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India, Pak should start joint anti-militancy operations'

Actually the things about Balochistan is another hype created by your media. Again you cant just blame everything on Pakistan, India has an equal and in many places a bigger share in the disputes.
And no its not us who trained militants but its your armys atrocious dictatorship in Kashmir that has forced them to repel violently. All those people who accuse Pakistan of extremism and militancy, ,, are they blind.
We aren't the ones doing terrorism we are the ones most targeted by it thanks to our awesome neighbors. And its now nothing new coming from India when you blame any mishap on Pakistan .. like I've been saying alot before ..dude we have other more important problems to cater than kill a bunch of indians,we don't need to do anything to them their govt itself will starve them to death ..or have you indians learned to survive on weaponry ..the social and moral conditions in your country aren't hidden from anyone..

The Baloch problem has been going on right from 1947.More then 5 wars have been fought till now.what about the Balochis who r protesting on the streets of Queeta,London chanting Anti Pakistani slogans,raising Baloch flags.Are Indians coming to Balochistan for kidnapping,killing.torture of Baloch activists.What about the attacks on Punjabis in quetta,are Indians doing this. What about the attacks on Passenger trains coming from Rawalpindi.Do u call this hype.Balochistan doesn't share any land border with India nor the militants come from Bangalore, Calcutta, Amritsar,Bombay.Most of rebels are ethnic Balochs,Nawab akbar Bugti,Brahma Bugti,Mehran Marri. I have also seen the interview of Baloch leaders on PTV channel.About Nawab akbar Bugti,he was a very rich person,highly educated,he could have easily led a LAVISH life,but why did he picked up the gun.What about the attacks on Hazaras,Shias,Ahmediays.Are Indians doing this.More then 5000 hazara families have applied for Asylum in Australlia.Another 3000 are in pipeline. Well I am reading your newspaper for the last 15 years daily

After the Afghan war ended,the militants were diverted to Kashmir for some strategic depth.
Your statement "And no its not us who trained militants but its your armys atrocious dictatorship in Kasmir that has forced them to repel violently". The Indian army came to Kashmir after 1989.If I tell u the other way,it is the pakistan's govt policy forced the Baloch to pick up the gun.Is it right.

Your STATEMENT "We aren't the ones doing terrorism we are the ones most targeted by it thanks to our awesome neighbors"
Well y I do understand that Pakistanis are victims of terrorism,which cannot be denied.More then 50,000 INNOCENT People have been killed by Taliban apart from destruction to property & infrastructure,but who created the TALIBAN in the first place.It was the joint venture by Pakistan & USA. Even your former PM Benazir Bhutto was killed by a suicide bomber,not only that so many Shia professionals like doctors,engineers.lawyers,scholars,Buisnessman have been killed in Karachi,Lahore.Are your Neighbors doing this

Yr statement "And its now nothing new coming from India when you blame any mishap on Pakistan .. like I've been saying alot before" .Agreed we do blame Pakistan for every mishap but the vice versa is also equally true. It is not one sided,I can give u many examples to substantiate my claims.

Yr statement "..dude we have other more important problems to cater than kill a bunch of indians"
U r writing as if we Indians don't have any work,we are literally free(24*365) do we come to Pakistan to kill people.

I believe Ayub Khan also offered a kind of Joint military Alliance with India to Nehru, this would have stopped 3 wars and any form of 'state-sponsored' terrorism. But he put it down simply by saying "an Alliance against who?".:cuckoo:
I would like to remind you that there was a proposal to exchange Kashmir with Hyderabad & Junagadh during 1947 which was rejected by Liaqut Ali Khan.This is on record. Actually Liaquat Ali Khan uttered the following words,I am not a fool to exchange a few hills with the vast plains,not only that Hyderabad was one of the richest province & the Nizam was one of the richest person at that time
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Thats because we always are more tolerant and prefer peas instead of show case of power.And india has been making infinite efforts to undo Pakistan but it never succeed either!
And you indians are rolling on ground with pain on some incidents while our army has been alone in fighting India, Afghanistan, USA and all those terrorists who are bombing us everyday and at the same time our army world in all natural calamities, and provide security to every single citizen.
Of course there's no reason why not winning a disputed state would show our army as worse.
And wasn't it india in 1965 who attacked us with full might when we had nothing on the name of resources still we showed you your Oqaat, but obviously India is someone who can't accept Reality.
The 1965 war was done by Ayub Khan,Operation Gibraltor which failed. I have read a novel written by a Pakistan author
Stop Giving Reasons.....
That's the WORLD OF INTEREST....Where no one Cares....
I don't think that will happen....in past 70 year kashmir has become such a complex issue in India that any govt. trying to undermine or trying any thing different from the current policies will face the wrath of public in elections.....:lol::lol:

