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india,russia,china to create new alliance to challenge USA's supremacy

Why would india want to challenge USA's supremacy??
Bitchh Please

This type of alliance will not work, specially with the differences China & India holds against each other. It's not even in India's interest to form Russia-India-China alliance, atleast for the next 15 years or so. Fortunately India has very good option to keep modernizing it's military sighting China as a threat. Next 20-30 year period is very important, for all the mentioned states Russia, India, China & US. It will form the benchmark of diplomacy post 2040.
Its from the biggest troll of the planet "M-E-D-I-A"..The world will unly get multipolar after some time..
Not going happen. India has a policy of not entering into blocks.
That's what tried once, by Shah Faisal (Saudia), Mamr Qadafi (Lybia), Zulfiqar Bhutto (Pakistan) to make an Islamic block...and see what Uncle SAM did with them..
You can never challenge US supremacy when you align Asian and East European country and start challenging the US in Asia. US in asia is not that big of an influence. Just look at how many country in Asia is US camp vs how many not, and you'll see

At best US will lose interest in Asia, that does not mean the end of the United States Dominance. At best you will see US lose a hand to save an Arm.

You can only challenge US Supremacy on US Soil, when the power is at its greatest, to have that to work, China or India need to form an alliance with Canada or Mexico, then we can talk. Otherwise you can destroy the US with that pact (But in turn all youse will be destroyed too by MAD) You cannot challenge US supremacy far away in Asia. There are no hope to that
this is just fan boy & cheer leader stuff...there is going to be no alliance between India - China - Russia...i can understand an alliance between Russia and India or India and USA....but China....which is not bound to happen...moreover there is no official confirmation from all three countries about this kind of alliance
yaar,sometimes it is india japan,sometimes its india japan vietnam usa and now this..:hitwall:
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