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India Reacted Swiftly, Calls To China Gone Unanswered: US Agency On Lanka

Sri Lanka is not going to pay anything to anyone anytime soon. It is a black hole right now. Throw your money in there and forget about it :laugh:
Fortunately, China is not the biggest creditor
Of all it's creditors, Sri Lanka had asked only one of them to restructure the loans publicly, had asked at the highest levels. But it went to deaf ears, and I guess it eventually broke SL's back.

China giving lip service is not new, remember the same given to Afgh. If you trust fraud Chinese, it's only on you!
Just ask for one? In fact, as early as January, Sri Lanka had sought Japan's help.
What the Americans said surprised me. Japan has more debt to Sri Lanka than China and she doesn't seem to mention Japan at all, why is that? ?
Just ask for one? In fact, as early as January, Sri Lanka had sought Japan's help.
What the Americans said surprised me. Japan has more debt to Sri Lanka than China and she doesn't seem to mention Japan at all, why is that? ?
Japanese loans are long term on very low interest rates. Japan will eventually restructure their loans if need be, no point in giving SL more loans knowing fully well it will just end in Chinese coffers.

Even if Japan restructures it's loans today, it won't make ANY difference. On the other hand, Chinese loans are short-medium term with high interest rates. Loans that produced nothing but concrete junk for the country! And their payments are due now!
If China restructures it's loans, it will make a BIG difference.
Do you understand now? No? No problem.
China only owns a small portion of Sri Lanka’s debt while the current crisis was significantly impacted by the dollar’s tightening. Of course the facts don’t matter but ok.
well the largest chuck of past due loan of 1 Billion$ is owed to China an agreement to restructure or forgive debt by China will provide the greatest immediate relief to Sri Lanka.

China accounts for 10% of Government to Government borrowings but when you include state guaranteed debt then China holds the largest share of Sri Lankan debt at 20% not counting international sovereign bonds which accounts for 36% of Sri Lankan debt.

Yes but facts don't matter to you.

A stupid article is just stupid. China has no obligation to help Sri Lanka. It's their fault they elected crooked politicians. And India should look after our own rather than trying to help another country. Good we helped, but what are we getting in return? Looks like only beneficiary is Adani whom Modi pitched when meeting Sri Lankan politicians.
That that US guy, if he is so much concerned about Sri Lanka, he should get his govt to forget about all the loans for Sri Lanka.
So much optimism despite Srilankan neck deep financial issues....

It will probably happen quicker now like around 2030.

Sri Lanka prosperity it seems was built on sand and not the firm foundations that both India and BD built up over many decades.

They did get very bad luck with Covid-19 and now Ukraine war but the mismanagement of the 2010s finally caught up with them.
Japanese loans are long term on very low interest rates. Japan will eventually restructure their loans if need be, no point in giving SL more loans knowing fully well it will just end in Chinese coffers.

Even if Japan restructures it's loans today, it won't make ANY difference. On the other hand, Chinese loans are short-medium term with high interest rates. Loans that produced nothing but concrete junk for the country! And their payments are due now!
If China restructures it's loans, it will make a BIG difference.
Do you understand now? No? No problem.
What is your problem ? What has you India done except lips service. China has delivered one million metric tons of rice and 500 million RMB emergency relieve to Sri Lanka so far.

Zhao Lijian: As traditional friendly neighbors, China pays close attention to and feels for the difficulties and challenges facing Sri Lanka. We have all along provided support to Sri Lanka’s socioeconomic development as long as our ability permits. China has announced that it would provide emergency humanitarian assistance worth 500 million RMB for Sri Lanka. The first delivery of medicine has arrived in Sri Lanka, and the first shipment of rice has left China for Sri Lanka. Through government-to-government and subnational channels and through friendly organizations, China has provided multiple batches of assistance in diverse forms to people across the sectors of Sri Lanka to improve their livelihood

Chinese loans to Sri Lanka are concessional and interest are low indeed as stated by the Sri Lanka ambassador to China in the following interview in English near the beginning of the interview:

So now, you Indian stop plow in Chinese dumpsters for food all the time, and stop bitching anything about China all the time. Start fill and deliver your promises to Sri Lanka now instead of just big mouth.
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It will probably happen quicker now like around 2030.

Sri Lanka prosperity it seems was built on sand and not the firm foundations that both India and BD built up over many decades.

They did get very bad luck with Covid-19 and now Ukraine war but the mismanagement of the 2010s finally caught up with them.

South Asian countries needs to create an energy highway and food security pact to create a buffer from geopolitical storm and climate change.
Just ask for one? In fact, as early as January, Sri Lanka had sought Japan's help.
What the Americans said surprised me. Japan has more debt to Sri Lanka than China and she doesn't seem to mention Japan at all, why is that? ?
twitter culture. Everything is about attention grabbing cheap talking points that fit in 140 characters. The current trend is to blame everything on Russia, if not, blame it on China.
well the largest chuck of past due loan of 1 Billion$ is owed to China an agreement to restructure or forgive debt by China will provide the greatest immediate relief to Sri Lanka.

China accounts for 10% of Government to Government borrowings but when you include state guaranteed debt then China holds the largest share of Sri Lankan debt at 20% not counting international sovereign bonds which accounts for 36% of Sri Lankan debt.

Yes but facts don't matter to you.

Why don't you Americans and Europeans provide financial assistance to solve the crisis in Sri Lanka since you people are the biggest owners of Sri Lanka debts and you people are so wealthy when compared to Chinese ? You Americans and Europeans stop being hypocritical and stop being judgmental on China all the time. You people do something for Sri Lanka with your own wealthy money instead of asking others to put up the expenses all the time. Don't be hypocrites and blame everything on China ! China has no obligations to Sri Lanka.
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South Asian countries needs to create an energy highway and food security pact to create a buffer from geopolitical storm and climate change.

Energy highway is being built as we speak. India is building a 900MW hydroelectric power plant in Nepal with BD buying 500MW, India 300MW and the rest being kept by Nepal. Should come online by 2026.

Not sure how any food security pact would work as it would be mainly India having all the reserves in terms of crisis and the others drawing from it. Not sure the benefit for India in this kind of arrangement.
If we look at Sri Lanka’s debts, 47% to the financial markets (dominated by US and West) 13% to the ADB (Asian Development Bank), 10% China and 10% Japan.

The question should be why there are so many questions questioning China? Interesting, right?

For obvious reasons to scare countries away from China.... They did same with Pak w.r.t. CPEC..
Chinese govt. once said to compare both IMF and Chinese loans and the conditions side by side you will get your answers.
Why don't you Americans and Europeans provide financial assistance to solve the crisis in Sri Lanka since you people are the biggest owners of Sri Lanka debs and you people are so wealthy when compared to Chinese ? You Americans and Europeans stop being hypocritical and stop being judgmental on China all the time. You people do something for Sri Lanka with your own wealthy money instead of asking others to put up the expenses all the time. Don't be hypocrites and blame everything on China ! China has no obligations to Sri Lanka.

why should the West help Sri Lanka service Chinese debt? It's your loan, your liability - your problem.
Merger with India is the best solution for Sri Lanka right now. Both India and Sri Lanka can help each other to come out of this mess and for this merger with India off course special status to Sri Lanka can be the only solution seems.....
India has never stopped its land grapping since its existence 70 years ago. Contrary to what most people understand, India has never been a unified empire great in land mass, population, or civilization. What the British gave India was its greatest land mass by arbitrarily drew its borders based arbitrarily on British conquers or interventions into other powers' vacuum control of lands. Greedy Indians must be taught a lesson. This will come soon.
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