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India plotted to 'Invade Bangladesh' in 1975.

Huh??...What are you referencing???

Ok let me put it in this way...

"Saved you" or rather "helped to save you"...means the same...

Hope this resolves your comprehension problem...
Jeez,you're indeed a troll :blah:
not worth wasting time replying your crap.
Jeez,you're indeed a troll :blah:
not worth wasting time replying your crap.

Seriously??...is that' the best you could come up with after you got no response to our rational argument...??

Well, next time take a good read in your very own history...before you blow your crap
Seriously??...is that' the best you could come up with after you got no response to our rational argument...??

Well, next time take a good read in your very own history...before you blow your crap

Ok so what's your version of history?
India joined the party at the very last moment,not to save us but to save themselves.
Ok so what's your version of history?
India joined the party at the very last moment,not to save us but to save themselves.

Huh?? well My boy, I aint got any version of history, and in fact
if you dint know its actually both our country's history however, more so about your country...

As I have advised you earlier and still now stands to...is, please take a good read of your country's history...
as well as check for other relevant with verifiable sources before you come out to state your facts...

Anyways...I am off to bed...have a good night...
Monday, August 05, 2013 - Islamabad—A startling revelation that Hindustan wanted to invade Bangladesh in 1975 to install there her own choice government appears in a new book ‘The Bangladesh Military Coup and the CIA Link’ by B Z Khasru editor Capital Express New York, to be published shortly.

When Gen Ziaur Rahman emerged as a virtual ruler in Bandladesh following several bloody coups in 1975, he informed United States of an impending Hindustani invasion of Bangladesh. New Delhi, the book says, wanted to install government of her choice in Dhaka.

The Blue part shows a speculation by Gen Ziaur Rahman without stating the reason for such speculation. His Govt. was in terrible shape, and maybe he wanted USA’s help to save himself from Bangladeshis.

The invasion fear spiraled so high that Gen Zia made a radio call to his nation to be ready to confront the attack. It was an intense moment for the people of Bangladesh.

Only 38 years ago; is there anyone who heard the radio transmission? If yes, then why it is a “startling revelation” now?

“The public mood in Dhaka reflected a total reversal of the sentiment at the end of the Bangladesh war in 1971 when the sentiment was explicitly anti-Pakistani and secular. Following the November 1975 events, the attitude turned explicitly pro-Pakistani, pro-Islamic, pro-American and pro-West” says an excerpt of the book.

This public mood in Dhaka reflected a total reversal of the sentiment at the end of the Bangladesh war in 1971 when the sentiment was explicitly anti-Pakistani and secular. Following the November 1975 events, the attitude turned explicitly pro-Pakistani, pro-Islamic, pro-American and pro-West.

Only Bangladeshis can confirm if they were explicitly pro-Pakistani, pro-Islamic, pro-American and pro-West.

In order to blunt the invasion, Gen Ziaur Rahman sent his acting foreign secretary Mr Nazrul Islam to seek US support to discourage New Delhi. Islam was to request that “America convey Bangladesh’s feelings regarding the possible Indian move to China and Pakistan so that they could mobilize support from the Muslim countries. Accordingly, Islam asked Irving G. Cheslaw, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires in Dhaka, for support to checkmate any Indian invasion.

Fishy; in 1971 Pakistan was killing Bangladeshis and US & China were supporting them....

As Islam talked with Cheslaw in Dhaka, the U.S. consul general in Kolkata discussed the events in Bangladesh with Ashok Gupta, West Bengal chief secretary, and Gen. J.F. R. Jacob, Eastern Command deputy chief, at a Soviet reception. Gupta described the Bangladesh situation as worrisome. Fighting was still going on there, and Dhaka’s air was thick with anti-Indian slogans”, says the excerpt. Meanwhile Mahbubul Alam Chashi, principal secretary to Bangladesh President A. M. Sayem,” telephoned Davis E. Boster, U.S. ambassador in Dhaka, to seek assurance from the United States with respect to any external threat.”

