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India provides money, targets to terrorists in Pak: Terrorist claims on video

There is a huge gap between the persepectives of Pakistanis and Americans. If Pakistan raises a genuine issue regarding the insurgency in Balochistan and rest of the country then our American allies spent hours explaining to us that we are wrong and there is nothing to worry about.

Each and every evidence meets refute by the Americans and each and every evidence from the Indian side is accepted. The reason is not the credibility of evidence rather which side is presnting the argument.

Soon a time will come when educated Pakistanis will start to hate Americans with the same passion which is demonstrated by their uneducated countrymen. This will be a loss for both the US and Pakistan but it will be a much greater loss for the US.

Pakistan have tried a diplomatic and defensive approach but I believe that now is the time to prove that best defence is offense. Lets unearth those Kahalistan files and let the Kashmiris teach Indian Army the lesson which they have already forgotten.
"If Pakistan raises a genuine issue regarding the insurgency in Balochistan and rest of the country then our American allies spent hours explaining to us that we are wrong and there is nothing to worry about."

As have we with Omar and Haqqani until an NYT reporter, David Rohde, asserted that he was chauffered about North Waziristan by one of Haqqani's sons.

Some then admitted belief.

I haven't seen a lot of proof associated with this "genuine issue". Nobody else the world over has either. Odd that nobody believes you. That's too bad.

I've been told, though, that Pakistan has held its trump-cards as they are unsure if we'll stay in Afghanistan.

Well, guess what? I doubt we will. Holding those cards has deeply hurt our efforts. In so doing, you may succeed in driving us from Afghanistan.

I hope you understand at that point all your concerns about India may turn out to be true. Once the west is gone, they'll have no choice nor shall they have any restraining presence. Further, the GoA will have nowhere to turn but India.

I think that we'll leave. I think that the afghan taliban's sanctuary combined with the inherent corruption of the GoA has proved more than we wish to tolerate. I think most in the west have largely forgotten 9/11. I think that you'll duke it out and I expect the afghan taliban to win and for A.Q. to return.

What happens then shall not be good.
I pray we leave. There's little more that can be done that won't create more harm than good from my perspective in the near term. The afghan government is beyond salvation. The Pakistani government has been decidedly against our repeatedly raised concerns about sanctuary upon their lands. What follows will be up to Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, the afghan taliban, and the pakistani taliban...

...Oh! And A.Q. It won't bode well for anybody, though, should the west again be attacked as it once was by Al Qaeda. The trajectory of events are irreversible from my perspective.

The afghan government is beyond salvation.

US, UK and India has been closely involved with the AFghan govt. so it is not the failure of the Afghan govt. alone. Gen Musharraf has been saying that Pushtuns need tobe involved in the Afghan govt. but the masters in Afghanistan relied too heavily on the non Pushtun faction, the result is a terrible waste of lives and billions of US tax payers money. May be it is about time to take responsibility and openly accpet blunders, may be this will make room for a new workable strategy.

The Pakistani government has been decidedly against our repeatedly raised concerns about sanctuary upon their lands.

With present technology, US should be able to pin pioint the location of Taliban Shura in Quetta but that has not happened yet because there is no shura in Quetta. Now Pakistan has done more than any country in the world against Al-Qaeda and is still fighting and succeding against Talibans in SW.

Did we ask the US to let Osama run away in Tora Bora. OR did we ask the US to allocate resources in Iraq instead of Afghanistan.

Again, all is not lost yet. Let Pakistan play a much bigger role in Aghanistan and pay attention to the suggestions of Pakistan. Prevent India from harming Pakistan`s interest through Afghanistan and things will change.

What follows will be up to Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, the afghan taliban, and the pakistani taliban...

No sir, it will only be up to Pakistan to deal with that mess. India will run away or will be forced to run away afetr the US departure. Pakistani Taliban will move on to Afghanistan and will cherish upon the victory over another giant.

should the west again be attacked as it once was by Al Qaeda. The trajectory of events are irreversible from my perspective.

West will not be attacked from Afghanistan the West has created a new sanctuary called Iraq. I don`t know why people don`t take Iraq seriously. As soon as the uS forces leave Iraq all of the organizations will gather in Iraq just like they gathered in Afghanistan. has far better infrastructure than Afghanistan to operate.

Above all, most of the Iraqis have a much higher degree of hate towards the West, specifically the US, for killing and raping an entire nation.

So worry about Iraq.
"May be it is about time to take responsibility and openly accpet blunders, may be this will make room for a new workable strategy."

Yes. Our failure. Nobody else.

