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India plans to deploy 100,000 more troops on China border

Good job, Indian soldiers,

Never, ever, ever step back any inche. If you step back 0.1 inche, they will ask for 1 inche. if you step back 1km, they will ask for 10 km. If you step back 10km, they will ask for 100km.

Stand still and be fair. Don't take our neighboor Chinese land but... never ever let them step on your land.
Good job, Indian soldiers,

Never, ever, ever step back any inche. If you step back 0.1 inche, they will ask for 1 inche. if you step back 1km, they will ask for 10 km. If you step back 10km, they will ask for 100km.

Stand still and be fair. Don't take our neighboor Chinese land but... never ever let them step on your land.

hey, what a problem here viet troll? is this contain any business with your viva vietnam here? be careful my Pakistani brothers will KILL you, lengthy talkative viets!!!

it is funny to see pathetic viets and indian flattering each others, it show how lame these people are, both vietnam and india are thugs, trying to rob its neighbors territories such as Pakistan and Cambodia and screaming themselves as if being robbed by us. what a shameless vietnam and india are, these countries indeed makes an exile couple very fit. one day when you dare to touch an inch of my Khmer lands again, vietnam, i swear you that your whole nation will deep in hell fire, we will make you pay hard 4 your greedy to us, yuon!!
hey, what a problem here viet troll? is this contain any business with your viva vietnam here? be careful my Pakistani brothers will KILL you, lengthy talkative viets!!!

it is funny to see pathetic viets and indian flattering each others, it show how lame these people are, both vietnam and india are thugs, trying to rob its neighbors territories such as Pakistan and Cambodia and screaming themselves as if being robbed by us. what a shameless vietnam and india are, these countries indeed makes an exile couple very fit. one day when you dare to touch an inch of my Khmer lands again, vietnam, i swear you that your whole nation will deep in hell fire, we will make you pay hard 4 your greedy to us, yuon!!

Good job, Indian soldiers,

Never, ever, ever step back any inche. If you step back 0.1 inche, they will ask for 1 inche. if you step back 1km, they will ask for 10 km. If you step back 10km, they will ask for 100km.

Stand still and be fair. Don't take our neighboor Chinese land but... never ever let them step on your land.

Why bother with land when we control the water...do your math, what land is for without water?
Why bother with land when we control the water...do your math, what land is for without water?

Firstly any action will affect inflow to Bangladesh too.

Secondly only a few upstreams of the rivers exists there.

Thirdly you dont have the freakin BALLS to do anything on this issue.

So all u can do is play macho in this defence forum.:china::china:

Now Shoo....
Firstly any action will affect inflow to Bangladesh too.

Secondly only a few upstreams of the rivers exists there.

Thirdly you dont have the freakin BALLS to do anything on this issue.

So all u can do is play macho in this defence forum.:china::china:

Now Shoo....

We will decide on which water flow that hurt the most India witout affecting our Bangladesh friend...we're not stupid to hurt our friend, secondly you don't know anything about tributary rivers, third...we own the water and we control it...you can gamble if we have BALLS or not..but your Indians will certainly line up on day with a bottle on hand to pay for water from Tibet...unless you consider yourself as angel without problem of dihydration.

remember this : water =$$$$$$$
We will decide on which water flow that hurt the most India witout affecting our Bangladesh friend...we're not stupid to hurt our friend, secondly you don't know anything about tributary rivers,

You plan to carry it in water bottles? :what:

third...we own the water and we control it...you can gamble if we have BALLS or not..but your Indians will certainly line up on day with a bottle on hand to pay for water from Tibet...unless you consider yourself as angel without problem of dihydration.

remember this : water =$$$$$$$

You can control few of the sources and many main sources of these rivers are inside India (check google if it works there)..

You control that too from there.. must be a great remote control u have to control them.. like having "river pause", "river fasty forward".. river play.. LOL

yeah BLAH BLAH BLAH, mr Internet superman wannabee...:blah:
You plan to carry it in water bottles? :what:

You can control few of the sources and many main sources of these rivers are inside India (check google if it works there)..

You control that too from there.. must be a great remote control u have to control them.. like having "river pause", "river fasty forward".. river play.. LOL

yeah BLAH BLAH BLAH, mr Internet superman wannabee...:blah:

As I expected that the best you Indians can come with as arguments...try harder next time :lol:
As I expected that the best you Indians can come with as arguments...try harder next time :lol:

Nope lets try more , on the basis of same issue and more on same arguments,

I am very much interested in this topic, lets talk.
probably because they had no more room for indian POWs.

now, annother 100k lining up at the border. that is bad news. china has to build camps for much more indian POWs..