“Boster informed the State Department that “although Chashi’s formulation was vague, what he clearly had in mind was assurance from us that we would help deter India from intervening in the current situation.”

Responding to Bangladesh’s request, the State Department “instructed the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka on 8 November 1975 to deliver a message pledging American support. The message said the Bangladesh government’s “requests for our support during this unsettled period have received urgent and careful attention in Washington. We support the independence of Bangladesh and want to carry on the close and cooperative relations we have had with previous governments in Dacca. We will continue to be sympathetic to Bangladesh’s needs and concerns.”

On 8 November, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told the U.S. ambassador in New Delhi to meet with External Affairs Minister Y.B. Chavan or Foreign Secretary Kewal Singh to seek a high-level Indian assessment of the situation in Bangladesh and convey the message that the United States supported an independent Bangladesh.

Singh assured the American that New Delhi had no intention of interfering in Bangladesh affairs. How Bangladesh ran its government was its affair. But if its policies created problems or hurt Indian interests, then “India must express its concern.” He believed Zia knew of India’s views.

So this was India's reply, this should end any speculation.

Zia panicked for the second time on the night of 23 November when he feared India was about to attack Bangladesh. At 0:30 a.m., he went on the radio appealing for the nation’s unity in “this fatefulhour.”

The military regime took the threat so seriously that it sent a secret envoy to Pakistan to seek Prime Minister Z. A. Bhutto’s help to fend off the Indian attack.

Again, why did he panicked; nightmare? Sorry, but I couldn't find anything concrete here apart from couple of panic attacks. Not enough to malign another country.

@ In 1965, the East Pakistan had probably 4 x Brigrade, they were deplopyed as follows :

1. ! x Brigade at Rangpur Area covering whole of Rajshahi Division.
2. ! x Brigade at Jessore Area covering Khulna Division.
3. 1 x Brigade at Dacca covering Mymensingh, Tangail and Dacca itself.
4. 1 x Brigade at Commilla covering Sylhet and Chittagong.

Besides during that times there were huge numbers of Mujahids and Answeres were recruited. Pakistan Eastern Air Force had only squdron of Sabre Jet. It was true that Pakistan high command neglected the security of East Pakistan. Infact their policy was that the "Security of East Pakistan lies on the Western Sector". They gave more importance in the West than East.

@ But still I will say India never dared to attack in Eastern Sector rather they did not had that capability to fight in two sectors ??? Comparatively Indian army was inferior than Pakistan Army in those days.

And within 6 years Indian Army had all the capabilities to fight a war in two fronts and defeat "superior" Pakistani forces in both the fronts.

Why this revealed 35 years latter ? any one could revealed it earlier . to me why they did think about but didn't was two one there were internal disturbance and two they knew their balls .

Oh dear, though Pakistan was defeated by us multiple times; still they do have some military power to talk about "balls"....Bangladesh doesn't! Not then, not now. Please come back to reality.

We saved ourselves,india just helped us.
show up late and take all the credits,that's india :D

Read history, we were there since the beginning supporting BDs with training, weapons, strategy, planning, intel, launching operation from India…….in every possible manner.

@ I was talking about the 1965 war. During that period Pakistan Army was in better position. Reasons are given below:

1. Comparatively Pakistan Army were well motivated.
2. India had to fight a war with China and was defeated hence their morale was low.
3. Pakistan Army was well trained by the NATO and their armament and equipment were re-organized in line with Western countries.
4. Pakistan had a Defence Pact with USA.
5. Pakistan had a Defence Pact with Australia and she received lot of military and Economic aid.
6. Pakistan was the member of CENTO.
7. Pakistan was the member of SEATO.
8. Pakistan had a good military undewrstanding with Iran and Indonesia.
9. By this times Pakistan had already made a road link with China via Karakoram High ways.

