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Featured India moves to buy 6 more Poseidons from US for $1.8bn

Who knows what they believe deep down. They're so delusional and live in such a constant frenzy of propaganda and trash media that I doubt they have any rationality or reason left. In short, they are completely mad.
I am just speculating on what the rational Indian person should think. I don't even bother to respond to the irrational members who live in delusions. But I believe there are still some rational Indians ... the only problem is the irrational ones drown their voices out.
Fixed. It's jaw-dropping. Precisely, it's $220,000,000 US per plane. That is just mental! For comparison, that's around the price Singapore is paying for the F-35B (the most expensive variant of the plane). No wonder they keep comparing their mediocre fourth-generation fighter to the J-20, they're paying fifth-gen prices for fourth-gen capabilities. I hope the Indians here have spent enough time in this forum to understand that just because they paid fifth-gen prices doesn't mean they get fifth-gen performance.
It's actually 242 million dollars (almost one more JF-17 in cost from your estimate :-)). Of course they are going to compare their Rafael fighter to the J-20 because that is the best they got. Previously, they only compared the FGFA to the J-20 but after they left, the Rafael is the only other comparison. Now they talk about the AMCA as the solution to the FGFA ... judging by the state of India's arms industry, they would be lucky to get one operational by the mid 2040s.

We are not a bankrupt nation on FATF grey list that needs IMF bailouts for day to day survival.


research is better than *** posts... 1BN dollar loan from IMF in June and then 500M from Worldbank for education in 5 states in July... top and worst in global hunger index 2019/2020 ...morally corrupt shithole
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Except its not women going shopping for Salwar, but a nation going on a shopping spree for the top of the line weapons.:D At least something changed, now Pakistan is not issuing a statement of concern and is instead rejoicing the imaginary Chinese victory in the "war" and panic buying of Rafales, hammer armament, P8 i, predator drones.
Good times.
My bad bro, i didn't know SU30MKI & M2K were not top of the line systems, not to forget Spice2000 & SPYDER...

Yes being in bankrupt state and knocking IMF door.. India pretty much messed up..
come on man, no need to take it personal, i was just messing around with no intention to troll or derail the thread...it was just said on a lighter note....
Can you blame anyone for saying that?
Indian Govt is behaving like a girl with daddy issues & buying more toys make them happy....
I have always said that it would be in India's national interest to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese ... especially in terms of reverse engineering. It is the only way for India to jumpstart its indigenous industry ... we have seen the pitiful efforts of indigenous programs like the Tejas and Arjun (which all have critical foreign sub-systems) and the failure of joint programs like the FGFA. I truly believe that India wants to reverse engineer weapons systems like the Chinese ... the only problem is they do not have the capacity do so.

I second that... the key is PRIVATISATION... not reverse engineering or theft...

Just imagine a person scoring in negative... and then teaching maths in government school... reason RESERVATION... and it is not limited to teaching...

Capacity... you are completely wrong on that... There is something called ETHICS...

China and India both have two completly different governing systems... thus we cannot compare there growth appropriately...

Just to give you an example of Indian Navys domestic production.
KolKata Class Destroyer
Radars and Sensors:
Combined gas and gas system: 4 × Zorya-Mashproekt DT-59 reversible gas turbines

Main Gun:
76 mm gun Oto Melara SRGM (Italian)
AK-630 CIWS (Russian)
RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers (Russian)
Brahmos (Russian Product)

I mean name one thing that is actually yours in that Destroyer. Anyone can do a patch job even Pakistan is doing same with Jinnah Class frigates with exception of using our homemade cruise missiles.

Do they have any INDIAN SYSTEM developed by local defense labs... if yes, they integrate it... if not, they buy it...

Brahmos... is jointly developed... as well as BARAK 8...

You're far too incompetent to even dream of doing that. China makes the idols India uses in its religious ceremonies, enough said.

Agreed... Cheap chinese products were rampant earlier... but people (most of them) have decided to stop using them now... just wait for ANNUAL SALES figures in 2021... and you will see the performance of Chinese companies in India...

I guess that's the only thing you can copy, ridiculous conspiracy theories. Oh, and you'll copy the American COVID response.

Congratulations for killing people in WUHAN... and around the world... without impacting other CHINESE PROVINCES...

Here's another strange thing Indians seem proud of: they condemn Pakistan for being a Chinese "vassal", yet they salivate at the prospect of becoming an American vassal. I suppose it's good that they recognize they're too little to be playing the game against China and they need a patron.