That we have seen your Viet war.. Vietnam boys (even girls:rofl:) crushed your so called army and took prisoners...if you want any count go and google it..
I think Vietnam friends are building larger camps for you guys.. Now get off
Immediately the Chinese Political Commissar, with a section of Infantry came to the centre of the Pass where Lt. Col Rai Singh, CO 2 Grenadiers was standing with his commando platoon. The Commissar asked Lt Col Rai Singh to stop laying the wire. Orders to the Indian Army were clear. They were not to blink. An argument started which soon built up into a scuffle. In the ensuing melee, the commissar got roughed up. Thereafter the Chinese went up back to their bunkers and engineers resumed laying the wire.Within a few minutes of this, a whistle was heard on the Chinese side followed by murderous medium machine gun fire from north shoulder. The pass is completely devoid of cover and the jawans of 70 Field Company and 18 Rajput were caught in the open and suffered heavy casualties included Col Rai Singh who was wounded. He was awarded MVC later. Two brave officers – Capt Dagar of 2 Grenadiers and Major Harbhajan Singh of 18 Rajput rallied a few troops and tried to assault the Chinese MMG but both died a heroic death.
LOL..... the Indians got their buttocks handed to them again. Indian company completely wiped out!

Within half an hour, Chinese artillery opened up on the pass as well as in the depth areas but it was mostly prophylactic fire due to lack of observation and failed to do much damage. Meanwhile we as artillery observation post officers asked for artillery fire, permission for which came a little later. Because of excellent domination and observation from Sebu La and Camel’s back, artillery fire was most effective and most of the Chinese bunkers on North shoulder and in depth were completely destroyed and Chinese suffered very heavy casualties which by their own estimates were over 400. The artillery duel thereafter carried on day and night.
LOL...... Indians just fabricated some "Chinese estimates" to cover up the fact China kept hammering them for 3 days and nights.

For the next three days, the Chinese were taught a lesson. On 14 September, Chinese threatened use of Air Force if shelling did not stop. By then the lesson had been driven home and an uneasy ceasefire came about.
So Indians ceased fire because China threatened to use PLAAF? Then it's just another defeat for India. India couldn't even gain any territory.

The situation again flared up twenty days later when on 1 October 1967 a face-off between India and China took place at Cho La, another pass on the Sikkim-Tibet border a few kilometers north of Nathu La... where a Gorkha chopped off the hands of a Chinese officer who injured one of his fellow Gurkha with is bayonet in a sudden attack while arguing about a stone post on the patrolling area... Despite initial casualties, 7/11 GR and 10 JAK RIF stood firm and forced the Chinese to withdraw nearly three kilometers away to a feature named Kam Barracks where they remain deployed till date. Cho La Pass is firmly in Indian hands. Indian Army had got better of the Chinese yet again.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So China killed some Indians and then withdrew when the lesson was taught. Pretty typical.
India's defense due to fear of Chinese invasion? What a joke!
India has nothing that China wants. The two countries are separated by the tallest mountain ranges on the planet, India is overpopulated already, its resource is limited on a per ca pita basis and the whole country is so behind in infrastructure. Frankly speaking, if India invite China to annex it today the answer will be a definite "No, Thank You."
So why all the hostility between the two countries?
India is drying up. The Aquifer of North Ganges region is almost dry, glaciers in the mountains are vanishing, a 20% reduction in the Ganges water flow volume will render it useless due to pollution. Global Warming means the rainfall in the central India region will gradually decease.
The Indian Government is trying to expand its "living space" into Tibet. Oh, under the "Religions and Humanity" banner of helping the Tibet people, so righteous, phew! Those poor souls in exile, so naive.
It is not going to work. Period.
If Indian people really wants a future for their next generation, tell your government to cut down on the arms race, spend more money on water works projects (may hurt the eco system a bit, but...), control pollution on your water systems (China need to do the same thing too, and I mean yesterday), and befriend your neighbors, especially Bangladesh, which has the biggest Aquifer reserve in the whole SE Asia that might save your skin.
The advise is here, of course you may brush it aside, or consider it.

And try to control the population growth a bit too please, for your own good.
India's defense due to fear of Chinese invasion? What a joke!
India has nothing that China wants. The two countries are separated by the tallest mountain ranges on the planet, India is overpopulated already, its resource is limited on a per ca pita basis and the whole country is so behind in infrastructure. Frankly speaking, if India invite China to annex it today the answer will be a definite "No, Thank You."
So why all the hostility between the two countries?
India is drying up. The Aquifer of North Ganges region is almost dry, glaciers in the mountains are vanishing, a 20% reduction in the Ganges water flow volume will render it useless due to pollution. Global Warming means the rainfall in the central India region will gradually decease.
The Indian Government is trying to expand its "living space" into Tibet. Oh, under the "Religions and Humanity" banner of helping the Tibet people, so righteous, phew! Those poor souls in exile, so naive.
It is not going to work. Period.
If Indian people really wants a future for their next generation, tell your government to cut down on the arms race, spend more money on water works projects (may hurt the eco system a bit, but...), control pollution on your water systems (China need to do the same thing too, and I mean yesterday), and befriend your neighbors, especially Bangladesh, which has the biggest Aquifer reserve in the whole SE Asia that might save your skin.
The advise is here, of course you may brush it aside, or consider it.

And try to control the population growth a bit too please, for your own good.

I totally agree with you on the highlighted parts
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