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India, Pak should start joint anti-militancy operations'

Indians have always been fed wrong and manipulated information by their own state
We Indians have never been fed wrong information. I am reading DAWN newspaper for the last 15 years.Everything is not manipulated or fabricated.
We Indians have never been fed wrong information. I am reading DAWN newspaper for the last 15 years.Everything is not manipulated or fabricated.

Yes it is, if it wasn't then India Pakistan would not be still fighting. It benefits others and harms us both.
The only way India and Pakistan will become Allies in any such movements would be if the core issues are resolved first. The Core issue for Pakistan are as follows:

1. Water Theft by India

2. The festering Kashmir issue.

3. The Trade imbalance.

Solve these issues and everything else will fall in line and India and Pakistan can live in Peace and Harmony.
The only way India and Pakistan will become Allies in any such movements would be if the core issues are resolved first. The Core issue for Pakistan are as follows:

1. Water Theft by India

No theft. Pakistanis must stop believing this baseless accusation.

2. The festering Kashmir issue.

Can't help you. No one can. It is only festering because you want it to be. No point in asking for territory, such a thing will never be agreed to. Musharraf-MMS formula is the best that can happen.

3. The Trade imbalance.

Trade imbalance is hardly India's fault. Nor is it the case that Pakistan has no such imbalances with others. First, you need to trade, worry about other things later.

Solve these issues and everything else will fall in line and India and Pakistan can live in Peace and Harmony.

Solution exists, just not necessarily what you think the solution ought to be.
No theft. Pakistanis must stop believing this baseless accusation.

Can't help you. No one can. It is only festering because you want it to be. No point in asking for territory, such a thing will never be agreed to. Musharraf-MMS formula is the best that can happen.

Trade imbalance is hardly India's fault. Nor is it the case that Pakistan has no such imbalances with others. First, you need to trade, worry about other things later.

Solution exists, just not necessarily what you think the solution ought to be.

Then live with this STATUSQUO and quit Bitching......
Yes it is, if it wasn't then India Pakistan would not be still fighting. It benefits others and harms us both.
Agreed,Apart from Dawn Newspaper,I do read Times of India.Well some things are manipulated on both sides of border to be honest.This not to say that we Indians r always right.We Indians do have our own own share of mistakes.For Kashmir,I would recommend General Musfraff's formula & Mr J.N.Dixit proposal(India's Foreign MInister).I would suggest a Joint Army & AUTONOMY for both sides of Kashmir. There are Indian Intellectuals who talk of common markets,common currency,visa free border just like European Union The benefits are immense,the resources will be diverted to other things(Schools,Colleges,Better Road,Infrastructure).In today's world U are practically free,unless u have a hefty BANK balance,a good steady & secure job, a big house where u can stay comfortably & enjoy life.If u are struggling to meet yr ends,how can u be free. More then 50% of Indians,Pakistanis r struggling & r facing immense hardships. Life has become extremely difficult in Bombay(now Mumbai) Real Estate prices are increasing,joint family system is out of date.Inflation is increasing every now & then,prices of vegetables,utility services have gone up.
lol....again ur own cooked up story....
when British Govt. decided to free india ...they offered 3 solution to the princely states...
1. to merge with Indian Union.
2. to merge with pakistan.
3. to be independent.....

Maharaja Hari Singh wanted Kashmir to be Independent....that is the reason kashmir neither went to india nor to pakistan till ur Quid decided to send Lashkar. once kashmir was attacked from ur side the maharaja signed the annexation paper with India..

if u want the answer for 1 man wish, then do know Balochistan History and how iit never wanted to be with pakistan...but just because it signed the annexation paper it is still with pakistan..

Yes, all autonomously administered princely states had the choice to become independent which was not realistic and hence none of the states, including Kashmir, chose to do so. Also the offered solution considered a muslim majority area to go with Pakistan and 80% of Kashmir inhabitants were Muslim who wished to be annexed to Pakistan as opposed to the wish of a single Maharaja!

Balochistan, Bahawalpur and a few other places, both in India and Pakistan, are different because there the tribals or the locals followed the leaders and were content with the decisions taken by their elders.

And as far as the story goes of the Maharaja signing the accession papers, that is a myth, there are no such papers anywhere. The documents were supposedly lost by the GoI!

really International Tourist.....common who sends international tourist in disputed war zone.... U must be knowing that India too brought the clothes and equipment from same british company from where the pakistan purchased.... so, we had a good knowledge of whats cooking in Pakistan Army mind....
And no one is whining its okay...if this agenda suits u....we have no problem ...

