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India offers gas export to Pakistan

I reckon you are not well familiar with the exact condition of gas shortage in Pakistan.. Well, the demand is increasing every year, deficit is getting bigger every day.. Pakistan have already consumed half of its gas reservoirs, it is quite possible that we consume all of our gas sooner than we expect if we keep consuming it with the pace we are consuming it right now. So unless you dedicate all of your gas to us we simply cannot be helped.. Now only a fool would not think about shifting to other sources of energy which are much more viable and long lasting than the one we are discussing..

Yeah we need short term plans to overcome the damage which has been done to our economy.. Not necessarily every plan depends on natural gas, even if it depends, can you guarantee this project will be materialized within couple of years?

We rather need to enhance our already installed capacity (electricity) and meanwhile start long term project..

you proved my point . You need the buy the gas from India at much cheaper prices now to help your situation as much as possible and you need to do whatever alternative plan investments in parallel. Not say NO to the offer . Yeah e can guarantee you will have this plan done in under a year. They just have lay a pipeline into your nearest distribution station across the border. All the capacity build out is in place on india's side and up and running. Gas is also not difficult to transport. We do it on trains here...
you proved my point . You need the buy the gas from India at much cheaper prices now to help your situation as much as possible and you need to do whatever alternative plan investments in parallel. Not say NO to the offer .

I am not the one who will decide.... So should I expect this proposal/project be finalized within a year or two?
I am not the one who will decide.... So should I expect this proposal/project be finalized within a year or two?

I know you nor I are the " decider" :), the Pakistani intellectuals want it- but this " what's janta's impression" is what holds the weak politicians back. You are paying 3 x times to get it now from other sources...!

Yup under a year from contract execution. Very plausible. You also have to understand this emmie, building the kind of alternative sources is very costly and you guys are bit cash strapped . You'll probably hate me saying this, but that military budget is over the top ( that's % to GDP).
NO to any energy imports from india, it would be suicidal to trust the banias from new delhi.

We have enough of our own energy resources, only problem in exploiting these resources is Zardari and his cronies, and their days are numbered.
NO to any energy imports from india, it would be suicidal to trust the banias from new delhi.

We have enough of our own energy resources, only problem in exploiting these resources is Zardari and his cronies, and their days are numbered.

what abt the money. exploiting these resources needs billions. choose jf 17 or resources.
I know you nor I are the " decider" :), the Pakistani intellectuals want it- but this " what's janta's impression" is what holds the weak politicians back. You are paying 3 x times to get it now from other sources...!

Yup under a year from contract execution. Very plausible. You also have to understand this emmie, building the kind of alternative sources is very costly and you guys are bit cash strapped . You'll probably hate me saying this, but that military budget is over the top ( that's % to GDP).

No, many projects are in pipeline but yes they will take time...

I would really appreciate if you export electricity rather than gas... If am not mistaken there's a proposal of 500 MW from your side, can be increased to 1000MW... IMO this one would serve the cause better, less time and more help. But I don't think native would allow such a deal.
No offence but your post is PREMIUM BULLS**T

Sorry... i reverse my advise:

Pakistan shall continue funding and facilitating Indian business and transit and keep taxing Pakistanis for that.

If Indian transit needs grow than Pakistan shall take more loans from IMF.

I hope IMF will listen and announce new loan for Pakistan and I hope Zardari listen and make legal to import from India.


India would love that, you are paying 3x times more to get that gas from others than from India. Sure, pay India same you pay to buy it elsewhere. :cheers:

I'm also happy to buy 3x cheaper gas from India.
@ itsme,

Don't worry about the money:

1- We would get our billions of $$ back from Swiss and other foreign bank accounts.
2- We would tax the $hit out of rich people (next govt. would do it).
3- We would encourage foreign investment from all over the world, except india, especially from China, middle east and from overseas Pakistanis.
Some fun facts:

Pakistan's Natural gas - production:

42.9 billion cu m (2011 est.)

India's Natural gas - production:

52.5 billion cu m (2011 est.)


Also consider that Pakistan's land area is about 1/5th of India's, & 1/7th of India's population.
India's net natural gas exports:

0 cu m (2010 est.)

India's net natural gas imports:

12.15 billion cu m (2010 est.)


Pakistan's net natural gas exports:

0 cu m (2010 est.)

Pakistan's net natural gas imports:

0 cu m (2010 est.)


Why on earth would Pakistan import gas from India? India (unlike, for e.g. Iran) is a huge net importer of gas.
India won't have any energy to export if it is truly developing. Hundreds of Millions are still without gas or electricity in India.
Why on earth would Pakistan import gas from India? India (unlike, for e.g. Iran) is a huge net importer of gas.

why is indian govt. insisting than?
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