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India pressures Iran on Chahbahar port


Nov 5, 2009
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India pressures Iran on key port - India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India wants to speed up its development of the Chahbahar port, and will push the Iranian government this week to put its facilitation on fast track.

Shamsuddin Husseini, the Iranian economic and finance minister, will lead a delegation of mainly economic and energy department officials for the India-Iran joint commission, which takes place here ON July 8-9. The Indian side will be led by foreign minister S M Krishna. The Iranian visit comes days after the US signed a tough set of sanctions against Tehran, which followed UN sanctions and a more difficut set of sanctions from the EU.

Although the Chahbahar port has been an Indian project for some time, the Iranian side has been notoriously lax in keeping to its end of the bargain.

The port is strategically important -- serving as the entry point for India's outreach into Afghanistan and Central Asia, bypassing Pakistan. For this purpose, India also spent a lot of money and human lives to build the Zaranj-Delaram road in Afghanistan's Nimroz province, which was intended to link up with the Chahbahar port. But establishing those linkages turned out to be more difficult than India imagined. The political situation in Iran over the past year has scarcely helped.

The importance of Chahbahar is heightened with signs that Pakistan may work out some sort of power-sharing arrangement between Kabul and the Taliban that could ensure a US exit. It's a prospect that everybody in the region is working actively towards despite US protestations that it wasn't prepared to leave Afghanistan that soon.

It means that Iran and India once again have to work together on Afghanistan, if they want to limit or act as a check on Taliban-Pakistan power. In the past few years, Iran has reportedly developed some links with the Taliban, particularly as it battles a growing drug problem imported from Afghanistan. But a radical Sunni government in Kabul is not among Iran's favourite options.

In a future arrangement, Iran will definitely exercise its influence in western Afghanistan, influence that it has carefully nurtured in the past few years, as has India in a variety of other spheres.

But if India is to maintain a toehold in Afghanistan, Chahbahar becomes very important. Of course, Chahbahar would be equally important to the US logistics supply chain, if the US and Iran could manage to work out some kind of a relationship, because it would give the US a breather from the Pakistani stranglehold of its supplies into Afghanistan. As a senior official observed ruefully, "Its actually in India's interest to get US and Iran talking to each other."

Recent estimates say the Iranian system is becoming more militarised, with the Revolutionary Guards becoming ever more powerful. Its unclear what they think of these strategic moves.

The joint commission will also discuss other areas of cooperation between India and Iran, particularly in the fields of agriculture, pharmaceuticals and mining.

Though the Iran gas pipeline may not happen anytime soon, and India will probably be one of the first countries to enforce UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, evolving geopolitics ensure a close relationship between the two countries.
Nice move.. hope the project completes fast!!
i dont think the Iranians really trust hindustan atm. And besides what good will the port do if Iran is under such heavy sanctions? Oh yeah, I'm sure the U.S. will use Iran's ports for logistics purposes. Of all countries :lol::lol::lol:

p.s. Gwadar is situated in a much more strategic location. :pakistan:
It will be good for our maintaining a foothold in friendly south asian countries including Afganistan and aiding their development
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There is take picture button in the forum. click it and smile like this :D. it takes picture of urs and automatically makes it ur avatar..

Lol just jocking

Search for a button called usercp -scroll to change avtar and upload one from harddisk or choose one from the list.
Nice move.. hope the project completes fast!!

I think this proves more than anything else that India is planning for it future role in Afghanistan by keeping in mind all the possibilities. The most evident of which is that the ISAF will withdraw in 2011-12 leaving Pak with an upper hand in Afghan affairs. This port along with the Markhor base will help India gain access to Afghanistan and protect its assets without any Pakistani interferences.

But I see American influence on India's relations with Iran as the biggest hurdle in utilizing this port to it full potential.
There is take picture button in the forum. click it and smile like this :D. it takes picture of urs and automatically makes it ur avatar..

Lol just jocking

Search for a button called usercp -scroll to change avtar and upload one from harddisk or choose one from the list.
Where is that button lol?
PLZZZ tell me
i dont think the Iranians really trust hindustan atm. And besides what good will the port do if Iran is under such heavy sanctions? Oh yeah, I'm sure the U.S. will use Iran's ports for logistics purposes. Of all countries :lol::lol::lol:

p.s. Gwadar is situated in a much more strategic location. :pakistan:

May be you read the article in haste. The article doesnt talk about US using the port. It talks about India using it to access Afghanistan. A kindergarten kid can tell u that there's no chance that US or NATO will ever have access to this port. That was a no-brainer.

But yes, India's relations with Iran dont really work in a vacuum. US exerts tremendous pressure in this regard.
i dont think the Iranians really trust hindustan atm. And besides what good will the port do if Iran is under such heavy sanctions? Oh yeah, I'm sure the U.S. will use Iran's ports for logistics purposes. Of all countries :lol::lol::lol:

p.s. Gwadar is situated in a much more strategic location. :pakistan:

where did US come from to use this port ?? :confused:
Its built by India and its for India to use...please read the article again.
If India tries to establish a significant military position in Afghanistan post ISAF, its forces will become the new Taliban target. This is a highly inadvisable course for the Indian government to take. They cannot come close to doing what NATO and dozens of countries put together have thus-far failed at.

The recent change of heart Karzai seems to be having, with the sacking of pro Northern Alliance officials, the announcement regarding Afghan military officials being trained in Pakistan and the more conciliatory tone towards Pakhtun groups, seems to imply that allowing or encouraging India to gain a toehold in Afghanistan will serve his interests either.
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