Iam not Intending to DUCK you.....I appreciate your Positive Arguments...
I think its better to Leave KASHMIR to determine its own FATE.....
Your above argument not Justify Imposing Will of One Man , If you believe in Democratic NORMS then go & held REFERENDUM IN VALLEY OF KASHMIR.....
I think we had a referendum earlier in kashmir when sheikh Abdullah and nehru were great friend ....Sheikh asked the kashmiris to vote for india and they voted....
but I hardly think that option is viable anymore....being democratic we do have regular elections there...both nation has ego stuck with kashmir issue ...so, hardly any govt. will compromise on the issue... anyway ..things are fast changing in kashmir valley and jammu...more and more youth are coming out...they are participating in nation building... many youth enrolled themselves in army and police...showing their faith are being restored....lets see what happen...

Nehru visited Kashmir & promised Kashmiris for better Outcome by taking INPUT from their side(I think his speeches would be available in youtube).....He took that issue in UN Security Council (not pakistan)
Dear , In my previous Post, I forced my side of Arguments on the seeds of Hatred sow by India after 1947 Partition, when your side rejected friendship Offer , and declined to implement UN resolutions, while the basis of partition was that Muslim majority States goes to Pakistan & Hindu majority State to India...which wont happened....Nearly 70 Years of Injustice...Your side must face the MUSIC
1. Successful Guerrillas Warfare can't be succeeded without the collaboration of Local natives....ok
2. Let Assume, we support terrorism & funded 1 lak, 10 lak, 1 crore to them....BUT how & where they eat 3 times??where they hide??Medical??They must Buy Food from Market, Everything Guarded by Indian Military....
U must be knowing abt sheikh abdullaha ..he was PM of Mararaja and great friend of Nehru...at the starting kashmiris never wanted to merge with pakistan....there was a referendum too..I think... but later as the time passed ..abdullaha wanted a free state of kashmir and nehru declined...and bitterness crept in.... and the worst phase of kashmir happened in 1990's when they killed, raped and murdered their own neighbors.....and mujahids started to pouring in.... but now i think slowly and slowly peace is returning to the valley....

I do not know friendship was viable at that time or not...but see u were in NATO alliance and india supported socialistic measures ..so we were close to USSR..though we as a founder country of NAM, yet we never remained non aligned...+ at that time after lashkar insurgency and UN resollution there were already hatred between both nation....+ U wanted an military alliance against china , at that time india never thought of fighting china...and we had very deep relation with them.....

hmm..on ur question part...
1. yes local support is needed but remind u when in 1948, guerrillas came in they had no local support in kashmir..may in gilgit area.... they looted, murdered and raped ...
2. hmm...u see there are always local moles...i don't deny that....and there are many moles in kashmir...but at the same time most of the terrorist are killed because the locals support army and inform them.....but when a big operation like mumbai or karachi is done they carry dry fruits and heavy calorie food for energy....

Tell me about the weather of your City, any forecast of MONSOON
Bcoz in Islamabad we are enjoying Pre-Monsoon Rains
lol..no not yet..delhi is still dry,....though temperature have come down ..currently hovering at 39-40 *C
but at my home town its raining from quiet few days....
lol...enjoy ur rains....:-)
No U-turn on Kashmir....Building Dam have nothing to do with you, its Internal Politics......
Baloch Sepratist hype is created by your fellow Guys........Avoiding Details, One Big Insight...in last 70 Years of Independence we've no POTA type of Law against separatists ....they're Tribal Muslims , not 1 tribe many tribes....

