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India’s arms mostly target Pakistan

No son, we ALLOWED you to remain hindus for the most part....

lol, who we? Pakistan didn't even exist before 1947. So basically, you were forced to be what you are by foreign powers, and now gladly claim their heritage over your own. Think about that. :lol:

:rofl: :rofl:

LOL...You ended up with a bit more territory? Yeah thats what they teach you in hindu temples, isn't it? :lol:

Apparently, you forgot how to read properly. I clearly wrote that your own Pakistani friends said on other threads, so your post is basically illogical.

Just take last war ..Kargil..

Pakistan invaded and captured indian posts..war broke out..indians fought back..when all said and done..

Pakistan STILL holds indian territories it captured in Kargil war..for example, indian posts of Point 5353, Dalu Nag, Saddle Ridge etc etc are still under Pakistani boots...

All three were on the LoC, and infact no one should control them.

Pakistan won them from no one, defended it against no one, and holds it against no one's will.

So we all know who's the boss

In Pakistan, I believe Uncle Sam and his pet birds are.

Yeah..offcourse..puppet to the U.S ...thats why we are signing gas contracts with Iran while indians are licking their white master's arse and backing off from pipeline projects with Iran :rofl:

Lol, so much for licking a master's arse. When Pakistan attacked Kargil, Nawaz flew to USA asking for help, and backed off when told by the US to do so. It's not your arse that's sending trading food with Iran, it's ours. And I'm pretty sure they appreciate getting food more than gas during an embargo. :lol:

Also, if anything, it is the U.S who is playing in Pakistan's hand...We got all the weapons from them, money etc,,and in-returned we f*cked them in Afghanistan

You f*cked who? Back in the Soviet attack on Afghanistan, Pakistan was a puppet to the US, helping with the creation of the very organization that it now says RAW is funding.

You haven't f*cked anyone. But drones kill Pakistanis every day. If we are US slaves, then you must be something even below a slave, to be bombed every day and do nothing about it.

Not to mention, we DECIMATED your previous dad Soviet Union in Afghanistan with the help of our allies (U.S, Saudi Arabia, Arabs, Mujahideen (our creation!) etc etc) ...Islam snatched entire Central Asia from communism and now it is even spreading in mainland Russia Mashallah. We, as an ideological Islamic state, played the leading role in this development...A job well done.

Pakistan didn't do a thing. All it did was be a puppet to US plans, and the few occasions it fought, it lost badly in that war.

Battle for Hill 3234 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If losing an entire company of so-called Special Forces to 39 Russian paratroopers is the same as destroying the Russians, then hats off to your amazing, superpowerful military. :lol:

Can you show me anything like that from your history? No, cuz you losers couldn't even protect yourself...

1. Anything like what? Losing half our special forces to a platoon of para-dropped troops? Nah, I'm happy we can't show anything like it.
2. We can show you how easily you were cut into two countries in 1971.
3. Does Pakistan have the distinction of having saved another country from a coup? We did that for Maldives. Has Pakistan done anything except create terror groups?
India's whole war machinery is targeted against Pakistan and Pakistan alone.

Make no mistake, it is not designed to be against China. It never was because India is no match for China.

China is just an excuse for the Indian MOD to ask for Defence Budget high enough to have 3 times the strength against Pakistan.

India needs those kind of odds to face Pakistan as it could not stand its ground on one on one basis.:D
India whold war machinery is targetted against Pakistan and Pakistan alone.

Make no mistake, it is not designed to be against China. It never was because India is no match for China.

China is just an excuse for the Indian DOD to have 3 times the strength against Pakistan.

