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India Placing Sukhoi's near Pak Border

Its a threat like any other. We are just reacting to attention that Indian media and Air Force personnel have brought upon the issue. MKI, Mirage, Fulcrum, Bison, Jaguar etc. are all primed at Pakistan when push comes to shove, so our security posture would cater to all. The only issue to think about is that IAF consider MKI as their most potent aircraft and when they deploy it by publicly announcing it, then a statement is being made. ;)

You will never hear about PAF deployments around the country. They go on all the time with various sqns and types being deployed around the country. So there is slightly more to it than meets the eye. In the end, IAF is definitely within her right to deploy whatever assets they want to anywhere inside of India, however our reaction and that of the Pakistani press is the expected one.

I think statements made whenever the MKI is deployed in a new base is to bring public support behind the aircraft.I think the IAF has proposed getting 50 more of these aircraft's so they would like the public behind it.A dog and pony show so to speak.

Naturally the MKI will get dispersed to different bases around the country as numbers build up and I don't think they are placed near to border to prepare for surgical strikes on Pakistan.First of all the MKI is an air superiority fighter not a ground attack one.Second of all there should be targets to do surgical strikes right? I think Musharaff dismantled all the big insurgent camps near the border so what will they try to do surgical strikes against in case of a terrorist attack on India?
I think statements made whenever the MKI is deployed in a new base is to bring public support behind the aircraft.I think the IAF has proposed getting 50 more of these aircraft's so they would like the public behind it.A dog and pony show so to speak.
My friend this is India, not the US where basing of aircraft requires lobbying and media campaigns to garner support. Where and what IAF decides to deploy, the GoI goes for it. Secondly, the MKIs are being deployed to air stations that have taken part in past wars with Pakistan so this is not a new base sort of a situation.

Naturally the MKI will get dispersed to different bases around the country as numbers build up and I don't think they are placed near to border to prepare for surgical strikes on Pakistan.First of all the MKI is an air superiority fighter not a ground attack one.Second of all there should be targets to do surgical strikes right? I think Musharaff dismantled all the big insurgent camps near the border so what will they try to do surgical strikes against in case of a terrorist attack on India?


Indians consider the MKI to be a multi-role aircraft. Even if the aircraft is an air superiority fighter, it could escort strike packages inside of Pakistan as such the threat remains.
any such venture would be seen by the state and the people as an act of aggression and would be dealt with thusly
I think statements made whenever the MKI is deployed in a new base is to bring public support behind the aircraft.I think the IAF has proposed getting 50 more of these aircraft's so they would like the public behind it.A dog and pony show so to speak.

indian public is in love with this aircraft as is the airforce so it wont ever oppose to defence procurement especially with the mki :-) coz they know its a damn good investment
i personally don't think that HaLs maintenance record will be good to keep these maintenance intensive aircrafts fly worthy. They already have lost one. The spare parts are coming from ukraine and not even directly from manufacturer. Same problem they're having with the mig21 which are always crashing to the ground on monthly basis
i personally don't think that HaLs maintenance record will be good to keep these maintenance intensive aircrafts fly worthy. They already have lost one. The spare parts are coming from ukraine and not even directly from manufacturer. Same problem they're having with the mig21 which are always crashing to the ground on monthly basis

you have no idea what you are talking bout ,my dear sir!!!.....atleast study into the facts,and then blabber your theories here.....firstly,go to the su30mki crash thread,that would do loads of good to you......and if you are still reluctant to do so,ok i agree,this jets can be targetted and brought down by pissing upwards!!!
Second of all there should be targets to do surgical strikes right? I think Musharaff dismantled all the big insurgent camps near the border so what will they try to do surgical strikes against in case of a terrorist attack on India?

Thats a good point. But the fact is, and I think most Indians here would agree, that if the GoI orders the IAF to strike targets in Pakistan then that would not be because of any reasonable expectations of success or accomplishment as far as eliminating or even harming the terrorists goes. The sole motivation and purpose would be satisfy the violently anti-Pakistani mood at home.

If IAF takes out a goat herd in Pakistan, would Pakistan use the Islamic bomb?

Not immediately I reckon, but PAF and Army Air Defense would probably shoot most of the planes down and launch counterattacks on Indian air bases. Thus triggering a war that could lead to a nuclear exchange.
If IAF takes out a goat herd in Pakistan, would Pakistan use the Islamic bomb?

No but Pakistan will respond. It should be very clear to the Indian side that Pakistan will not allow India to take any unilateral action. Just like ISAF and the US procedure, tell GoP about it and action will be taken if information is found to be credible.
If IAF takes out a goat herd in Pakistan, would Pakistan use the Islamic bomb?

Actually that's whole point, PAF and PA will take a retaliatory action first and will assess our own loss later but by the time they will come to know that it was just a goat it will be too late. So, IAF/GoI must focus more on collecting and providing info about terrorists and handing it over to Pakistani authorities before thinking about any surgical strike scenario that will bring destruction to millions of already troubled people on both side of border.
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Deploying MKI's near Pak-China border is more like a PR exercise by IAF chief rather then any serious intentions behind it, just only to defuse repeated attention by the media regarding recent chinese incursion. In the past as well, MKI's have been deployed near the border without any noise, just to comply with operational readiness of the platform and not to have any surgical strike in Pakistani territory.
atleast study into the facts

sure, will do.