If u don't solve the Baloch problem,it is going to Hurt pakistan.There is no hype,the baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947. More then 5 wars have been fought till now.Abut POTA,it won't help you in any way,it has failed in India miserably.Most of the Baloch rebels are staying in London & Geneva,even MQM leader Altaf Huessien stays in Lodon..Can u apply POTA against Taliban & suicide bombers.
If u don't solve the Baloch problem,it is going to Hurt pakistan.There is no hype,the baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947. More then 5 wars have been fought till now.Abut POTA,it won't help you in any way,it has failed in India miserably.Most of the Baloch rebels are staying in London & Geneva,even MQM leader Altaf Huessien stays in Lodon..Can u apply POTA against Taliban & suicide bombers.
I said dont waste your time in Media Hype, Balochistan is Tribal Area, their are many many tribes....ok
Moreover, Our Pashtoons are half of Baloch population....
and Baloch Population is 5% of Pakistan Population, they have concerns...but i know you are intended to Troll...& me busy little bit :partay:
I said dont waste your time in Media Hype, Balochistan is Tribal Area, their are many many tribes....ok
Moreover, Our Pashtoons are half of Baloch population....
and Baloch Population is 5% of Pakistan Population, they have concerns...but i know you are intended to Troll...& me busy little bit :partay:
Thanks for yr reply,well I am not here for trolling .Apart from 45% Pathans & different Balcohi tribes, there r Turks,Seraikis,Hazaras,Punjabis,& Sindhis called Jamots. Indian & Pakistani experts have said the said thing, A stronger Pakistan is always beneficial to India. Personally I am not interested in break up of any country.,break up or separation of any country will not solve the problems of India & Pakistan. Let me tell u Russia broke into 13 parts,but it did not solve the problems of Kashmir or Balochistan.So according to u there is a Indian media hype going in Balochistan right from 1947,I see,Great logic.Balochistan is a tribal area,so what,what about Sindh & Peshawar,is it less tribal.Pakistan should take some action,it should go for Autonomy in Balochistan.
Well actually there is no BIG problem as you see it..Regional and ethnic problems are everywhere only those of Pakistan are shown as the huge bit..

Now heres the thing...Hindus aren't being targeted ..second ..*uck Ahmediyas no one cares about them...Thirdly...Woah!!! Shias aren't bombed by sunnis they are also targeted by Afghanistani terrorists.We love our shia brethren equally even now we have intermarriges too. So our minority problems is nothing just as high as yours is with indian muslims and dalits. Only the world media is cashing it.
No I live in Pakistan I watch every single Pakistani channel, never heard of assylum requests.
I have shia friends ..No problem and yeah right only Australia and Brits are gonna give em Refuge.
Listen you say that people are killed here everyday bu terrorists.. then would you be nice enough to tell me the ratio of majority deaths to Minority deaths ..again Our people be it majority or minority know that we are one and we have a common enemy so..I dont see anything you pointed in huge reality.

Secondly ...Balochistan itself chose Pakistan and its leaders aare still of the same view..A bunch of a few hundered people crying about liberation doesn't make us weak ..and yes anyone who tries to fuel anti-pakistan nationalism should be killed ...and I never saw any protests for Baloch liberation and why are you such a big protagonist of it..yup I totally believe that its the foreign elements that are funding and brain washing the balochs ..
And just like U say for Kashmir, Balochistan alone is not feasible, its just barren land.there isn't even water and there is only tribal raj that has been preventing the province's development in all Terms.

And we are forgiving enough, if u had watched our new you would know that despite all attacks on Punjabis or sindhis in Balochistan, the people never balmed balochs but terrorists and no one had said that its the Balochs who did this
They were just terrorists.
And this world is an opportunitlst.How can I believe that even on slight bitter arguments between a Baloch and a non -Baloch a non- Pakistani would not take advantage of this and fuel the matter

After all Balochistan is the "Golden Bird" everyone has their eyes on
If u don't solve the Baloch problem,it is going to Hurt pakistan.There is no hype,the baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947. More then 5 wars have been fought till now.Abut POTA,it won't help you in any way,it has failed in India miserably.Most of the Baloch rebels are staying in London & Geneva,even MQM leader Altaf Huessien stays in Lodon..Can u apply POTA against Taliban & suicide bombers.