You read only part of the history, go and read again carefully. Siachin was NOT a disputed war zone, it was sort of a no man's land where we weren't sending in the military but only tourists! That became too unbearable for the Indian establishment and they decided to occupy Siachin peaks and hence placed the order for arctic gear with a British company.......Pakistani intelligence intercepted certain messages and was able to ascertain what Indian Army had planned and so planned to pre-empt the Indian move to Siachin and placed an order for arctic gear.....unfortunately for Pakistan it was the same company with which Indian Army was dealing and they were informed of the large Pakistani order. Anyway Indian Army planned, prepared and moved into Siachin before Pakistani army could. It was a violation of the Simla agreement!

Ur proof against India is welcome....If u found our involvement then its great u know..because most of us in india think of RAW as a useless organization.... anyway...u tell me why a muslim organization will link up with hindu organization....why will they seek our help to destabilize pakistan.....infact they are ur people ur men , who want sharia in ur country..give them that and they will be happy..

TTP is not a Muslim organization, we have found its militants to be non-circumcised, which is not possible amongst practising Muslims, and some even with tattoos which is a taboo in Islam. They do not want Shairat, they simply want destabilisation of Pakistan for their masters. RAW may not be the best out there but she surely knows how to exploit situations to Indian advantage, especially when the supposed enemy is not responding in kind. There are many, many threads and many, many proof of such if you are interested please search them on defence.pk.

lol...really on record.....please enlighten me with the evidence....I would like to know....If Ajmal Kasab was Indian how come ur media found his village in Pakistan..... I know who are doing this....

Again, please do some research, an Indian inteliigence official is on record stating that the GoI was involved in Mumbai attacks......attacks of which the first casualty was the highly controversial police chief that was investigating the Indian military's role in samjhota express bombings!!! Just put 2 and 2 together dude.

if u ever provided us with the detail abt Khalistan was not because u wanted to help, but because it suited ur agenda.....khalistanis had plans against ur country too..and thats the sole reason u acted against them...so, save ur charity stuff... U are free to fuel any independence movement in india ...Ur nation is doing it from ur summoning .. but u never succeeded.....

On our side, there is a negligible Sikh population and hence they could not have been involved in anything. Not only that, ever since our independence, Pakistan has been in control of Punjab one way or the other so why would our Punjab conspire??

may be bangladesh was ur internal matter but as soon as the refugees started pouring in India we too got involved in it.....we asked ur govt. several time to stop refugees but u didn't ..millions of Bangladeshi came into india ...and from that time to this date they still remain a headache... if ur govt. had acted swiftly then matter never would have escalated....

You had the option to close and seal your borders or to invite international help for the influx of refugees but to train them, arm them and support them with your military cannot be justified.
Stop Giving Reasons..... o_O
That's the WORLD OF INTEREST....Where no one Cares....


1). kashmir was meant to be a free state and we never interfered untill ur lashkar came plundering and looting the villages.... it was then the maharaja singed the letter if annexation with us....once it was signed ..it became our land and we were responsible for everything there...so we intervened to protect it...india is a diverse country north doesn't matches south...east doesn't matches west....ethnicity and religion has to do less with the business of state...
Iam not Intending to DUCK you.....I appreciate your Positive Arguments...
I think its better to Leave KASHMIR to determine its own FATE.....
Your above argument not Justify Imposing Will of One Man , If you believe in Democratic NORMS then go & held REFERENDUM IN VALLEY OF KASHMIR.....