Doesn't matter. Whether ours or anybody else, you can do what you wish. I believe that means Pakstan will support the afghan taliban. I believe it means that India will support the GoA. I believe it means that you'll offer no better solution than civil war because Omar has no intention of sharing power by anybody and intends to obtain his power at the point of a gun.

"With present technology, US should be able to pin pioint the location of Taliban Shura in Quetta but that has not happened yet because there is no shura in Quetta."

Tell me of this technology and why you know that it's employed and has failed. Haqqani is where we thought he was though. Doesn't matter though. Omar's not there then he's somewhere else. Anyway, we don't agree with you. Still, you win. You've protected your asset and he'll have his way in Afghanistan.

"Now Pakistan has done more than any country in the world against Al-Qaeda and is still fighting and succeding against Talibans in SW."

And where were these men killed? Pakistan? Ahh...so you've done nothing more than what might be minimally expected for yourselves. Nobody else. Applause isn't necessary. As to S. Waziristan you only fight whom you must. Pakistan has lifted not a finger ever against forces arrayed on its lands opposed to the afghan government.

Soon they will be back in Afghanistan and so too your "bad taliban" and you may finally learn the value of sanctuary in an insurgency. Or make open war on Afghanistan to defeat such.

"Again, all is not lost yet. Let Pakistan play a much bigger role in Aghanistan and pay attention to the suggestions of Pakistan. Prevent India from harming Pakistan`s interest through Afghanistan and things will change..."

No. You simply need to wait us out. Then when the afghan taliban defeat the GoA and India with your help you can have it all. That is the right course of action. Then you can control the afghan taliban as you did so unsuccessfully before and then you can learn about the true nature of sanctuary for the Pakistani taliban. Do you really believe that the taliban recognize a difference between themselves and the Pakistani taliban? I don't.

After the afghan taliban are in power they'll have no choice but to follow their spiritual inclinations and assist their Pakistani brothers and A.Q. Pakistan will fight war unceasing whether it is the GoA and India or the afghan taliban, Pakistani taliban, and A.Q.

"So worry about Iraq."

Sure. Iraq. Gotcha.

I believe that means Pakstan will support the afghan taliban.

There are no permanent friends and no premanent enemies. If Pakistan work with extremes in Iran and KSA, if Pakistan can work with a communist China then Pakistan can work with Omar too.

Still, you win. You've protected your asset and he'll have his way in Afghanistan.

This is the perception which has so far and will continue to be the cause of failure in Afghanistan.

And where were these men killed? Pakistan? Ahh...so you've done nothing more than what might be minimally expected for yourselves. Nobody else. Applause isn't necessary. As to S. Waziristan you only fight whom you must. Pakistan has lifted not a finger ever against forces arrayed on its lands opposed to the afghan government.

and why should we open all fronts when US soldiers are fighting a war from the comfort a base in Bagram. They should engage the enemies in AFghanista with a force as they are supposed to do. Where isthe political will to have those battles. Calling in jets and drones is one tactic but fighting an enemy face to face is another. Both tactics have their own magnitude of impact on an enemy.

Applause is not required from the US as our soldiers and our martyrs have our support and applause.

Do you really believe that the taliban recognize a difference between themselves and the Pakistani taliban? I don't.

If that is the case then the difference will be that we will have a gov in Afghanistan which will pay attention to our concerns atleast up to a certain degree. Right now the US and Afghanistan are not paying any attention to Pakistan`s concerns.

After the afghan taliban are in power they'll have no choice but to follow their spiritual inclinations and assist their Pakistani brothers and A.Q. Pakistan will fight war unceasing whether it is the GoA and India or the afghan taliban, Pakistani taliban, and A.Q.

Taliban were willing to work against A.Q but it was the American wish to invade Afghanistan and kill both birds with one stone. So it is not necassary that Pakistan will fight A.Q. as Taliban might just do that.
We do want the Hindu Terrorist Col. Prohit of the Indian Army that is responsible for the Samjotha Express Train Bombing that killed 95 Pakistani citizens and injured 150. Hindu terrorism by Indian [Mod Edit] needs to be shared with the UN. Pakistan should continue to execute balancing stratagies to counter Indian terrorist acts.:pakistan::sniper:

Please be careful with the language here. Appreciated.
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"...then Pakistan can work with Omar too."

That was never in doubt.

"...US soldiers are fighting a war from the comfort a base in Bagram."

I thought you knew more than to utter such nonsense.

We've fought battles throughout Afghanistan and to suggest such is intentional duplicity or gross stupidity. Nothing less. Do you need photographic proof? Do you need battle accounts? How about film footage?