India needs those kind of odds to face Pakistan as it could not stand its ground on one on one basis.:D

*Yawn* Old and boring argument. Anything new to argue with? :D
Indian is Pakistan's mortal enemy, those who downplay the mortal/existential danger posed to Pakistan by India are naive and retarded. India cannot befriended, it can only be coexisted with but not without a credible conventional and strategic equilibrium. Indian establishment only understands the language of power, which i like to call the "Brasstacks Syndrome". In order to exist as a nation, Pakistan must take India head on, and never give in to any bullying. India's best chance to have a world without, Pakistan is by creating and fueling insurgency and terror in Pakistan which they actively are for last decade. Pakistan should make it clear to India that there is always a reply and they will see it, hear it, feel it and would have to live with it post 2014.

So when is the next attack happening from Pakistan. Its been a while since you guys did Kargil. Its getting quite boring :pop:

India whold war machinery is targetted against Pakistan and Pakistan alone.

Make no mistake, it is not designed to be against China. It never was because India is no match for China.

China is just an excuse for the Indian DOD to have 3 times the strength against Pakistan.

India needs those kind of odds to face Pakistan as it could not stand its ground on one on one basis.:D

Offcourse how can we.
1 Pakistani Muslim = 10 Hindus :raise:
China's current territorial disputes are all limited by nature.

The disputes to the East are all maritime sea-based disputes, which are limited to naval skirmishes and not to land war.

The dispute with India is based on land rather than sea, however the dispute is limited by the formidable barrier of the Himalayas, which limits the potential danger to small-scale border clashes.

There is no real possibility in either case for an extended full-scale war.
EzioAltaïr;4087270 said:
lol, who we? Pakistan didn't even exist before 1947. So basically, you were forced to be what you are by foreign powers, and now gladly claim their heritage over your own. Think about that.

Even india didn't exist before 1947 lol

Also, my ancestors were probably oppressed hindus from lower class..Islam liberated us from dirty, ******, backward, brutal, class-based hindu sociological order...And thank God for that!

Over-whelming majority of Muslims in Indian sub-continent follow Sufi tradition, which wasn't imposed on anyone..but preached equality among all people.

You are just pissed that we, who were suppose to be under you 'brahmins' rule, got our freedom and later kick*d your sorry arse... Today, ALL great aspects of contemporary indian culture comes from Islamic Culture, tradition, and civilization..Take music, qawali, biryani, kebab, taj mehal, clothing (shalwar kameez), Caligraphy, literature, poetry etc etc etc...

Apparently, you forgot how to read properly. I clearly wrote that your own Pakistani friends said on other threads, so your post is basically illogical.

What? people say whatever they can...some indians say that india is more powerful, wealthy, rich than china..do you believe their sh!t? So don't tell me what other Pakistanis say (I'm not sure if they actually said it or you are just twisiting words..afterall, non-Muslim indians have no morality, integrity, and sense of honor)..

All three were on the LoC, and infact no one should control them.


Look at the map...Point 5353 for example is well within indian side of LoC in drass sector..indian ALWAYS saw it as their post..it was conquered and taken over by Pakistan Army and Pakistan Army still holds it (despite numerous failed attempts by indian army and special forces to recapture it)...

Pakistan won them from no one, defended it against no one, and holds it against no one's will.

It does. indian army tried to take this post many times..but failed miserably and went back licking their wounds...

In Pakistan, I believe Uncle Sam and his pet birds are.

Offcourse..but in india, not only elite class, but all indians are white men's slave..

Go and see how indians defend U.S, Israel, and Britain in this forum...Afterall, gullible starved indian population are suffering from Stockholm syndrome

Lol, so much for licking a master's arse. When Pakistan attacked Kargil, Nawaz flew to USA asking for help, and backed off when told by the US to do so. It's not your arse that's sending trading food with Iran, it's ours. And I'm pretty sure they appreciate getting food more than gas during an embargo.

yeah...because indian primeminister called his white master and cried infront of him...Nawaz had to go cuz he didn't know the Kargil operation and everybody had alot of confusion...

But it was Vajpiyee who first called and cried infront of his white master...Even in 1965, indian primeminister went to UN crying..and also died due to heart-attack because Pakistan Air Force had just bombarded the fcuk outa his poor country, and airforce :lol: He couldn't stand the humiliation..and died of heart-attack..poor guy....

