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India plans to deploy 100,000 more troops on China border

China is building & strengthening military infrastructure across the border with India. Hence, India should maintain parity of strength and credible deterrence on the borders. This doesn't escalate the tension, rather reduce the chance of war as both side know that losses will be too heavy in case of any conflict with a well-prepared adversary.

1962 war wouldn't have happened, if India didn't allow China to have close to 10:1 advantage over Indian troops on the borders. Both Nehru & the then defense minister Krishna Menon weren't military minded persons, there were several reports from army & intelligence that China was increasing the troops on borders, Lt-General Thorat submitted a detailed report on China's plan & counter-measures. But all fell in deaf ears. Nehru strongly "believed" that China would "Never" attack India, and he kept on chanting the slogan "Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai" (Indians & Chinese are brothers). End result, China saw a clear opportunity and used it.

Any military (at least most sensible armies) evaluate the enemy strength, probability of win, and expected losses before engaging the enemy. So, when there is enmity, don't allow your enemy any opportunity by showing unpreparedness at any moment, because such unpreparedness & imbalance of strength will encourage enemies to misadventure. Maintaining parity of strength is very crucial for lasting peace....and then consider dialogues to resolve the differences. A war between China & India will only benefit the west.
India must get into an arms race with China. She will not be considered a superpower without proper firepower!
India must get into an arms race with China. She will not be considered a superpower without proper firepower!

Armed forces modernisation is a planned development and all procurements go according to those plans albeit very slowly, but everything is laid out.

We are no big hurry, a couple of hundred thousand troops, good infra, a couple of decent landing strips with chinese borders is enough for them.
Which soldiers? The soldiers who ran away to save their life in Nanking from Japaneses soldier leaving innocent girls for Japaneses to rape? They are worth Nothing. Our police will caught them & put them in jail. We shall use them as labor to build bunker on Chinese border.

I only know that Rap City in india:rofl:

Your Manpower & size were many time more than Japanese. What happened in Nanking?
Same to your 100,000 more troops :omghaha:
Which soldiers? The soldiers who ran away to save their life in Nanking from Japaneses soldier leaving innocent girls for Japaneses to rape? They are worth Nothing. Our police will caught them & put them in jail. We shall use them as labor to build bunker on Chinese border.

Your Manpower & size were many time more than Japanese. What happened in Nanking?

No need.that was trolling.Nanking was disgusting and sad tragedy man.
Which soldiers? The soldiers who ran away to save their life in Nanking from Japaneses soldier leaving innocent girls for Japaneses to rape? They are worth Nothing. Our police will caught them & put them in jail. We shall use them as labor to build bunker on Chinese border.

Your Manpower & size were many time more than Japanese. What happened in Nanking?

You couldn't be more pathetic. What you have written is a shame. You are the one who deserves to be the Chinese in Nanking or the Jew in Germany. Such ill minded people should be banned from this community.
India can send as many men as it like to within its recognized border, but China will react accordingly to its sovereign security needs.
Deployment of 100,000 troops?? I thought I heard this last year too...

I heard of this a few years ago in this forum. Actually, since I joined, India has been raising 100,000 troops along the Chinese border annually. So they should have more than 400,000 strike corps soldiers along the border by now.

This is where I stopped reading.

Heard of Arunachal Pradesh ? Aksai Chin ?

Chumbi Valley ?

Isn't Aksai Chin completely under China's administration? So how can India defend something that is under China's administration?
I heard of this a few years ago in this forum. Actually, since I joined, India has been raising 100,000 troops along the Chinese border annually. So they should have more than 400,000 strike corps soldiers along the border by now.

The Indian regime should send more men into the mountains waiting for the day they can die for another forward policy failure enacted by their oppressors, before they die at young age due to malnutrition.It costs them millions even under Indian poor standards to supply all these useless troops up in the hills.

We have nothing to worry about. They can worry about China all day.
China keeps progressing. Indian total collapse will be fastened. Indians can brag in believe they can keep China at bay.

Win Win
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