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India offers $5m aid to flood-hit in Pakistan

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$5 million is alot of moneys! maybe for you and i this is about pride....but this money is help many poor ppl devstated by flood....we can repay india with intrest...but at the moment we needing this money for our people!!

pakistanis are dying and crying we need all the helping we can get!! allah is not with us at the moment :(
India ready to give more aid but Pak silent

NEW DELHI: Even as more floods threaten to inundate Pakistan, the government there is reluctant to avail of India's offer of assistance.

India indicated on Monday that it was willing to give more assistance over the $5 million it has already pledged. "We can and are willing to do much more," senior sources in the government said.

But New Delhi is yet to receive a response from the Zardari government to its earlier offer of assistance of $5 million.

India's offer of assistance was conveyed to Pakistan by foreign ministerS M Krishna when he spoke to his counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi last weekend. Pakistan's foreign office, however, did not mention the Indian offer, merely saying that Krishna had extended India's sympathies to Pakistan at the time of crisis.
When questioned, the foreign office spokesman said Pakistan had not "rejected the Indian offer outright".

The Indian government had also come under some criticism for being slow off the ground. New Delhi took time to craft its response because of the memory of Pakistan's indifference to its offer to help with earthquake relief in 2005. It has, however, now got its act together. Sources said the government has already begun preliminary work on an assistance package with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) which is resource-rich, and would even be willing to route the assistance through the UN if that's what Pakistan wants.

But it feels the bilateral approach is better because given the short distances, India would be able to reach assistance much faster to the affected areas in Pakistan. In fact, India is even willing to be the source country for assistance material for other countries, multilateral organizations helping out Pakistan, even NGOs.

But so far, Pakistan is yet to signal that it is willing to receive any aid through India, a move that is short-sighted in the extreme. Given the enormity of the catastrophe in Pakistan, and the prospect of more in coming days, India believes it can rush material across really quickly.

Pakistan had got $5 billion in international assistance in the wake of the earthquake that caused enormous destruction. But it has struggled to attract international assistance this time. What it has so far got -- just over $120 million -- pales before $1.2 billion that Haiti attracted after it was devastated by an earthquake.

US has led the international effort in Pakistan with an assistance of $80 million and by pressing heavy-lift choppers into rescue operations. But Pakistan's "all-weather " friend China and the Islamic nations it identifies with -- Saudi Arabia and other cash-rich ones -- have not stepped forward.

During the civil war in Sri Lanka, India had sent across family-packs that contained everything for a family for a specific time period. In Afghanistan, India supplies fortified biscuits which could be a good source of nutrition for children in Pakistan right now.

Pakistani authorities warned of a new flood wave making its way south along the Indus river and more heavy monsoon rains. The forecast came after UN secretary general Ban-ki Moon said it had received only 20% of the $460 million needed to provide aid.

The UN may organize an emergency meeting later this week to mobilize more funds.

Read more: India ready to give more aid but Pak silent - India - The Times of India India ready to give more aid but Pak silent - India - The Times of India

India ready to give more aid but Pak silent - India - The Times of India
We don't need it from you man.

As i said why not make some toilets or some homes for the Indians sleeping on streets? You guys are not USA.
Come on, guys. Put our ego aside. When the earthquake happened in Indian Gujarat (Bhuj?) a few years ago Pakistani military plane landed on Indian soil and delivered supplies. It was a token gesture and Indians took it.
Let those who are suffering be relieved. I don't think--just as Indian movies have not dented Pakistani nationalism--a little aid from India is going to 'buy' an Indian lobby within Pakistan.
We keyboard warriors should set aside our egos and think of the suffering people. If we let them help us today then tomorrow they may accept our help as they did during the Bhuj earthquake. Pakistan is not going to lose an 'strategic' ground.
Sometime one murder like a murder of an Archduke can trigger a World War. And sometime it may take rescue of a few people to start World Peace....
Even now and back then during the Earthquake no one has refused India sending out supplies directly to affected areas through so many channels that are open. Heck send it to Defence.pk and we'll get it to the right place - Guaranteed.

