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India not joining line of west : Grave concern for the west

I think GoI has been pretty clear on that. Even MMS made a statement that they welcome more democratic regimes in the Arab world, but this has to be an internal process and something that can't be forced externally.

You can call it empty slogans, but principle of soverignity is a conerstone of International Relations, you don't want to be seen as interfering in other countries in the name of democracy.

Tyrannical regimes abrogate sovereignty when they start bombing their own civilians on a mass scale.

Clearly, there is a distinction between bombing terrorists or criminals, and bombing legitimate protestors. I don't think even the dissenting governments are denying the legitimacy of the pro-democracy movement in Libya.
So, in a choice between dictators v/s democracy, India is "non aligned".

Good to know. :coffee:

india's first choice is always its interest... India never pressed any non democratic country to opt for democracy be it nepal, Myanmar, bhutan, Iraq or libia .... but we welcomed if these countries opt for democracy itself
india has done the right thing, very smart move to join the china camp well done to india, it is a good move to better relationship with china
Tyrannical regimes abrogate sovereignty when they start bombing their own civilians on a mass scale.

Clearly, there is a distinction between bombing terrorists or criminals, and bombing legitimate protestors. I don't think even the dissenting governments are denying the legitimacy of the pro-democracy movement in Libya.

Whole heartedly agree with this. I find it surprising the soundbites emanating from Indian MEA. Its about time that India starts shouldering more responsibility than hide beneath the facade of non-aligned fiasco in post cold-war politics.

Anyway, if its any consolation, India refrained from voting at the UNSC along with Russia, China, Brazil among others, very well knowing that the resolution would be passed and military action would be taken.
india's first choice is always its interest... India never pressed any non democratic country to opt for democracy be it nepal, Myanmar, bhutan, Iraq or libia .... but we welcomed if these countries opt for democracy itself

You forget the fact that its the people of Libya (not libia often a misspelling for labia- which means lips in Latin) who are clamoring for a change and its the dictator - mad Ghaddafi who is violently bombing the protestors.
Uncle SAM testing India's loyalty.....India's U.N. permanent membership down the toilet....
Dude - there's something called "Principles", which cant be negotiated and rest all can wait !!! BTW we are waiting on Pak's statement ;-)
Since when did we see the west caring so much for the libian people. the french president needs the war to up his popularity for the coming presidential election, the uk priminster needs the war to divert away his own economy troubles. Italian president has been hit with a serious sex scandle a war with another country definite help its chance of survial. The usa unwittingly join the war for the sake of solidarity with her allies.
I feel if India continues with this NAM policy India is going to find itself friendless in times of need .

Might be and we should be OK with that. What NAM did was creating forum for self-respecting countries, which chose not to align with the so-called masters. Else can you imagine a world where only the powerful (read US) dictate things?
india has done the right thing, very smart move to join the china camp well done to india, it is a good move to better relationship with china

for india there is no china camp... India do have its own camp and we call it NAM..

Its good to see china is joining NAM.... It is a good move to better relationship with India
Since when did we see the west caring so much for the libian people. the french president needs the war to up his popularity for the coming presidential election, the uk priminster needs the war to divert away his own economy troubles. Italian president has been hit with a serious sex scandle a war with another country definite help its chance of survial. The usa unwittingly join the war for the sake of solidarity with her allies.

west declared war for oil... and not to liberalize libyans....
What surprises is the sudden burst of things, in less than month's time (way faster than Iraq, Afghan). West suddenly wakes up, passes vague resolution in UN, attacks Libya and goes beyond the 'No fly' scope. Funny thing, the French didn't even notify allies and directly attacked. May be the premier wanted to be "First", since US took the credit in Afg, Iraq.

What surprises is that how come the whites are dumb enough to authroize another attack, when their missions are already failing in West Asia.
west declared war for oil... and not to liberalize libyans....
For the umpteenth time, the West did not declare a war. Its not an invasion. Its a UNSC authorized implementation of a No-Fly zone and humanitarian intervention to stop Mad Ghaddafi's forces slaughtering Libyan civilians.

Recent mass protests and revolutions in North African countries have been having West's support despite the fact that 'leaders' like Mubarak were once West's blue eyed boys! So carrying the same momentum forward, Libyans protested against the dictatorship and now have the support of NATO/UNSC.

Is that so hard to understand?

What surprises is the sudden burst of things, in less than month's time (way faster than Iraq, Afghan). West suddenly wakes up, passes vague resolution in UN, attacks Libya and goes beyond the 'No fly' scope. Funny thing, the French didn't even notify allies and directly attacked. May be the premier wanted to be "First", since US took the credit in Afg, Iraq.

What surprises is that how come the whites are dumb enough to authroize another attack, when their missions are already failing in West Asia.
You really need to understand the history of French involvement in Africa. North African countries look up to the French to solve their problems, so its but natural for the French to fire the first shots to defend the Libyans against Ghaddafi's forces.

As for West Asia, where is the West failing?

FYI, Che is long dead and gone. The utopian ideals his image stands for are no-longer practically feasible or possible. "Rebels without a cause" is the apt description for Che wanna-be's. I know, I was once a wanna-be.
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