You f*cked who? Back in the Soviet attack on Afghanistan, Pakistan was a puppet to the US, helping with the creation of the very organization that it now says RAW is funding.


That is what they teach in Gurudwara schools in Canada? LOL..It was Pakistan who *created* Mujahideens...Americans came in the game LATER on... Pakistan was already running training camps along Afghan Border BEFORE Pakistan requested U.S to join in with financial help. U.S, being coward, hesisted a bit and don't you remember the famous words of American President "Afghanistan is a closed chapter for USA" ? We convinced those cowards to help defeat USSR...

How many books have you read on Afghan War, even Western books will count. I bet none! Cuz you just made a fool outa yourself since you don't know anything...

You haven't f*cked anyone. But drones kill Pakistanis every day. If we are US slaves, then you must be something even below a slave, to be bombed every day and do nothing about it.

Drone don't do indiscriminate bombings..They target our enemies..for example, Betullah Mehsood was killed in a dron strike..Sadly, collateral damage is a part of every war...which is unfortunate..

And yes, you are worse than slaves..and you are owned b!tches of the Westerners...Did you read Hindustan Times report on how Western pharmaceutical companies come to india and use indians as 'experiment pieces' for their new medicines? Over 300 indians died due to these "experiments" ...and no one could do anything against these Western companies..

So here it is..you are definitely worse than just slaves..Remember, this isn't even war..this isn't even collateral damage..this is INTENTIONAL use of YOUR citizens as "experiment monkeys" by the West :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sad and humiliating...

No one claimed Russians to be vege burgers like indian soldiers...Russian were fighters..we all know that...

By the way, read Russian Works regarding this war..Weren't Soviets were the one who gave SSG the nick name of "Black Storks" ? Both sides fought bravely and inflicted heavy damages on each other...By the way, that wasn't a whole 'company' of SSG..few SSGs were leading Afghan fighters against the Russians sitting on TOP! Duhhh...Anything sitting on TOP will have a definitely advantage...

BTW, when it came to one in one in open air ...PAF shot down 15 Soviet Air Crafts without losing even one! (1 was lost to friendly fire)...

Whole War was planned/conducted by Pakistani ISI..U.S was just used for money and weapons...even Americans accept that..Again, read how Americans reacted when Pakistani presented them with the plan to fight Soviets in Afghanistan...Sorry, we fcuked your master with our master plan :lol:

2. We can show you how easily you were cut into two countries in 1971.

"Cut into two"? :omghaha: Have you ever looked at the map? Bangladesh was THOUSANDS of miles AWAY from PAkistan already..it was already 'cut' by thousands of miles..with india inbetween...you couldn't capture Lahore and lost Khem Kharan to Pakistani offensive instead..and you think you can ever cut Pak into two? LOL..Nice delusions of inferiorty complex stricken defeated indians who remained slaves of Islamic Power for 1000 years or so...

3. Does Pakistan have the distinction of having saved another country from a coup? We did that for Maldives. Has Pakistan done anything except create terror groups?

Duh! India and China realize the importance of lifting their millions out of poverty - they have chosen different paths and China's model is definitely more efficient but the end goal is the same - economic development. This makes the chances of war between the 2 pretty remote. Pakistan on the other hand is far too volatile. Forget India or the US - even Pakistanis don't tend to know what is going on in their country. I mean Osama was in the middle of a town and the residents had no idea. Musharraf's plane was diverted and asked not to land in Pakistan, Bhutto was hanged by the judiciary, bloodless coup deposed Nawaz and Mushy - we would be stupid to NOT concentrate our forces against such a volatile state. China is a threat in the sense that India and China will compete for the limited resources on the planet as both are hungry for development and China is far ahead of economically. But a war with China? Just not happening.
India's most arm is targeting Pak when Pak's all arms + terrorist groups+fake money+foreign policy targeted India since 1947..no wonder..by the way,if you guys try to pretend that we bought our new hardwares for you,you're wrong.we bought them for China..now buzz of..shoo..

