and some today
i have bro, and we were talking about muslims in india not about when the migration stopped or partition plan Muslims in general are suppressed now a days Look at Middle east wars Islamophobia in Europe now its coming here in america i am sure their are islamophobia in india and rest of the world where muslims are present so India in sence is a victim and the victims are indian muslims not anyone else just like european muslims or american muslims and the end word is Muslims are the victims

and it takes a bigger man to admit so indian muslims and hindus should admit it that ISLAM in INDIA Is not a free establishment it is suppressed just like how i admit it that america is the greatest but muslims americans are suppressed here just like how black people were in the 60s and70s and some today

And how exactly are muslims suppressed in US? Care to enlighten.
And how exactly are muslims suppressed in US? Care to enlighten.

youtube cair and you will see have you ever heard of azan in ny i have not but i have sure heard of church bells states and church suppose to be separate but they are not ISLAMOPHOBIA in America just search it up tennesse state senator passed a bill of banning sharia law when no muslims in america want sharia law senator are pushing a bill to ban muslims from serving in the armed forces or law enforcement which world are you living in are you in cali where every thing is fine and diane finestine is the queen
youtube cair and you will see have you ever heard of azan in ny i have not but i have sure heard of church bells states and church suppose to be separate but they are not ISLAMOPHOBIA in America just search it up tennesse state senator passed a bill of banning sharia law when no muslims in america want sharia law senator are pushing a bill to ban muslims from serving in the armed forces or law enforcement which world are you living in are you in cali where every thing is fine and diane finestine is the queen

Muslims are very low in number so they cannot really ask for sharia law. Moreover, US is really strict when
it comes to surveillance and counter measures. Again, their country their laws.
Muslims are very low in number so they cannot really ask for sharia law. Moreover, US is really strict when
it comes to surveillance and counter measures. Again, their country their laws.
did you not read what i wrote muslims are not asking for sharia law but islamophobic senators are jumping the gun Last i check every american is an immigrant except red indians so who ever pays taxes its his country also they are banning muslims from serving in the armed forces i have served wut if my kid wants to follow my footstep and surveillance and counter measeures have nothing to do with suppressing muslims JUST youtube Cair its not surveillance and counter measures they are crying about and i dont think ur an american citizen if you were you would be sifting bricks about the NDAA and assault weapons ban
We Indian Muslim will love to die in india from our Hindu Brother rather then get killed by mad TTP or LEJ in Pakistan.
There is no such condition in India that we cannot handle we always made bad decision voting for congress but time is changing and i don't mind Voting for BJP or some other parties who will treat every body same not base on their caste and condition and give equal oppurtunity no special treatment.

It is your fellow Indians trying to kick you guys out, I only said there is no room for you in Pakistan neither is anyone there going to welcome you guys with open arms.

:omghaha: :omghaha:

Sir nobody is inviting you to Pakistan you don't have to worry about TTP.
Oh yes and you couldn't even save your fellow hindus :rolleyes: but somehow you are going to force Pakistan to accept your Muslims?? :omghaha: :omghaha:

180M muslims in india. they have grown from 8% in 47 to 15% now.
now tell me.

It is your fellow Indians trying to kick you guys out, I only said there is no room for you in Pakistan neither is anyone there going to welcome you guys with open arms.

Sorry to burst your bubble but there ain't one man in the government India who has the gall to try all force Pakistan to accept the Muslims in India. Of course you are welcome to try to cease the existence of Pakistan clown boy.
fortunately i dont have to try to cease the existance of Pak. once it was done in 1971, by the great IG. now it will be done by baluchis and sindhis. pak will still be there but as a landlocked , highly populated state. or as a nuclear wasteland with grotestque mutants.
A retarded attempt........ try again later!

A retarded attempt........ try again later!

Islamic republic of Pakistan was created so that Muslims can live away from Dirty Kuffar influences and live in Peace abode to Jannah.

If some Muslims who want to move away from Kuffar towards more Peace, Isn't that your Duty as a Muslim to help your Muslim Brother practice Islam freely?
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