On the other hand Indian Army was still in line with the British colonial lines. It was said that at that time the fire power of one Pakistani Battalion is equevalent to three Battalion.

What you are analyzing is not a future scenario; it is history. Hence, there is nothing to speculate here. Pakistan started the 1965 war with an operational objective of occupying Kashmir, later they were found to be fighting for saving Lahore from getting occupied by India.

@ " Operation Gibraltar " was hurriedly planned by the immatured politician Z A Butto. During those days Butto had an tremendous influence on General Ayub. Bhutto had a close link with China for which Ayub was dependant on him.

@ In those days there were an accute shortage of RR and MG 's in the Indian Infantry Battalion. At that time Pakistani Battalion had 2 x RR, 2xMG's in each Company where as Indian had only one. Besides the Pakistani Division had one Division Support Battalion which India did not had. All these information are there in the Military books written by Indian Generals itself. So, you got the point. At present I cannot remember the name of the books but some points are there in "Inside Raw" written by Ashook Raina".

@ Look, my dear friend, India got her Army intact from the British so their organization were still in line with Second World War. India also did not pay that importance to their army due to the policy of Nehru. Nehru always believed in Non-aligned Movement. On the order hand Pakistan received nothing and quickly re-organized their Army. Pakistan got lot of Armament from the Korean war of 1952-54. Since Indian army was so big so it was difficult to re-organize the army so quickly. You just cannot throw the old equipments in a day !!!!

@ Definitely it helped Pakistan to a great extend but the problem was India was not a Communist country. There was a clause in CENTO and SEATO that if any of the member countries is been attacked by comuinist country only then they will come to defend. About the defence pact with America, Pakistan thought that America will help them if India attacks Pakistan, on the other hand in those days America needs some friendly country in South Asia for logistical support to Vietnam and also to contain the spread of Socialism or Communism.

@ Indonesia helped Pakistan in 1965 War. I heard that some of the American origin Fighter Aircraft joint the war in favour of Pakistan. Many Iranian military nurses and airhostages came to help Pakistan.

And all that couldn't help Pakistan to secure a victory.

@ Definitely we are now much much more stronger than before. We had been joining in the UN forces since 1987 it is almost now 26 years old. We have bought lot of armaments and equipments as per UN requirement. But India has joined the UN force on that day. Presently we are the highest UN Peace keeper contributor.

@ Look, India had been sponsering the "Chakma Shanti Bahini" since 1974 in Chittagong Hill Tracts but our military had fought back.

@ India had been helping Kader Siddique and his terrorist force since 1975 once Sk Mujib was killed. Our army fought back bravely and their mission was failed. and so on------

Link please. And some credible ones please.

STOP thrashing India with such unwarranted claims...
SO,we did "help" in saving it even after being an "inferior army"...if that makes u a happy man
and the least you could be is THANKFUL..

Sorry mate, that word is not in Bangladeshi dictionaries.

I didn't said anything about "inferior army".
We are grateful for the the help,but you can't just say "we saved you" that disrespects our martyrs.
India came to scene when PA weakened and smelling defeat.

As I said before, India was there from the beginning, you didn’t fight it with sticks & stones. Indian military directly intervened later; when we understood that without direct military intervention this genocide can't be stopped. A trained professional military was the only solution against the trained professional military of Pakistan. No disrespect to Bangladesh’s martyrs, but mostly they were civilians fighting against a trained professional military.

Ok so what's your version of history?
India joined the party at the very last moment,not to save us but to save themselves.

What? Pakistani soldiers were killing & raping Bangladeshis, not us.
As I said before, India was there from the beginning, you didn’t fight it with sticks & stones. Indian military directly intervened later; when we understood that without direct military intervention this genocide can't be stopped. A trained professional military was the only solution against the trained professional military of Pakistan. No disrespect to Bangladesh’s martyrs, but mostly they were civilians fighting against a trained professional military.

