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India not behind every trouble in Pak: Gilani

You seems to me a Software engineer doing quality work as well ..lol

On topic, Mr Gilani is right on spot that for floods to Balochistan to blasts in country to Sectarian clashes, If people think India is there then let the people make castles in the air. We cant help.

'Root cause analysis' has its origins in quality management and not software engineering, the Ishikawa fishbone and five why's are defect prevention techniques common across all domains.

On topic, the blame game needs to end the only people who really benefit from festering hostility are politicians,terrorist and the military.
Thats true man,Pakistan needs kashmir more desperately than India to secure the Indus water supply.

well if it were just a water issue then we could easily push for total independence of Kashmir and just be first in line to create a friendly relationship with this ''new state''

so therefore, i think you're thinking is still a bit overly-simplistic --with all due respect
Thats true man,Pakistan needs kashmir more desperately than India to secure the Indus water supply.

The ISI may have had a hand to play in the 90s with various extremist groups it fostered, but in the modern day its on-the-ground stakes in IOK are virtually nill by Kashmiris taking their future in their own hands and protesting -- only a small minority of protests are called by separatist politicians in IOK, a very small figure.
he is right some how we should look around inside we have lot of bloody here .
well if it were just a water issue then we could easily push for total independence of Kashmir and just be first in line to create a friendly relationship with this ''new state''

so therefore, i think you're thinking is still a bit overly-simplistic --with all due respect

That total independence of kashmir is never going to happen and that would have been possible if and only if the 1947-48 lashkar aggression did not happen.From then on,it is this way or that way for the kashmiris.

I am sure the Indus water supply is the key and thats why jinnah saab said,it is the heart of pakistan.
it's a jugular vein. And always will be.

Which is why, we will never abandon the cause.
Ofcourse India isn't behind every issue in Pakistan.
Don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out PM Gilani.

It doesn't mean that we have to keep our guards down though.
I don't exactly know why PM Gilani needs to win some hearts over at India.

We have our lovely brand-new Foreign Minister to do that.. ;)
I bet some indians on this forum wish india was?

Naah, When we see people are burning their homes then we just wait and watch we dont inject fuel in to that unlike others. ;)
Naah, When we see people are burning their homes then we just wait and watch we dont inject fuel in to that unlike others. ;)

Yea rite ive seen some of your pro pakistani posts!
Its pretty obvious: ISI conspiracy theories.

This one would have to be the most stupid

Pak 'spy' pigeon caught on border, police suspect ISI hand - Indian Express


Just so you know that the pigeons have long been used for spying. Check this out:
Spy Pigeons Circle the World | Danger Room | Wired.com

Police "suspect" it as the "possible" spy from ISI, big deal??
I wont blame Pakistan for supecting India for spying and vice versa. Many countries do it. Thats not the conspiracy. Let me give you hint on what is the conspiracy. Check this out:

What will Pakistan accuse India of next? - Rediff.com News

The funniest one was, when you claim the RAW is responsible for floods in Pakistan!! LOL

I believe its not your fault, because that is what you guys are being told in your school syllabus. Check this out:


And this one is the best, how can you forget this classic:


Hillary Clinton, Secretary Of State, United States of America

So now you guys enjoy the official status of conspiracy theorists?? Congratulations!!
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