SOME of the mid 2008-2009 IAF Mikoyan-Gurevich 'highlights'

MIG-21 crashes in Assam

MiG-27 crashes near Alipurduar in WB

Mig-21 crashes near Surya Kiran, pilot killed

MiG-27 aircraft crashes

Mig-21 crashes near Jodhpur

MiG-21 crashes in Upper Assam

Indian Mig 21 fighter aircraft crashes; pilot killed

MIG 21 crashes in Punjab, pilot killed


and then blabber your theories here

sure, will do.

Russia has sought to blame India for the frequent crashes of MiG aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF), attributing them to the “low quality” of spares New Delhi buys for the planes, reports Arun Mohanty from Russia, reports Arun Mohanty from Russia.

“India buys low quality spare parts from Ukraine and East European countries. At times, it even buys spare parts that have outlived their utility, thus creating conditions for frequent crashes
,” Vladimir Barkovsky, deputy general designer of MiG Corporation, told IANS on the sidelines of the MAKS-2001 International Airshow held in the Moscow suburb of Zhukovsky.

“These spare parts may cost a little less, but ultimately you pay much higher price when pilots lose their lives as a result of the crashes. This also delivers a heavy blow to MiG’s reputation around the world,” Barkovsky said.

From the MiG series, the IAF operates MiG-21 strike aircraft, MiG-23 and MiG-29 fighters, MiG-27 bombers and MiG-25P spy aircraft. The first batch of MiG aircraft joined the IAF in the mid-1960s.

The IAF has lost more than 100 MiG-series aircraft, most of them ageing MiG-21s, over the past five years. More than 50 pilots have been killed in these accidents.

While most crashes have involved the ageing MiG-21 aircraft, the mainstay of the fleet, nine MiG-23s have also met with accidents over the last two years.

rest of the article is here:

Russia blames India for MiG crashes,Security Issues, News Analysis, India News Online

Those are the "theories" of the manufacturer. ;)

if you are still reluctant to do so,ok i agree,this jets can be targetted and brought down by pissing upwards!!!

well it seems that HALS magical ability to keep the migs-21s and other workhorse aircrafts OUT of the sky is saying something. Su30s in IAF are essentially brand new aircrafts with much service life left in them if maintained properly. But after the loss of the first flanker, iaf grounded its entire fleet of flankers for almost a month! Given HALs previous maintenance record plus the fact that iaf is purchasing inferior parts for its aircrafts, i have reason to have doubts over the airworthiness of these aircrafts perhaps 5-10 years down the line. Even the Mig-21s are still WIDELY used in the fleets of many Air Forces of the world, and the only one with the *atrocious * crash record would be that of the hindustany air force.

More pertinently & relevantly, if a few older tech Anza-Is and IIs proved their worth in 1999 (i believe some of your pilots became well acquainted with them :)) --then i think dispatching a few Spada-2000s and a few small teams of Army A.D. with RBS-70 laser guided shaped-charge armour piercing SAMs would suffice against the flanker threat. I am not even talking about PAF interception, just ground air defence.

As i said earlier, with a steady eye and hand the RBS system by itself would prove to be reasonably effective -as CM would have little impact on its trajectory :)
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By the time the incoming aircraft is over the base in occupied kashmir---the su 30 pilot may not even be able to get to his plane, start his engine and take off---the flt time from 5 miles inside pak border to being over the indian forward base in occupied kashmir is what---5 minutes or what.

It is basically for show----tactically---it is in poor judgement----a plane that has a 4---6 hours plus loiter time has no reason to be posted so close to the border----.

I would say that the PAF would be happy to oblige iaf by taking these planes on the tarmac.

What a trophy would that be----30 plus su 30's neutralized while they were parked.

Poltically it is a very threatening posture---there was no need for it.
a fine example of itchy trigger fingers @ officially the most militarized zones of the world :):)
sir the Inaf idea is very clear , many re filing to see the bigger picture they re looking to use the MKI as the number multiplier because the proposed lca is still going late per schedule
as we speak they have accepted that 50 more mkis are to be ordered the new mkis will be bock 3 standard , that takes total of 279 proposed aircrafts which is quite a big number
the INAF is concentrating on its northern and eastern sectors with he sukhoi deployment with 18-22 aircraft per sqdrn what it means it the Inaf will concentrate on the norhern and eastern sections with the MKI at advaced bases followed by the mrca winneres at the second strike option from deeper ranges and when the PAKFA comes in in 2020 or later they will operate i from well withing the interiors all these aircrafts will be available to the INAF simultaneously atround 2020-2025 and at the rate time flies its not too far

imagine 280 odd mkis around all advanced bases on the north and east followed by 120 odd mrcs from behind and the pakfa as the 3rd strike option

also consider the IN is looking to accquire a lot of aircrafts of its own to be operated from the carriers and aswell as the and so the land based ones will be deplpoyed at the coastline which relieves the iaf to deplo strike options more in numbers on the west.north and east

PS- SUKHOIMKI spares are NOT procured from ukraine its from IRKUST plant in sireria

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