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India rises to reveal shameful stench

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Just tell your country dont compare to china and we will be ok thanks in advance

Actually mate there is no comparison whatsoever you flatter India by talking about them in the same breath. If this thread is going and Indians want more Incredible statistics I will come back tomorrow and assist in statistic gathering lol
Australia recently agreed to sell its uranium to india, i would call that as an ally... thx

Australia is selling India because there is money to be made, people will sell you thing if they can money to be made. its the same reason US is selling India weapons. But people on this forum are blinded by what they call friendship and fail to see that all countries are there for their own gain and nothing more.
I am sorry had to read the article, when i saw it is written by one Ramesh Thakur i was stunned.

An indian writing ***** about india - can't belive some people can do anything for money...
every developing nation have their good and bad.Unfortunately poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty,poverty

This is the only thing other nations have to say about india.:hitwall:

world expects from us thats why they bash us.;)
our neighborhood countries are more than 60% poor but no body bash them coz no body expects from them;)

its not because anyone expect india to rise, its because indians think they are a superpower and a challenger to china.
that is utter nonsense.

india is 40 years behind the development of china.

india is 3rd world just like africa.

india has more malnutritioned children than africa, indians kill someone if they take too long in a toilet, indians kill women that have girls, indians defacate all over the country.

what kind of sickos are these 'humans'?

Dear friend you need to first take care of the terrorist that your country sponsors and hides, women's rights, and stop living of charity from the rest of the world before you bother speaking. And by the way my dear Pakistanis the world is not out to get you, there are no conspiracy theories, it's just that your education system churns out brainwashed young kids, but wait I forget the Madrassa's are considered education in Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world. :)

french are the biggest fascists on earth, not even america is that bad.
its not because anyone expect india to rise, its because indians think they are a superpower and a challenger to china.
that is utter nonsense.

india is 40 years behind the development of china.

india is 3rd world just like africa.

india has more malnutritioned children than africa, indians kill someone if they take too long in a toilet, indians kill women that have girls, indians defacate all over the country.

what kind of sickos are these 'humans'?

french are the biggest fascists on earth, not even america is that bad.

Yes we may have many differences with American foreign policy. However, American people are VERY tolerant and welcoming. On other hand, Most French are just racist ***
its not because anyone expect india to rise, its because indians think they are a superpower and a challenger to china.
that is utter nonsense.

india is 40 years behind the development of china.

india is 3rd world just like africa.

india has more malnutritioned children than africa, indians kill someone if they take too long in a toilet, indians kill women that have girls, indians defacate all over the country.

what kind of sickos are these 'humans'?

:wave: Aren't you the same person that said killing 2000-3000 people is not a big deal:what:.

You want me to pull your post?????

India has been doing much better than what it was 10 years ago people will cry all they want, we are going on the right track and development, economic growth, and the providing the citizens their basic living needs are the main goals.
:wave: Aren't you the same person that said killing 2000-3000 people is not a big deal:what:.

You want me to pull your post?????

India has been doing much better than what it was 10 years ago people will cry all they want, we are going on the right track and development, economic growth, and the providing the citizens their basic living needs are the main goals.

india has enormous problems, dont blind yourself thinking india is some kind of mighty superpower.
feed your children first, before buying weapons from foreigners.
india has enormous problems, dont blind yourself thinking india is some kind of mighty superpower.
feed your children first, before buying weapons from foreigners.

India never denied its problems, plus the weapons we buy is from our own money we don't beg for weapons aid.

Why are you concerned about India???? India is doing much better than your all weather friend or you friend across the border called North Korea maybe you should help them out. And before telling other about Human Rights go look at what your own country is doing to its own people first.
India never denied its problems, plus the weapons we buy is from our own money we don't beg for weapons aid.

Why are you concerned about India???? India is doing much better than your all weather friend or you friend across the border called North Korea maybe you should help them out. And before telling other about Human Rights go look at what your own country is doing to its own people first.

we dont go defacating all over our country.
we dont go defacating all over our country.

Its funny when people run out things to say they bring toilet, or poor people into the equation.

Just tell me why are you so worried about India, its not like Indian are coming to your country to pee, or are we in some manner affecting China????

Indian are working to improve their lives, the economic growth shows it. The country has done great in providing for the poor and improving the living standards. Indians never denied the problem the issue of poverty or lack of infrastructure, we are doing what we can to provide for the people's need, the investment the government is doing is a proof of that. Why are you so worked up about India having problems, or with India's development, its not like its affecting your country.
Dear friend you need to first take care of the terrorist that your country sponsors and hides, women's rights, and stop living of charity from the rest of the world before you bother speaking. And by the way my dear Pakistanis the world is not out to get you, there are no conspiracy theories, it's just that your education system churns out brainwashed young kids, but wait I forget the Madrassa's are considered education in Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world. :)

Nevermind, don't want to embarrass Napoleon. And Madrassa's are considered education in the whole world, they give free education. What is so bad? And by the way, how is the Eurozone doing in economy? Good? Didn't an Afghan soldier kill one or two of you frienchies?
Madrassas offer education to the illiterates we have, unlike India which has 40% of it's population illiterate and boy what a number if I calculate that.

And lol @Frenchies

Boy, mister napolean, look at your economy with euro going down and china giving you loans :rofl:

ohh its actually 25% for india and 50% for pakistan. indian literacy rate is rising rapidly from 65 in 2003 to 75 in 2011. in pakistan a person who can simply read a line in any language is considered literate, showing the low standards of ur literate ppl.
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