What? Pakistani soldiers were killing & raping Bangladeshis, not us.
The bold part is an utter lie.
They didn't intervene to save us,but to save themselves.
Pakistan's 3 December 1971 preemptive strike on 11 Indian airbases, which led to India's entry into the Bangladesh Liberation War.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The bold part is an utter lie.
They didn't intervene to save us,but to save themselves.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the same source:

The Indian government repeatedly appealed to the international community, but failing to elicit any response,[48] Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on 27 March 1971 expressed full support of her government for the independence struggle of the people of East Pakistan. The Indian leadership under Prime Minister Gandhi quickly decided that it was more effective to end the genocide by taking armed action against Pakistan than to simply give refuge to those who made it across to refugee camps.[46] Exiled East Pakistan army officers and members of the Indian Intelligence immediately started using these camps for recruitment and training of Mukti Bahini guerrillas.[49]

The mood in West Pakistan had also turned increasingly jingoistic and militaristic against East Pakistan and India. By the end of September, an organised propaganda campaign, possibly orchestrated by elements within the Government of Pakistan, resulted in stickers proclaiming Crush India becoming a standard feature on the rear windows of vehicles in Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore and soon spread to the rest of West Pakistan. By October, other stickers proclaimed Hang the Traitor in an apparent reference to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

As I said, we were there since the beginning, and fully knowing that this will end up in a war. So this was not about "Saving Ourselves" that we got involved in the war of 1971. In fact, we risked a war with China and military intervention by USA for this....knowingly.

Besides, we also took millions of refugees from Bangladesh. Acknowledging the help & support Bangladesh received during her times of need won't make her small.

By November, war seemed inevitable. Throughout November, thousands of people led by West Pakistani politicians marched in Lahore and across West Pakistan, calling for Pakistan to Crush India.[51][52] India responded by starting a massive buildup of Indian forces on the border with East Pakistan. The Indian military waited until December, when the drier ground would make for easier operations and Himalayan passes would be closed by snow, preventing any Chinese intervention. On 23 November, Yahya Khan declared a state of emergency in all of Pakistan and told his people to prepare for war.[53]

On the evening of 3 December Sunday, at about 5:40 pm,[54] the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) launched a pre-emptive strike on eleven airfields in north-western India, including Agra which was 300 miles (480 km) from the border. At the time of this attack the Taj Mahal was camouflaged with a forest of twigs and leaves and draped with burlap because its marble glowed like a white beacon in the moonlight.[55]

This preemptive strike known as Operation Chengiz Khan, was inspired by the success of Israeli Operation Focus in the Arab-Israeli Six Day War. But, unlike the Israeli attack on Arab airbases in 1967 which involved a large number of Israeli planes, Pakistan flew no more than 50 planes to India.[56][57]

In an address to the nation on radio that same evening, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi held that the air strikes were a declaration of war against India[58][59] and the Indian Air Force responded with initial air strikes that very night. These air strikes were expanded to massive retaliatory air strikes the next morning and thereafter which followed interceptions by Pakistanis anticipating this action.[4][14]

This marked the official start of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi ordered the immediate mobilisation of troops and launched the full-scale invasion. This involved Indian forces in a massive coordinated air, sea, and land assault. Indian Air Force started flying sorties against Pakistan from midnight.[14][21][55] The main Indian objective on the western front was to prevent Pakistan from entering Indian soil. There was no Indian intention of conducting any major offensive into West Pakistan.

As I said, we knew from the beginning that ultimately war will be inevitable; it was not the case that we got involved because Pakistan launched an air raid, it was just the beginning of an expected war.

One hell of a way to discredit a nation who helped you when you needed it the most. Even if you consider us enemies........self-respecting people don't do this even to the enemies.
From the same source:

As I said, we were there since the beginning, and fully knowing that this will end up in a war. So this was not about "Saving Ourselves" that we got involved in the war of 1971. In fact, we risked a war with China and military intervention by USA for this....knowingly.