and another thing..didn't pakistan blame India,Afganistan,Iran,UAE,USA and Russia on BLA(and terrorism in Pakistan)???one advice,you'll reap what you sow.. :coffee:
Indian is Pakistan's mortal enemy, those who downplay the mortal/existential danger posed to Pakistan by India are naive and retarded. India cannot befriended, it can only be coexisted with but not without a credible conventional and strategic equilibrium. Indian establishment only understands the language of power, which i like to call the "Brasstacks Syndrome". In order to exist as a nation, Pakistan must take India head on, and never give in to any bullying. India's best chance to have a world without, Pakistan is by creating and fueling insurgency and terror in Pakistan which they actively are for last decade. Pakistan should make it clear to India that there is always a reply and they will see it, hear it, feel it and would have to live with it post 2014.

Nice robot response.

1)India is existing with nepal,bangladesh and even sri lanka and even with china ,burma.

Other than china,none of neighbors have even conventional or unconventional power matching with india and still india prefers diplomacy first to solve issues rather than sending millitants like our few neighbors do.

2)Pakistan cant and dont have ability to take india head on.if you would have then you could have shown it earlier in last 60 years.

3)By waging war against india every time,so you still call india as threat?

who started wars in 65,kargil and even in 71,you attacked on our borders.

4)Leave 2014,you guys have habit to count eggs before hatching.What ever pakistan is doing now is just to save its tail from inside war which can completely finish it after 2014.
1)India is existing with nepal,bangladesh and even sri lanka and even with china ,burma.

Other than china,none of neighbors have even conventional or unconventional power matching with india and still india prefers diplomacy first to solve issues rather than sending millitants like our few neighbors do.

2)Pakistan cant and dont have ability to take india head on.if you would have then you could have shown it earlier in last 60 years.

3)By waging war against india every time,so you still call india as threat?

who started wars in 65,kargil and even in 71,you attacked on our borders.

4)Leave 2014,you guys have habit to count eggs before hatching.What ever pakistan is doing now is just to save its tail from inside war which can completely finish it after 2014.

Chawlian marna chor day Paan Singh..:sick:

BTW, you are a Sikh and with BJP? cuz your signature shows that you don't like Congress...Rehta kahan hai tu? Punjab mein?
Chawlian marna chor day Paan Singh..:sick:

BTW, you are a Sikh and with BJP? cuz your signature shows that you don't like Congress...Rehta kahan hai tu? Punjab mein?

what is chawlain?

if you can prove me wrong then sure go for it.
India whole war machinery is targetted against Pakistan and Pakistan alone.

Make no mistake, it is not designed to be against China. It never was because India is no match for China.

China is just an excuse for the Indian DOD to have 3 times the strength against Pakistan.

India needs those kind of odds to face Pakistan as it could not stand its ground on one on one basis.:D

Our aim is to maintain superiority on western border and remain enough strong on eastern border

If this explanation is not enough read this

In Chandigarh(UT),capital of both haryana and punjab

Chandigarh? Lucky basket! I know, Chandigarh is one of the best cities in india..

I live in "American Punjab" here in US...My city has alotttt of Sikhs...It is basically a Sikh city...40%+ of population of entire city is Sikh...(In reality, its way over 40%...new records are yet to be updated)...I have alot of experience with Sikhs....We have THE best 'Nagar Kirtan' mela in North America (people from as far as Canada come for Nagar Kirtan here in my city)

In my experience, you guys hate Gandhi :omghaha: ...Have you ever been to Lahore? Sikhs should be really afraid of any war b/w india and Pakistan because your holy sites might be in danger of getting damage? Isn't it?

Golden Temple is just like 65 km away from Border... Forget missiles, even advance Pakistani MRLs such as A-100 has a range of 100KM! So, God forbid, if a war broke out..Pakistan Army will RAIN MRLs on indian side...your holiest site can get damage severely...How would indian sikhs react in such situation?

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