2). after the lashkar incident and the the UN resolution...and the closeness of Pakistan with america india was slightly in prejudice over Pakistan... any way it was against the Chinese and if it would have taken place u would be fighting the Chinese forces...also keep in mind...at that time sino-india relations were good ..if not in best state...so, india declined the offer....nehru was confirmed ,..china will never go against him...
any way what happened then can't be undone
Nehru visited Kashmir & promised Kashmiris for better Outcome by taking INPUT from their side(I think his speeches would be available in youtube).....He took that issue in UN Security Council (not pakistan)
Dear , In my previous Post, I forced my side of Arguments on the seeds of Hatred sow by India after 1947 Partition, when your side rejected friendship Offer , and declined to implement UN resolutions, while the basis of partition was that Muslim majority States goes to Pakistan & Hindu majority State to India...which wont happened....Nearly 70 Years of Injustice...Your side must face the MUSIC
1. Successful Guerrillas Warfare can't be succeeded without the collaboration of Local natives....ok
2. Let Assume, we support terrorism & funded 1 lak, 10 lak, 1 crore to them....BUT how & where they eat 3 times??where they hide??Medical??They must Buy Food from Market, Everything Guarded by Indian Military....
Tell me about the weather of your City, any forecast of MONSOON :smart:
Bcoz in Islamabad we are enjoying Pre-Monsoon Rains:victory1:
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Agreed,Apart from Dawn Newspaper,I do read Times of India.Well some things are manipulated on both sides of border to be honest.This not to say that we Indians r always right.We Indians do have our own own share of mistakes.For Kashmir,I would recommend General Musfraff's formula & Mr J.N.Dixit proposal(India's Foreign MInister).I would suggest a Joint Army & AUTONOMY for both sides of Kashmir. There are Indian Intellectuals who talk of common markets,common currency,visa free border just like European Union The benefits are immense,the resources will be diverted to other things(Schools,Colleges,Better Road,Infrastructure).In today's world U are practically free,unless u have a hefty BANK balance,a good steady & secure job, a big house where u can stay comfortably & enjoy life.If u are struggling to meet yr ends,how can u be free. More then 50% of Indians,Pakistanis r struggling & r facing immense hardships. Life has become extremely difficult in Bombay(now Mumbai) Real Estate prices are increasing,joint family system is out of date.Inflation is increasing every now & then,prices of vegetables,utility services have gone up.

Agreed, I think the Kashmiri population had opted independence and this should be granted to them. The Pakistan problem of Kashmir is concerned with water ...and yes the way india had cut off water and is now building dams on the rivers that came to pak share in Industry water treaty is.

And if we actually ponder on it, with Kashmir issue resolved we can finally settle down to her rid of minor disputes for the sake of Peace in south asia.

But our govts and the extreme minded people are more loyal to their big five daddys than the nations they belong to. Half of Indo-Pak dispute is over Kashmir ..
Getting rid of it would really help and after that Kargil and Siachen stuff is trivial...cuz its just ice and more ice...
Third world my friend ..
that how you never let it go upwards ...keep em indulged in internal fights over past, caste, parochialism, terrorism and a wobbly economy
..easy way to rule em
We have 1$ =100 PKR..
Whats more proof do they need to stop fighting over. "Tera mera, tu ne yeh kiya mei ne woh kiya ".
Why not focus on basics of a nation.
Agreed, I think the Kashmiri population had opted independence and this should be granted to them. The Pakistan problem of Kashmir is concerned with water ...and yes the way india had cut off water and is now building dams on the rivers that came to pak share in Industry water treaty is.

And if we actually ponder on it, with Kashmir issue resolved we can finally settle down to her rid of minor disputes for the sake of Peace in south asia.

But our govts and the extreme minded people are more loyal to their big five daddys than the nations they belong to. Half of Indo-Pak dispute is over Kashmir ..
Getting rid of it would really help and after that Kargil and Siachen stuff is trivial...cuz its just ice and more ice...

About the water problem, the World court has appointed a neutral expert from Switzerland. So far I have not heard nothing from the Swiss Expert about water being stopped,increased or reduced. Infact more then 40% of the water is wasted. In short there should be a proper Water Management system.Well The Baghliar dam issue is similar to the Kalabagh dam. Punjab wants the dam to be constructed while Sindhis feel Punjab will stop its share of water.U need dams to store water for agriculture & drinking,to produce Electricity. In the last 67 years how much water is being stopped or reduced by India to Pakistan,,will u let me know.It is just another hype created by Pakistani media.I am not a expert on the above subject,but this is what I have read.

About Indipendence to Kashmir,even Kashmir experts have said that Indipendence is simply not feasible. Just think of Kashmir sandwiched between India & Pakistan.Lastly the economy of Kashmir is heavily dependent on tourism.Apart from tourism,there are no factories,industries. What about the Militants & Extremists,will they disappear in thin air or vanish.The militants are bound to stay & fire the shots.On the contrary The militants & the extremists who were trained by Pakistan for some strategic depth in Kashmir & Afghanistan r hitting you in a very big way.The recent attack on Karachi airport,the attack on polio workers & the WHA (World health Advisory) issuing a travel ban. The militants want a ban on Girls education & women’s employment in Kashmir just like the militants in Swat.