I don't think it should be India's or Indians concern...We will deal our problems our way.. And yeah balochs are smart enough that without Pakistan, they are only the prey to india or china

At least Pakistan has given them what they wanted,others wont and obviously others wont let.it stay independent either.
How about a joint operation in Afghanistan while we're at it, but i doubt the Indians will shoot there own feet.:disagree::lol::lol::suicide:
Since you have a special soft-corner for the Afghans.
How about joint operations in tribal areas?. Gurkhas, sikhs and other units have history of participating in military ops in tribal areas and north west before 1947.
I have seen many Pakistanis on this very forum, openly brag about how Laskhar(Now Jamaat ud Dawa) runs training centers and recruits people from their village and towns. This is in Punjab mind you, not the lawless north west of Pakistan. Allowing these terrorist groups to operate freely, and there is plenty of evidence of that, is as good as supporting them.
Hafiz saeed is even provided security by governament. Search for "aik din geo key saath" programme with hafiz saeed on youtube.
Thanks for yr reply,well I am not here for trolling .Apart from 45% Pathans & different Balcohi tribes, there r Turks,Seraikis,Hazaras,Punjabis,& Sindhis called Jamots. Indian & Pakistani experts have said the said thing, A stronger Pakistan is always beneficial to India. Personally I am not interested in break up of any country.,break up or separation of any country will not solve the problems of India & Pakistan. Let me tell u Russia broke into 13 parts,but it did not solve the problems of Kashmir or Balochistan.So according to u there is a Indian media hype going in Balochistan right from 1947,I see,Great logic.Balochistan is a tribal area,so what,what about Sindh & Peshawar,is it less tribal.Pakistan should take some action,it should go for Autonomy in Balochistan.
1. Pakistan is 97% Muslim Country...dont worry....they are not going anyway....for example Observe attitude of New Generation of Bengali Muslims....during Cricket match...and their PDF members attitude towards us....Our Enemy can blackmail them emotionally & momentarily....but not permanent
3. We have no POTA type of framework to punish Separatists....in 70 years we've no POTA like In INDIA....(my point is...we dont need to have such framework introduce)
We've peace problems with foreigners not natives..
4. Baloch Tribes have history of fighting each other, Some of Big Tribes dont want Roads / School to built bcoz it threat their local rules on their naive followers :-) ...sooner or later they have to accept new realities of changing world
5. Ethnic Calls wont appeal public in general.... In our religion dying in the name Other than Allah is ticket OF HELL :devil:
What do you know about 18th Amendment......?? In 2010
Our Provinces are AUTONOMOUS more than the demands of 1971 MUJEEB UR RAHMAN 6 Points....:coffee:
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How about joint operations in tribal areas?. Gurkhas, sikhs and other units have history of participating in military ops in tribal areas and north west before 1947.
I'm not sure I understand your comment or that you understand mine. But what i meant to outline is the irony of India's involvement in Afghanistan, not a call for a Joint Operation in which some "Brotherhood of Indians and Pakistanis (Non-Pashtuns and Balochs)" go to Afghanistan to slaughter thousands of Pashtuns as you seem to perceive (judging from " Internally Disgraced Pashtuns-Feminist Approach to Ethnic Rights) .

The Baloch problem has been going on right from 1947.More then 5 wars have been fought till now.what about the Balochis who r protesting on the streets of Queeta,London chanting Anti Pakistani slogans,raising Baloch flags.Are Indians coming to Balochistan for kidnapping,killing.torture of Baloch activists.What about the attacks on Punjabis in quetta,are Indians doing this. What about the attacks on Passenger trains coming from Rawalpindi.Do u call this hype.Balochistan doesn't share any land border with India nor the militants come from Bangalore, Calcutta, Amritsar,Bombay.Most of rebels are ethnic Balochs,Nawab akbar Bugti,Brahma Bugti,Mehran Marri. I have also seen the interview of Baloch leaders on PTV channel.About Nawab akbar Bugti,he was a very rich person,highly educated,he could have easily led a LAVISH life,but why did he picked up the gun.What about the attacks on Hazaras,Shias,Ahmediays.Are Indians doing this.More then 5000 hazara families have applied for Asylum in Australlia.Another 3000 are in pipeline. Well I am reading your newspaper for the last 15 years daily

After the Afghan war ended,the militants were diverted to Kashmir for some strategic depth.
Your statement "And no its not us who trained militants but its your armys atrocious dictatorship in Kasmir that has forced them to repel violently". The Indian army came to Kashmir after 1989.If I tell u the other way,it is the pakistan's govt policy forced the Baloch to pick up the gun.Is it right.

Your STATEMENT "We aren't the ones doing terrorism we are the ones most targeted by it thanks to our awesome neighbors"
Well y I do understand that Pakistanis are victims of terrorism,which cannot be denied.More then 50,000 INNOCENT People have been killed by Taliban apart from destruction to property & infrastructure,but who created the TALIBAN in the first place.It was the joint venture by Pakistan & USA. Even your former PM Benazir Bhutto was killed by a suicide bomber,not only that so many Shia professionals like doctors,engineers.lawyers,scholars,Buisnessman have been killed in Karachi,Lahore.Are your Neighbors doing this

Yr statement "And its now nothing new coming from India when you blame any mishap on Pakistan .. like I've been saying alot before" .Agreed we do blame Pakistan for every mishap but the vice versa is also equally true. It is not one sided,I can give u many examples to substantiate my claims.