Please google if so. If that proves beyond your abilities ask and you shall receive in abundance. While I've no qualms with the fighting spirit of your men I'd caution you in attacking that of ours if you wish a modicum of respect.

You are well off the mark.

As "Bagram", as you callously put it, is your rationale for not opening fronts against the enemies of Afghanistan harbored upon your lands, your assertion is falliciously based. Try harder or simply admit that it wasn't in your interests to attack your proxies when they held such a useful purpose. Most Americans understand that perfectly as we've borne witness and suffered the implications of that choice for seven years.

"Calling in jets and drones is one tactic but fighting an enemy face to face is another."

As though your jets and attack helicopters aren't daily in your Waziri skies? Please stop with the grandstanding. It serves no purpose and I know far too well how your battles are fought. They very much include all the firepower you're capable of mustering without denuding your eastern flank.

"Right now the US and Afghanistan are not paying any attention to Pakistan`s concerns."

I won't speak for the afghan government but to say that they've no reason to be concerned with a country that harbors its enemies other than to decide how best to fight you.

As for America, billions of aid must grow on trees. Either it was never needed from your callousness and you've simply bilked us or it was absolutely necessary and you show your gratitude in unusual ways given your comment.

"If that is the case then the difference will be that we will have a gov in Afghanistan which will pay attention to our concerns..."

You will attempt to have a puppet as before. You will fail as before. That will be your concern. So too the consequences.

"Taliban were willing to work against A.Q but it was the American wish to invade Afghanistan and kill both birds with one stone. So it is not necassary that Pakistan will fight A.Q. as Taliban might just do that."

Delusional, sir. All of your comment but that will be for Pakistan to experience foremost. Others will suffer too if we withdraw and events unfold as I foresee. None more so than Pakistan.

I look forward to our withdrawal. I know you do too.

We do want the Hindu Terrorist Col. Prohit of the Indian Army that is responsible for the Samjotha Express Train Bombing that killed 95 Pakistani citizens and injured 150. Hindu terrorism by Indian bastards needs to be shared with the UN. Pakistan should continue to execute balancing stratagies to counter Indian terrorist acts.:pakistan::sniper:

On July 1, 2009 the United States Treasury and UNSC put sanctions on Pakistan-based terrorist organization, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba and named Arif Qasmani and three other terrorists as conspirators of the Samjauta blasts

For you information, Prohit was added as suspect in the samjota express for the sole reason that the assembling of the suitcase was done in Indore. Indore is a famous city in India for your information. Prohit is guilty in Malegoan blast and not in samjota express. As per Indian IB, it is Arif Qasmani responsible for attack.
Again bania style blame game,

Pakistan have better human right record and credibility then India .Indian caste system , masacare of 10 million un born baby girls, killing of 80000 Kashmiri independence movement supporters, discrimination record for minorities are all plus points of world biggest democracy.

Now every body know that TTP have indian and israeli weapons and full support of RAW and Mosad.

If this your democracy we dont want this democracy in our country.

Well, i am not talking about indian poverty, but indian forgien policy and stand, which clearly stands against any terrorist activities.You hav been trying to exagerate our development issues, which have no stake in indian forgien policy with regards to terrorism.

And brother, india of 1947 where we had much more evil practices is not the india of of 2009, the strength of our demoracy shows in our growth and the freedom that we have here to express our thoughts here. If you don't like that good for you brother.. coz we know demoracy cannot be equated with complete eradication of poverty to a platform and system where one can work freely to eradicate the same and i am sure that we will achieve that very soon.

Any way i read it news that Pakistan have given evidence to CIA, lets see what comes out of it or whether we will hear anything about it further.
I am not crying dude, I was just telling you how people see things other way around when they are at the facing end.

I wish Pakistan all the best and hope (I am sure) they will win very soon.

And if you consider this as proof then no problem but hopefully you have the same standards when we show you similar proof. I am pretty sure we can get 100 terrorist sing their story of stay in Pakistan and interaction with armed forces (Kasab is just one such case which got highlighted). I have seen many videos where surrendered Kashimir militants have told stories about their visit to Pakistan.

The problem with Pakistan in providing proof is that they have refuted similar proof from India in the past. I now understand why it is taking so long for them to show proof.

They need to find something which India has not found against them.

Admission should come from both sides, it cannot be one way traffic.

Stop this nonsense of urs and in general all the indians cannot digest the fact that Pakistan is a independant state they still think as a part of india which is totally wrong and pathatic.