Tommorow if the Baloch separatists make similar demands for independence,will Pakistan oblige
About the water problem, the World court has appointed a neutral expert from Switzerland. So far I have not heard nothing from the Swiss Expert about water being stopped,increased or reduced. Infact more then 40% of the water is wasted. In short there should be a proper Water Management system.Well The Baghliar dam issue is similar to the Kalabagh dam. Punjab wants the dam to be constructed while Sindhis feel Punjab will stop its share of water.U need dams to store water for agriculture & drinking,to produce Electricity. In the last 67 years how much water is being stopped or reduced by India to Pakistan,,will u let me know.It is just another hype created by Pakistani media.I am not a expert on the above subject,but this is what I have read.
About Indipendence to Kashmir,even Kashmir experts have said that Indipendence is simply not feasible. Just think of Kashmir sandwiched between India & Pakistan.Lastly the economy of Kashmir is heavily dependent on tourism.Apart from tourism,there are no factories,industries. What about the Militants & Extremists,will they disappear in thin air or vanish.The militants are bound to stay & fire the shots.On the contrary The militants & the extremists who were trained by Pakistan for some strategic depth in Kashmir & Afghanistan r hitting you in a very big way.The recent attack on Karachi airport,the attack on polio workers & the WHA (World health Advisory) issuing a travel ban. The militants want a ban on Girls education & women’s employment in Kashmir just like the militants in Swat.
Tommorow if the Baloch separatists make similar demands for independence,will Pakistan oblige
No U-turn on Kashmir....Building Dam have nothing to do with you, its Internal Politics......
Baloch Sepratist hype is created by your fellow Guys........Avoiding Details, One Big Insight...in last 70 Years of Independence we've no POTA type of Law against separatists ....they're Tribal Muslims , not 1 tribe many tribes....
No, obviously u would never get Pakistans share of information about water issue..But again now stop accusing us of training militants. Why did india deploy aarmy in Kashmir as a first stance?

And no Baloch liberation is just a hype...First they make no demands aand secondly all the anti-feminine stuff you mentioned is happening in more than half of india... We cleared Swat, we can clear any other place too. And feasiblity concern is another piece of crap, because if tiny places like kuwait, vietnam and nepal can survi
About the water problem, the World court has appointed a neutral expert from Switzerland. So far I have not heard nothing from the Swiss Expert about water being stopped,increased or reduced. Infact more then 40% of the water is wasted. In short there should be a proper Water Management system.Well The Baghliar dam issue is similar to the Kalabagh dam. Punjab wants the dam to be constructed while Sindhis feel Punjab will stop its share of water.U need dams to store water for agriculture & drinking,to produce Electricity. In the last 67 years how much water is being stopped or reduced by India to Pakistan,,will u let me know.It is just another hype created by Pakistani media.I am not a expert on the above subject,but this is what I have read.

About Indipendence to Kashmir,even Kashmir experts have said that Indipendence is simply not feasible. Just think of Kashmir sandwiched between India & Pakistan.Lastly the economy of Kashmir is heavily dependent on tourism.Apart from tourism,there are no factories,industries. What about the Militants & Extremists,will they disappear in thin air or vanish.The militants are bound to stay & fire the shots.On the contrary The militants & the extremists who were trained by Pakistan for some strategic depth in Kashmir & Afghanistan r hitting you in a very big way.The recent attack on Karachi airport,the attack on polio workers & the WHA (World health Advisory) issuing a travel ban. The militants want a ban on Girls education & women’s employment in Kashmir just like the militants in Swat.

Tommorow if the Baloch separatists make similar demands for independence,will Pakistan oblige

Actually the things about Balochistan is another hype created by your media. Again you cant just blame everything on Pakistan, India has an equal and in many places a bigger share in the disputes.
And no its not us who trained militants but its your armys atrocious dictatorship in Kashmir that has forced them to repel violently. All those people who accuse Pakistan of extremism and militancy, ,, are they blind.
We aren't the ones doing terrorism we are the ones most targeted by it thanks to our awesome neighbors. And its now nothing new coming from India when you blame any mishap on Pakistan .. like I've been saying alot before ..dude we have other more important problems to cater than kill a bunch of indians,we don't need to do anything to them their govt itself will starve them to death ..or have you indians learned to survive on weaponry ..the social and moral conditions in your country aren't hidden from anyone..
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