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Before we came to China, I thought we had bathroom chops enough to cope with anything the world had to offer. And then…

Well, then we came to China.



This is the sign that greeted me in my first Chinese toilet.

I’m not joking. And nor were they.

In fact, they had even placed a grill over the hole in their squat to prevent anyone attempting to, umm, pass solids. (Not that that stops folk in changing room showers, believe you me.)

Anywise, I went down the road to the public toilet. No grilles there. Also, no paper.

But plenty of used sanitary towels, scattered confetti style. Something of a theme in Chinese ladies rooms.


Now, Chinese bathrooms have improved a little over the last couple of thousand years — they’re not placed over pig pens, for starters.

But not much. In serene yet urban Kunming, we explored the toilets in various local malls.

All of them squats. All of them stinking.

Many of them with a flush so under-powered that any deposit that didn’t hit the hole just stayed there, waiting for you.

Even in a really expensive mall.

Where folk continued to do their business, trousers round their ankles, while chatting loudly with the door wide open. Why?



This was what greeted me when heading for a pee in a small Chinese railway station.

The most obvious confounding factor was the absence of doors. Now, I can deal with that. I’m not shy.

On closer inspection, however, matters became considerably worse. What lies behind the non-doors is a long, communal trench, over which you hover to do your business.

How do you flush? Well, some have a flush in the cubicle at the top of the trench that sweeps all leavings down — UNDERNEATH anyone who’s unfortunate enough to be using one of the lower positions.

Others have a bucket that the attendant chucks down there occasionally.

Others, as one I used in Beijing, go for a REALLY long drop and let it all mound up.



I liked the passive-aggressive nature of this sign in a hostel bathroom.

But Chinese bathrooms get a hell of a lot worse than these.

There are the ones with no partitions at all. Just the communal trench.

The ones with a partition for every two squats, so that you and a friend can defecate together. (These are particularly unnerving in Beijing, where every sentence seems to end with a piratical “arrr”.)

The ones with what appears to be a flush mechanism that actually floods the floor through a tube on the other side of the room.

But the most mystifying thing of all?

Chinese cities are at least as clean as European cities. And you could eat your dinner off the bathroom floor in the average family home…

Go figure.

The Unspeakable Horror of Chinese Bathrooms | Travels with a Nine Year Old
Chinese Toilet Training- Crotch less pants.



Chinese Toilet training involves wearing special pants that are split open in the crotch area - as you can see in the picture to the left. This is to facilitate the act of toilet training. The same pants are available for both boys and girls. In China - you see little naked baby bums everywhere you look!

Toilet training usually takes place right on the street. A parent or grandparent sits on a chair with their legs spread apart. The child is held between their legs (their hands under the child's knees - the child above the ground in a type of squat position but with their legs apart). The parent makes a gentle "ssss" sound to try to encourage the child to go - a type of conditioning that trains the child - when he hears the sound and squats - it's time to urinate. The two of them sit there and wait - until the child does his/her business. The urine and feces drop onto the sidewalk or the street. People passing by just walk around the toilet training area like nothing is happening.

So how do people deal with all this urinating on the streets? Well, sometimes it is washed down with a pail of water, other times a mop may be used - and many times, nothing at all is done. The smell is the worst part. Everytime, when I arrive back in China, that first whiff of air, that unmistakeable odor of China, I can't help but think that the country smells like someone peed all over it.


I would wince when I saw a father carrying his young child (who was wearing toilet training pants) on their shoulders as they walked down the street. It looked like an accident just waiting to happen.

One time, in the Shanghai airport, as I was waiting for a plane, a young Chinese mother and her daughter were sitting nearby. The floor in the airport where we were sitting was carpeted. When I saw the mother sit down and hold her child in the toilet training position above the carpet in the airport - I let out a small scream of horror - and started on the mother in Chinese about how she could not do that here! She was shocked (mostly because I spoke Chinese to her), and quickly took the child away to the washroom.


Other times, I have seen the rather disgusting after effect of Chinese toilet training in restaurants. When you sit down at the table, you can see the urine all over the floor under the table. Definitely a time when you have to tell yourself - Chinese culture is just different than your own!

Chinese Toilet Training and Crotchless Pants!
Holy moly are people competing here to show who's shiet smells worst :bad:
Gnarly Chinese Public Toilets Make You Want to Hold It

I did my homework before embarking on a trip to China. One thing I’d heard about were public restrooms set up in ways unimaginable to us with respect to sanitation and privacy.

I found a thread on a Chinese Internet forum and was not disappointed. There were images of stalls with doors perched so high up that anyone could see your entire lower body just by walking by. I saw a stall with a door, but no wall. Most surprising of all was a toilet overflowing to the extent that it filled up the room with water and . . . I don’t even want to know.

What I actually found out in the suburbs of China was different, and I was surprised more by the locals than by the restroom layout. I walked in on a man doing #2 with the stall door wide open, and on another doing his business while squatting atop the seat of a Western-style toilet.

Neither man batted an eye, and I felt my dignity fly out the window. In its place was a nasty stench and memories I can’t erase.




Gnarly Chinese Public Toilets Make You Want to Hold It – RocketNews24
Nevermind, don't want to embarrass Napoleon. And Madrassa's are considered education in the whole world, they give free education. What is so bad? And by the way, how is the Eurozone doing in economy? Good? Didn't an Afghan soldier kill one or two of you frienchies?
Pakistan is not the world. Madrasa teaches terror and Islam that's all. They have a bad rep int he world
Gnarly Chinese Public Toilets Make You Want to Hold It

I did my homework before embarking on a trip to China. One thing I’d heard about were public restrooms set up in ways unimaginable to us with respect to sanitation and privacy.

I found a thread on a Chinese Internet forum and was not disappointed. There were images of stalls with doors perched so high up that anyone could see your entire lower body just by walking by. I saw a stall with a door, but no wall. Most surprising of all was a toilet overflowing to the extent that it filled up the room with water and . . . I don’t even want to know.

What I actually found out in the suburbs of China was different, and I was surprised more by the locals than by the restroom layout. I walked in on a man doing #2 with the stall door wide open, and on another doing his business while squatting atop the seat of a Western-style toilet.

Neither man batted an eye, and I felt my dignity fly out the window. In its place was a nasty stench and memories I can’t erase.




Gnarly Chinese Public Toilets Make You Want to Hold It – RocketNews24

i was enjoying my dinner before u posted this.
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