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India: Muslim Share in Government Jobs crosses 10%

well said .neverthless the standard of muslims in india is far better in a secular india than islamic republic of pakistan..but unfortunately they are still behind the indian standards and must be improved

u dnt want to pay income tax @oiltrader?

India is a mafia corporate state which fleeces its people and even murders them(politicans,goons,fake encounters).Look at Russia -only 13% flat tax.Plus a lot of opportunities. Also a lot less corruption ,though there is corruption there too.But cost of living is lower ,with exception of Moscow. Plus Vladmir putin has not allowed the corporatists and the bankers to run amok. So yes,I am not interested in feeding this nation of thieves,goons and freeloading politicans with my hard earned money.

Good luck with That:omghaha:

Why ? haven't Myanamar managed to drive the muslim hordes with the barrel of gun? The ones who remain there are being forced to convert or leave or be killed. Its started in Sri Lanka too.
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The number of Muslims was low due to:

- Most of the Muslims govt employees migrated to pakistan.

- Most of the educated Muslims migrated to the pakistan.

But in democratic and secular India we are one.

I am against this types of minority or majority mindset and news...........we all are one and that is Indians. :smokin:

Why not let this imam bukhari, geela-ni, Azam khan, Akbaruddin Owaisi types say this?

These scumbags denigrate every single principle of Hindus and us Buddhists, and still they are called the messiahs of secularism.

How about these guys talk the same?

I am also against minority and majority concept but why not these guys talk?

Why is it that they cannot live peacefully like some shias, Sufis, Ismailis and Ahmedis do?
And how do you plan to achieve this?

Persuasion, education, By telling them truth about there true identity. They accepted islam due to some issue, we will resolve that issue and ask them politely to come back to true religion, rather than following some man made religions..

I have many plans.. I am planning to join politics, once i will come in power I will execute those Plans and make a peacful India.. :)
Wish you all the best. :)
Persuasion, education, By telling them truth about there true identity. They accepted islam due to some issue, we will resolve that issue and ask them politely to come back to true religion, rather than following some man made religions..

I have many plans.. I am planning to join politics, once i will come in power I will execute those Plans and make a peacful India.. :)
Persuasion, education, By telling them truth about there true identity. They accepted islam due to some issue, we will resolve that issue and ask them politely to come back to true religion, rather than following some man made religions..

I have many plans.. I am planning to join politics, once i will come in power I will execute those Plans and make a peacful India.. :)

Dude elections are less than year away,what are you doing in PDF,go on streets give some speeches,money kind of $hit politicians do.
Best of Luck for your Future.
Why ? haven't Myanamar managed to drive the muslim hordes with the barrel of gun? The ones who remain there are being forced to convert or leave or be killed. Its started in Sri Lanka too.

Brother In mayanmar Lashkar-E-Toiba is operating. The LeT man "Abdul Kareem Tunda" trained them.. Burmese are suffering from terrorirsm. Don't fall to the terorrists' propaganda, Burma is not attacking them, they are attacking Burma..
And how do you plan to achieve this?

By opening up their minds, give them examples of these sects living in Turkey, Azerbaijan etc which are all peaceful and liberal. Even Syrians who are Ismaili muslims are very liberal by nature. Friendly and non-violent (don't go by the current war which is mostly fought by AQ terrorists and enemies from other countries).

When these people who call themselves as Muslims can live so peacefully and happily and progress, WTF is wrong with these Owaisis, Bukharis, Geela-nis, Maliks etc?

The point is not to blanket everyone but target scumbags like these who are a threat even to their own fellow Muslims.

Al Khangress and its secoolar pets will never appreciate peaceful muslims like the sects I mentioned above, because they vote not as Muslims but as individuals for the country.

The Owaisi types are the ones that always vote for Madam G and her pets, and hence the honesty.
Persuasion, education, By telling them truth about there true identity. They accepted islam due to some issue, we will resolve that issue and ask them politely to come back to true religion, rather than following some man made religions..

I have many plans.. I am planning to join politics, once i will come in power I will execute those Plans and make a peacful India.. :)

Deoband,Barelvi or wahabbi Muslims will likely kill you .The only language they understand is from the Barrel of the Gun .
Brother In mayanmar Lashkar-E-Toiba is operating. The LeT man "Abdul Kareem Tunda" trained them.. Burmese are suffering from terrorirsm. Don't fall to the terorrists' propaganda, Burma is not attacking them, they are attacking Burma..

But Myanmar is retaliating fiercely unlike traitors in our country who are causing more divisional damage than anything to do with national security.

Myanmar got pissed off after years of trying to integrate these people and now it said,"Okay. That's it. Fck off our land".
Brother In mayanmar Lashkar-E-Toiba is operating. The LeT man "Abdul Kareem Tunda" trained them.. Burmese are suffering from terrorirsm. Don't fall to the terorrists' propaganda, Burma is not attacking them, they are attacking Burma..

So what?They decimated the support base of Lashkar-E-Toiba with their massive retaliation.
Deoband,Barelvi or wahabbi Muslims will likely kill you .The only language they understand is from the Barrel of the Gun .

I agree here.

These guys even threaten other sub-communities of their own co-religionists. What to talk of us or the Hindus.

But how long can you sit and watch yourself attacked?

Enough is enough.
Why not let this imam bukhari, geela-ni, Azam khan, Akbaruddin Owaisi types say this?

These scumbags denigrate every single principle of Hindus and us Buddhists, and still they are called the messiahs of secularism.

How about these guys talk the same?

I am also against minority and majority concept but why not these guys talk?

Why is it that they cannot live peacefully like some shias, Sufis, Ismailis and Ahmedis do?

religious extremists will be there every where..we have them in hinduism also and not every body takes them seriously anyway heres akbaruddin owaisi declaring himself that hes a proud indian and this vedio is for many pakistanis too who feel that he hates india

from 1:54

MIM Floor Leader Akbaruddin Owaisi excellent speech on telangana issue - YouTube

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