Besides, we also took millions of refugees from Bangladesh. Acknowledging the help & support Bangladesh received during her times of need won't make her small.

As I said, we knew from the beginning that ultimately war will be inevitable; it was not the case that we got involved because Pakistan launched an air raid, it was just the beginning of an expected war.

One hell of a way to discredit a nation who helped you when you needed it the most. Even if you consider us enemies........self-respecting people don't do this even to the enemies.
China got blocked by winter,USA didn't do anything because of soviet.
They knew what they were doing.
BTW,I do give half credit to india but your country man thinks they did something like superman does. :coffee:
China got blocked by winter,USA didn't do anything because of soviet.
They knew what they were doing.
BTW,I do give half credit to india but your country man thinks they did something like superman does. :coffee:

Thanks!! DRAY...Really appreciate your efforts...
You couldn't prove me wrong,pathetic noob troll.

STOP contradicting your statements...
First u call me a smart as$ and just after that u call me a pathetic noob troll...Then u call me a grandad and then a 8 eight year old...:hitwall: I mean...stand to what you at least say boy

Even when u started with the thread u said India showed up late and never came to save you but themselves and as well as statements like India came to scene when PA
weakened and smelling defeat India took all the credit
and NOW in the end u stated that I give half credit to India... India never claimed saying we are taking full credit?? ...All our Indians on PDF including me were saying that India did help in saving Bangladesh...

Anyways...hope you had a good learn of your history...
Stop contradicting your statements...First u call me a smart as$, then u say I am pathetic noob troll...The u call me a grandad and then a 8 eight year old...:hitwall:

Even when u started with the thread u said India shows up late and took all the credit and NOW u say that I give half credit to India...

So well...you are not even sure what the hell you stating and then just dumping your garbage...
Hey mr.confused
Look at the previous page who provoked,it was you.
You acted like a dada,gave me a lecture to learn my own history.I asked you to prove me wrong but you dumped another truck of garbage.
and it was you that called me 8 years old.
now hit the wall as much as you can.
Hey mr.confused
Look at the previous page who provoked,it was you.
You acted like a dada,gave me a lecture to learn my own history.I asked you to prove me wrong but you dumped another truck of garbage.
and it was you that called me 8 years old.
now hit the wall as much as you can.

From smart as$ to gran dad, then 8 year old, to pathetic noob troll then to Mr. confused...Instead I should be provoked but its either way around...Damm...lower your BP boy other wise you ll blow Ur brains someday very soon...Well if u think ur history is garbage... then as I said I care less...
China got blocked by winter,USA didn't do anything because of soviet.
They knew what they were doing.
BTW,I do give half credit to india but your country man thinks they did something like superman does. :coffee:

Winter could only make it harder for China, not impossible. And USA was considering about sending a carrier fleet....we were not really 100% sure, but took our chances. As the saying goes; Fortune Favors the Brave.

And thanks for giving half-credit; you are the last man in Bangladesh to do so! The way conspiracy theories are popping up in Bangladesh; give it another 30-40 years, and your history books will say that India massacred Bangladeshis in 1971 and Pakistan helped you. Not sure whether this is the situation there already. :undecided:
Winter could only make it harder for China, not impossible. And USA was considering about sending a carrier fleet....we were not really 100% sure, but took our chances. As the saying goes; Fortune Favors the Brave.

And thanks for giving half-credit; you are the last man in Bangladesh to do so! The way conspiracy theories are popping up in Bangladesh; give it another 30-40 years, and your history books will say that India massacred Bangladeshis in 1971 and Pakistan helped you. Not sure whether this is the situation there already. :undecided:

Well DRAY I can certainly sense that already...Look at the paranoia from Bangladeshis
is @Loki offline now a days.. :)
@kalu_miah.. loki is the best intl mod, not like other intl mods who dont tolerate anything against their country (iran, turk and arab)...
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