Yr statement "..dude we have other more important problems to cater than kill a bunch of indians"
U r writing as if we Indians don't have any work,we are literally free(24*365) do we come to Pakistan to kill people.

I would like to remind you that there was a proposal to exchange Kashmir with Hyderabad & Junagadh during 1947 which was rejected by Liaqut Ali Khan.This is on record. Actually Liaquat Ali Khan uttered the following words,I am not a fool to exchange a few hills with the vast plains,not only that Hyderabad was one of the richest province & the Nizam was one of the richest person at that time
But your man had the chance of fostering friendly relations, and ending all millitary conflict. Not ours, we didnt fight for kashmirs land, its people.
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But your man had the chance of fostering friendly relations, and ending all millitary conflict. Not ours, we didnt fight for kashmirs land, its people.
What about the militants & Islamic Extremsits.Will they dis-apper or vansih in thin air after the Kashmir issued is solved.Will they leave their Barbarain ideology,drop their gun & behave like civilized ones.In short who will keep the genie back in the bottle.Today the main threat to Paksitan is TTP who have killed more then 30,000 people apart from damage to property & infrastructure.the current military operation in Wazirstan against Islamic militants is a mere eye wash.After the war is over,the militants will re group & hit the Pakistan's Economy in a much bigger way.Infact the militants have changed their tactics,they are attacking vital installations like Airport,Naval Defences etc.Not only that Pakistan is in neck deep trouble.Yr reserves are just a billion while debts are more then 60 billion dollars.GDP is just 2%..To clear yr debts,Pakistan is taking more loans from World Bank,IMF ,how long they will go on
What about the militants & Islamic Extremsits.Will they dis-apper or vansih in thin air after the Kashmir issued is solved.Will they leave their Barbarain ideology,drop their gun & behave like civilized ones.In short who will keep the genie back in the bottle.Today the main threat to Paksitan is TTP who have killed more then 30,000 people apart from damage to property & infrastructure.the current military operation in Wazirstan against Islamic militants is a mere eye wash.After the war is over,the militants will re group & hit the Pakistan's Economy in a much bigger way.Infact the militants have changed their tactics,they are attacking vital installations like Airport,Naval Defences etc.Not only that Pakistan is in neck deep trouble.Yr reserves are just a billion while debts are more then 60 billion dollars.GDP is just 2%..To clear yr debts,Pakistan is taking more loans from World Bank,IMF ,how long they will go on
TTP elements wont consider us Muslim, they declared us Kaffirs, You are right.....SITUATION AGGRAVATED....very difficult to make ourselves out of water
One thing Comfort us most, A MIRACLE
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What about the militants & Islamic Extremsits.Will they dis-apper or vansih in thin air after the Kashmir issued is solved.Will they leave their Barbarain ideology,drop their gun & behave like civilized ones.In short who will keep the genie back in the bottle.Today the main threat to Paksitan is TTP who have killed more then 30,000 people apart from damage to property & infrastructure.the current military operation in Wazirstan against Islamic militants is a mere eye wash.After the war is over,the militants will re group & hit the Pakistan's Economy in a much bigger way.Infact the militants have changed their tactics,they are attacking vital installations like Airport,Naval Defences etc.Not only that Pakistan is in neck deep trouble.Yr reserves are just a billion while debts are more then 60 billion dollars.GDP is just 2%..To clear yr debts,Pakistan is taking more loans from World Bank,IMF ,how long they will go on
Your Facts are either extremely out-dated or fabricated with no regard to making them seem realistic, Are foreign reserves are nearly 8 billion and growth rate was 4%, albeit a small testament to what it was in Musharraf's and Ayub Khan's era these signs all point to our economy being on a positive turn to recovery. Also those banks have all displayed there satisfaction with the economy and are more willing to give us loans, that tells something.

Furthermore, if i may point out, that we're discussing India-Pakistan hostilities and how they may have been quelled at a very early stage if not for the Indian management. Not the state of our economy (which Could be better) and the TTP threat to Pakistan.:offtopic:
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