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India reduces citizenship fee for Hindus, minorities from Pakistan

Yeah, but they revolted not because they hated Islam but because they believed that a united India could be converted quicker to an Islamic riyasat. A sound logic imo. :)

Confused by what you mean here....clarification requested
Yeah, but they revolted not because they hated Islam but because they believed that a united India could be converted quicker to an Islamic riyasat. A sound logic imo. :)

True. And India remains the prize that got away.

Well Indus-the soul of India is pretty much gone

What I meant was with regard to the deobandis. And their purported support for an undivided India.
True. And India remains the prize that got away.

What I meant was with regard to the deobandis. And their purported support for an undivided India.

Then we have the best of both worlds. 20% of India today a state pledged to Islam and a population firmly behind Islamism. Another 5% of India separated from India and still a Muslim country with a population increasingly tilted towards Islamism.

And within remaining India, Islam is increasing. Muslims are growing at a faster rate than Hindus. Give it a few more centuries. Deobandis were smart as were the Barelvis. A blessed difference of opinion

It wasn't only land that we lost.

what else?
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

You still have Indian Muslims.

Or maybe you wanted to retain the handsome Muslims of northwest India? The Pathans are no longer yours. And Kashmiris don't see themselves as one of your nation either. Tumharay paas hotay huway bhi wo apkay paas nahi hai.
Partition is incomplete till we send every muslim to Pakistan. we will achieve it one day Inshallah

inshallah?????????............. Indian muslim have too much influence on you.
Don’t worry indian muslims will become a great weapon for us. A weapon more than atom bomb. just we need people like you in your PM house.
You really need to take your privacy more seriously. Things are not so nice in the open world out there. I suggest you remove your attachment... especially given the kind of days we live in...

Hyderabad and Murshidabad...

There is a blasphemy law in this forum vis a vis Islam. You have been rated negative for that and the poster your replied to got a thumbs up. Remember this - this is the most liberal Muslim forum I have ever frequented. Understand what one can expect from them when they have power to decide your fate. Accept the reality, and resist fascism in real life... :)

Sorry. We are not comfortable in adopting Pakistani policies.
Thanks bhai for your advice. I will always remember it.
Why dont you fulfil your hearts desire and your parents upbringing and execute them?
Quicker solution for the mentality of the modern Indian.
pakistan was created for the muslims of ssubcontinent. Till few years after 1947, all muslims were welcomed to pakitan, But soon this was stopped, leading to doubt on the motive of creating pakistan.
Isreal was created for Jews and all Jews can come to it and get citizenship...any day..
I hoped pakistan could give citizenship to muslims of India, and can retake the high ground creating a land for pure.
Which would make it a never-ending duel. Indians loathe Pakistan because they are Pakistanis - Pakistanis loathe India because they believe all Indians are Hindus. To Indians, by and large - the religion is irrelevant. Pakistan tries too hard to be a part of Arabia. Even the Arabs are not as anti-Hindu.
Very interesting debate.
I am against giving any special treatment or discounts to any one w.r.t gaining Indian citizenship.
As far as religion is concerned then every religion hates every other religion, especially monotheistic religions.
What I see now is the struggle of religions to prove its worth against modern education, science and technology.
We as a collective species at present is benefiting more from science than any religion.
Finally its up to every individual to chose what he likes to believe in.
I was always an atheist. I never believed in your fairytales, or anyone else's.
Then be prepared to get killed by a jihadi. The only way to fight this clan is to wipe them out from the face of earth or they anyhow going to wipe all the others. Sorry to say likes of you will be the first to go because neither you are united either you know how to fight. Europeans who are like you are facing the music. My condolences in advance for you.
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