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India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

And that's the corect way to go ,fight them on honest economic and political ground but refrain from these silly antics as detaining a officiall ambassador,stupid remarks as "tiny,poor country", or even the most laughable I've heard such as "hang,jail him!":what:...what are you,a mob of lybians storming the american embassy?

That was a Pakistani members suggestions - as for the jailing part - no way India's going to jail an emissary - the Indian Italian lawyer Salve made a comment on those lines probably to save his tail because most likely he was in the know or would have suggested legalities to make the absconding of the marines possible.

PPP matters only for transactions done within the country.For everything else nominal GDP matters.

You are right but PPP also affects external transactions because you spend considerably lesser on internal transactions for the same services or items based on the lower cost factor.
EU can go Fuk themself.... You do the crime you gotta spent the time!! Give us those two Marines and you can have those ****** Italian envoy's!!
ahh. the little f.vcks trying to put us in a nasty corner,eh??? if you f.vcks had any balls, stop hiding behind the EU and do it on your own. talking about Italy as some 'great power' and than hiding behind another group of nations for support and security,only Italians will do this.

I think that you're under the wrong impression that i may be italian,which I'm not.I think I will stop engaging you in a discussion given that you seem to posses poor social skills and a tendency to prefere foul talk and similar animal grunting instead of rational conversation.Enjoy the rest of your day my foul mouthed indian friend.
@flamer84 sorry mate, went a little off topic, i never had hit this low in weeks, but i'm a little high on old monk now.

to be on topic, the ties between India and Italy are absolutely crucial, i will even agree to the part that India stands to benefit more from the relationship than Italy stands to. any talk about doing anything to the Italian ambassador is plain childish.

the best thing that can be done is maintain calm, this is not just about the shooting now, this has snowballed in to Italy betraying India. the best thing that Italy can do is to pay compensation to the families of victims and settle for out of court matter,if Italy drags the issue to international court ,or if the EU jumps in, the relationship will deteriorate further more. And the best thing Inida can do is same as that suggested by @Bang Galore
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@for truth -Didn't they pay financial compensations to the victims families?Altough,if you ask me,there's not enough money to compensate for the loss of a loved one,and I,personally wouldn't accept financial gain.

That is exactly what i was saying.All this is just an emotional response,you need a firm,legal response in the form of legal action in international courts against Italy and the 2 marines or political and economical sanctions.I really don't know who will loose more if economic relations will be cut off between Italy(not the whole EU) and India.
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@for truth -Didn't they pay financial compensations to the victims families?Altough,if you ask me,there's not enough money to compensate for the loss of a loved one,and I,personally wouldn't accept financial gain.

That is exactly what i was saying.All this is just an emotional response,you need a firm,legal response in the form of legal action in international courts against Italy and the 2 marines or political and economical sanctions.I really don't know who will loose more if economic relations will be cut off between Italy(not the whole EU) and India.

India will stand to loose if economic relations are cut off, seriously, the Italians are good at cars and Indians in space, a collaboration in these technology areas will pay rich dividends . recently a lot of Italians luxury brands have entered Indian market and are doing great.there is lot more we can gain from maintaining a close relationship with Italy -- particularly in defense, and high technology areas like power generations,ship building etc.

who was wrong at the shooting, we will never know this, but what we know is that the relationship is absolutely crucial, but i would say that Italy did a wrong thing by not sending back the marines, India would not have hanged the marines,and the marines were give proper legal cover in Indian courts, they had every opportunity to defend themselves,but committing to send back and than betraying, this only tells how Italians view India and makes them less trustworthy.
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Marines row an issue between India and Italy: US

Washington: The US today refused to involve itself in the ongoing diplomatic row between India and Italy over two Italian marines who skipped bail while on trial for murder, saying it is an issue for the two nations to resolve.

"This sounds like an issue between India and Italy, not an issue for us," State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters at her daily news conference.

Two Italian marines Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, who are accused of killing two Indian fishermen last year, had been given permission by the Supreme Court to fly to Italy to cast their votes in the polls on the understanding that they would return.

But the Italian government last week announced that it would renege on its commitment to send them back, prompting fury in New Delhi.

The two marines were allowed by the court to go to Italy after Italian envoy Daniele Mancini had given an assurance to send them back.

The apex court has now asked the Italian Ambassador not to leave the country without its permission, taking exception to his government's refusal to send back the two marines.

Marines row an issue between India and Italy: US
EU Urges India, Italy to Settle Dispute over Envoy, Marines

The European Union has said it hoped for a "common solution" to the dispute between India and Italy over Rome's decision not to return the marines who are facing trial in New Delhi for killing two Indian fishermen.

"The EU is taking note of the disputes between India and Italy and continues to hope that a common solution can be reached through negotiation," Catherine Ashton, a spokesperson for EU’s foreign affairs representative, was quoted as saying by Italian newspaper Gazzetta del Sud.

India and Italy are in the middle of a diplomatic row after Rome reneged on its commitment to send back its two marines, who were allowed by the Supreme Court on February 22 to go to Italy for four weeks for voting in election.

India is in the process of downgrading its diplomatic ties and decided not to post its ambassador-designate to Rome.

The Indian government had this week announced its decision to initiate review of entire gamut of relations with Italy.

The marines face trial in a special Indian court for shooting and killing two Indian fisherman – Jelestine Valentine and Ajesh Binki – while guarding an Italian oil tanker off the coast of Kerala last February.

The Italian government claims India does not have jurisdiction in the case as the incident took place in international waters.
One good thing about Indian system howsoever broken is that it's vetting system is so strong due to pressure of population that retards, who would make a decision like you would not come even within the sniffing distance of Power.

Thankfully Competition would root out the ultra stupid from bureaucracy.

Going to war with EU or breaking relations over this stupid episode?????????

I don't know whether to feel angry or sorry over this.Probably this is the reason why TV channels like times now which are nothing but elaborate shouting match are so popular in India.

@Syama Ayas you have exactly put what i wanted to say in more elaborate words,something which i was not able to do due to anger after seeing people talking about nukes and war over this.

and its because of sissies like you making decesions that even sri lanka, paksitan and bangladesh take india for granted. for me a guy who care for business and not for honour is bharva..enuch
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What happen to indians in italy if india refuse to send it's ambassador to italy and downgrade it's diplomatic status there? Won't they face problems there when issues arises which only embassy can solve?

and its because of sissies like you making decesions that even sri lanka, paksitan and bangladesh take india for granted. for me a guy who care for business and not for honour is bharva..enuch

Jutt sahab,,, this whole issue wouldn't have arised if Indian's have kept their word when they asked Italian marines to come and record their statments
The world is one market and nominal tells you how much value an economy produces as agreed upon by the whole world.

PPP is useless here.

nominal actually does not tell the standard of living of a country.. its ppp(gdp) which tells and by the way india double its gdp nominal every 4 - 5 years. in italy cost of living is 10 times india. a person making 1000 dollars in india can live as good as an italian making 10000. what u say

if a country wanna increase gdp nominal.. simply let the infaltion go to roof.
Jutt sahab,,, this whole issue wouldn't have arised if Indian's have kept their word when they asked Italian marines to come and record their statments
indians in italy have shnegan visa. they can cross border n use consulates there. indian did they had to. these marines killed poor fishermen and they had to be tried in court. if they were falsely implicated then they could have got away. but it seems italian government doest care about the lives of indians. those days of colonialism are over 100 years ago. if they kill our men they have to pay for the crime
in punjabi there is a saying . jisda shitter ucha log usnu hee salamah karday.. jehra dar gaya oh marr gaya

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