Problem is India is looking for point scoring not aiding. We don't have time to entertain India's nautanki on this, Dena hai toh doh, tamashay karne hain toh dafa ho. I think Pakistan government should politely refuse it, if India really wants to send the aid it can do so with or without Pakistan government's involvement.
The starving, sick or old won't mind who helps..whoever gives a helping hand is a God...

Few Pakistani's labors in UAE are raising money from all who can help !!
and they don't look at the nationality of donors.
Even now and back then during the Earthquake no one has refused India sending out supplies directly to affected areas through so many channels that are open. Heck send it to Defence.pk and we'll get it to the right place - Guaranteed.

Problem is India is looking for point scoring not aiding. We don't have time to entertain India's nautanki on this, Dena hai toh doh, tamashay karne hain toh dafa ho. I think Pakistan government should politely refuse it, if India really wants to send the aid it can do so with or without Pakistan government's involvement.

couldn't have said it better!!!

i hate the whole bollywood drama that comes along with an indian act!!! love to make a drama out of anything & everything!
The starving, sick or old won't mind who helps..whoever gives a helping hand is a God...

Few Pakistani's labors in UAE are raising money from all who can help !!
and they don't look at the nationality of donors.

I have been raising money myself. We don't want help from those who hired handful of TTP goons to kill our civilians. I guess who were those enjoying the fall of Swat the take over of FATA and daily suicide bombings and who were those mourning successful operations of Pak army. Same people acting like saints now giving us 5m $. As i said invest it to eradicate huge poverty in India.

Even now and back then during the Earthquake no one has refused India sending out supplies directly to affected areas through so many channels that are open. Heck send it to Defence.pk and we'll get it to the right place - Guaranteed.

Problem is India is looking for point scoring not aiding. We don't have time to entertain India's nautanki on this, Dena hai toh doh, tamashay karne hain toh dafa ho. I think Pakistan government should politely refuse it, if India really wants to send the aid it can do so with or without Pakistan government's involvement.

Very very well said. I agree 100%. Point scoring is the primary agenda. Same is being done here by the Indian members. They are hell bent on telling us how miserable situation is in Pakistan and somehow connecting it with Kashmir and LET!? and our defense budget!? Also they have assumed that ENTIRE Pakistan is suffering and starving and dieing and everything worst and Pakistan will be wiped away by the water. Strange.

To be honest entire Pakistan is at work right now. We will tackle it don't worry. If you wana use the situation for some self praising and to your contention then go on. You guys love it.
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I have been raising money myself. We don't want help from those who hired handful of TTP goons to kill our civilians. I guess who were those enjoying the fall of Swat the take over of FATA and daily suicide bombings and who were those mourning successful operations of Pak army. Same people acting like saints now giving us 5m $. As i said invest it to eradicate huge poverty in India.

Very very well said. I agree 100%. Point scoring is the primary agenda. Same is being done here by the Indian members. They are hell bent on telling us how miserable situation is in Pakistan and somehow connecting it with Kashmir and LET!? and our defense budget!? Also they have assumed that ENTIRE Pakistan is suffering and starving and dieing and everything worst and Pakistan will be wiped away by the water. Strange.

To be honest entire Pakistan is at work right now. We will tackle it don't worry. If you wana use the situation for some self praising and to your contention then go on. You guys love it.

come on dear...time is not ripe for reckless fighting over ego's..this is a natural calamity..mind it..no nation is free from these calamities..God strikes when we people devastate its creation "NATURE"..its all part of evolution..its not humans alone that die...so better to calm down..Idon't think Indians will dare to rejoice or make them in a win situation..after all we too have floods..
come on dear...time is not ripe for reckless fighting over ego's..this is a natural calamity..mind it..no nation is free from these calamities..God strikes when we people devastate its creation "NATURE"..its all part of evolution..its not humans alone that die...so better to calm down..Idon't think Indians will dare to rejoice or make them in a win situation..after all we too have floods..

Well said. First step towards putting your words in action is to stop point scoring. You can't stop your government. But Indian members here can stop now.
Accepting or not accepting $5 million in aid is not a big enough issue to waste this much bandwidth over.

We'll find out whether or not it is accepted soon enough.
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