I know since day one that it's india who behind Balochistan saga and in fata too these rats of Raw must be teach a leason they must be killed in a chowk in my opinion.

I am sick and tired of these indians guys useless post.
Stop this nonsense of urs and in general all the indians cannot digest the fact that Pakistan is a independant state they still think as a part of india which is totally wrong and pathatic.

I know since day one that it's india who behind Balochistan saga and in fata too these rats of Raw must be teach a leason they must be killed in a chowk in my opinion.

I am sick and tired of these indians guys useless post.

Hey we have all grown up seeing pakistan as a seperate country and a potential enmey. So your perception doesnt give the correct picture of indians thought process.
Hey we have all grown up seeing pakistan as a seperate country and a potential enmey. So your perception doesnt give the correct picture of indians thought process.

No what I said before is the reality of today in all the indians that's why indian people specially indian security agencies specially RAW with the help of Masood or Israel agency is trying to make Pakistan destabalze so they can make a case that Pakistan cannot protect himself so how can he be able to safeguard it's nuclear assests.

That's the main game which is being played here and Indian agencies sucks big time that I can smell their bloody and evil smell here.
Hey we have all grown up seeing pakistan as a seperate country and a potential enmey. So your perception doesnt give the correct picture of indians thought process.

doesnt mean that indians dont have ill feeling towards creation and existance of Pakistan. indians are brainwashed propaganda about Jinnah saab also.

in the end, it doesnt matter since the average Pakistani doesnt care about anything that has to do with indian. But still, its interesting to see how bitter indians are. Some of them have wet dreams about "reunification" and its hard not to laugh at such discussion (mostly on your bharat rhakshtakat)

look at us. We lost land in 71. And we still enjoy very warm relations with Dhaka.
We've fought battles throughout Afghanistan and to suggest such is intentional duplicity or gross stupidity. Nothing less. Do you need photographic proof? Do you need battle accounts? How about film footage?

And where were these men killed? Pakistan? Ahh...so you've done nothing more than what might be minimally expected for yourselves. Nobody else. Applause isn't necessary.

If I will read such comments then my response will have no limits. This ungreatful attitude of the American govt. and public has got to stop. Pakistan have made countless sacrificies to prevent attacks on the US soil and Pakistan will continue to do so in its own interest and in the interest of its un-thankful allies.

I won't speak for the afghan government but to say that they've no reason to be concerned with a country that harbors its enemies other than to decide how best to fight you.

Afghans are their own worst enemies besides they harbour our enemies and terrorists in their country and not the other way around. Some anti-Afghan elements are in our border region but they are not supported by the GoP, PA or the Pakistani masses.

As for America, billions of aid must grow on trees. Either it was never needed from your callousness and you've simply bilked us or it was absolutely necessary and you show your gratitude in unusual ways given your comment.

Your billions are only a fraction of our GDP and our financial losses are far greater than your assistance so save it for someone who cares. Pakistan survived the entire 90s without your help and will do so again if there is a need.

With all that Pakistanis still hate the US; sad part is that educated and experienced people like yourself don't ask the US dept of State for reasons for such a shameful diplomatic failure.

I once asked a friend of mine from TX, about the reasons for the US support to Israel. He named all the hospitals, educational and public welfare institute supported by the Jews in US and then he asked me to name a few supported by Muslims in general and Arabs in specific, I couldn't come up with one.

So instead of glowing in the light of minor US Aid, spend time pondering about how many hospitals and eductaional institues are supported by the US in Pakistan. What have the US done to win public support in Pakistan?

Delusional, sir. All of your comment but that will be for Pakistan to experience foremost. Others will suffer too if we withdraw and events unfold as I foresee. None more so than Pakistan.

Only time will tell my friend.

Have a nice weekend or whatever is left of it. :tup:
I agree with you.

There is a huge gap between the persepectives of Pakistanis and Americans. If Pakistan raises a genuine issue regarding the insurgency in Balochistan and rest of the country then our American allies spent hours explaining to us that we are wrong and there is nothing to worry about.

Each and every evidence meets refute by the Americans and each and every evidence from the Indian side is accepted. The reason is not the credibility of evidence rather which side is presnting the argument.

Soon a time will come when educated Pakistanis will start to hate Americans with the same passion which is demonstrated by their uneducated countrymen. This will be a loss for both the US and Pakistan but it will be a much greater loss for the US.

Pakistan have tried a diplomatic and defensive approach but I believe that now is the time to prove that best defence is offense. Lets unearth those Kahalistan files and let the Kashmiris teach Indian Army the lesson which they have already forgotten.
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