I have always said that it would be in India's national interest to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese ... especially in terms of reverse engineering. It is the only way for India to jumpstart its indigenous industry ... we have seen the pitiful efforts of indigenous programs like the Tejas and Arjun (which all have critical foreign sub-systems) and the failure of joint programs like the FGFA. I truly believe that India wants to reverse engineer weapons systems like the Chinese ... the only problem is they do not have the capacity do so.
I second that... the key is PRIVATISATION... not reverse engineering or theft...
Just imagine a person scoring in negative... and then teaching maths in government school... reason RESERVATION... and it is not limited to teaching...
Capacity... you are completely wrong on that... There is something called ETHICS...
China and India both have two completly different governing systems... thus we cannot compare there growth appropriately...
Just to give you an example of Indian Navys domestic production.
KolKata Class Destroyer
Radars and Sensors:
Combined gas and gas system: 4 ×
Zorya-Mashproekt DT-59 reversible gas turbines
Main Gun:
76 mm gun Oto Melara SRGM (Italian)
AK-630 CIWS (Russian)
RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers (Russian)
Brahmos (Russian Product)
I mean name one thing that is actually yours in that Destroyer. Anyone can do a patch job even Pakistan is doing same with Jinnah Class frigates with exception of using our homemade cruise missiles.
Do they have any INDIAN SYSTEM developed by local defense labs... if yes, they integrate it... if not, they buy it...
Brahmos... is jointly developed... as well as BARAK 8...
You're far too incompetent to even dream of doing that. China makes the idols India uses in its religious ceremonies, enough said.
Agreed... Cheap chinese products were rampant earlier... but people (most of them) have decided to stop using them now... just wait for ANNUAL SALES figures in 2021... and you will see the performance of Chinese companies in India...
I guess that's the only thing you can copy, ridiculous conspiracy theories. Oh, and you'll copy the American COVID response.
Congratulations for killing people in WUHAN... and around the world... without impacting other CHINESE PROVINCES...
Here's another strange thing Indians seem proud of: they condemn Pakistan for being a Chinese "vassal", yet they salivate at the prospect of becoming an American vassal. I suppose it's good that they recognize they're too little to be playing the game against China and they need a patron.
Stop paying to Pakistan and you will see that they are not even a CHINESE VASSAL... just go through PDF itself to see how MBS was called before and how he was addressed after pouring money...
India and Indian knows that nobody is going to fight our war... but there are COMMON CONCERNS which bring two nations close...
Like China need oil and Pakistan need Infra...
India need weapons... US, EU, Russia etc. need customer...