Stop paying to Pakistan and you will see that they are not even a CHINESE VASSAL... just go through PDF itself to see how MBS was called before and how he was addressed after pouring money...

India and Indian knows that nobody is going to fight our war... but there are COMMON CONCERNS which bring two nations close...

Like China need oil and Pakistan need Infra...

India need weapons... US, EU, Russia etc. need customer...
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. . . .
Indians on pdf are pathetic losers.
Always defending themselves.
My bad bro, i didn't know SU30MKI & M2K were not top of the line systems, not to forget Spice2000 & SPYDER...
No problem 'bro', we always welcome your suggestions and inputs on the jets, weapons, and subsystems we buy. Be it MiGs, P8s, or Predators. We perfectly understand you're not trying to troll, all in the good sense.:) We also welcome your suggestion on our next addition, the S-400 panic buying.
All the major platforms bought during this period have been in the pipeline. They have been discussed here on this very forum multiple times. However, some armaments seem to be new based on how they can help in this particular situation. Hence, they are definitely not hasty. They were always in the plan.

Shortages in Squadron strength, ammunition and other weaponry is openly disclosed by India with PDF Pakistanis mocking the situation then and now - when we buy to cover shortages and fast track purchases overriding bureaucratic hurdles. This should have been done long ago and hope some lessons are learnt.

The new weaponry being purchased are not dummies but potent systems that the Chinese will now have to evaluate in their threat matrix. The western systems are benchmarks that even the Chinese want to meet. It will be a headache regardless how you dice it. Unfortunately, they will not be all available now.

With such new threat India's weapons purchases finally seems to have more clarity. A mixture of Indigenous weapons and advanced weaponry from the west. Both imports, self-made and made in India licensed builds is the correct way moving forward. We finally seem to have a plan.
By haste I mean the speed of procurement, if the pipeline worked the way it should it would have a consistent, spread out and controlled pressure on funds but this overclocked buying is putting pressure a single point. Think of it as a broken piplenie
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India use this one for scanning Himalayan area as well in the time of Indo China conflict. This is a very potent plane which can Virtually make Chinese navy useless in Indian ocean. As nothing can hide from the eyes of p8i , neither submarine nor there so cold Stealth frigate or destroyer. India can everything from the sky and destroy it whenever India wants.
Agreed... Cheap chinese products were rampant earlier...
I'm actually quite upset Chinese companies didn't price gouge Indians more. Indians have very little money, but they'll very gullibly give you what little they have. They pay more for a fourth generation fighter than other countries pay for a fifth generation fighter.
just wait for ANNUAL SALES figures in 2021...
Ah, the old "just wait". Here was an example of the Indian "just wait" from 2012
Stop paying to Pakistan and you will see that they are not even a CHINESE VASSAL... just go through PDF itself to see how MBS was called before and how he was addressed after pouring money...
Like I said before, India is too little and too poor to be playing the game. Maybe America will take pity on you and send you more aid.
Do they have any INDIAN SYSTEM developed by local defense labs... if yes, they integrate it... if not, they buy it...

Brahmos... is jointly developed... as well as BARAK 8...

I have no issues with buying products from overseas but integrations of systems at home doesn't mean local manufacturing but rather local assembly. There is nothing wrong with it as even Pakistan does the same with its products either from an off the shelf buy or under TOT. I was merely trying to educate the person that Indian navy shipbuilding industry is not self sufficient. World is a global village now and there is no harm in importing off the shelf items but that does accompany significant increase in cost especially for western Radars and sensors hence higher costs. An analog of Kalkota class destroyer in Chinese navy probably costs half bcz of their self sufficiency, economy of scale and cheap labor costs. This also hinders Indian Navy expansion efforts.

As for Brahmos or Barak you can call them products imported with TOT but you cannot call them Indian Products. Again there is nothing wrong with having imported designs as long as you build them at home. Pakistan has done the same with its Zarb, Harbah missile. Our future Supersonic AShM will also include significant chinese or Turkish Input there is no doubt about it.
I'm actually quite upset Chinese companies didn't price gouge Indians more. Indians have very little money, but they'll very gullibly give you what little they have. They pay more for a fourth generation fighter than other countries pay for a fifth generation fighter.

Ah, the old "just wait". Here was an example of the Indian "just wait" from 2012

Like I said before, India is too little and too poor to be playing the game. Maybe America will take pity on you and send you more aid.
Honestly they should. If France managed to rip off Indians with a 250 million dollar per unit Rafael, then the possiblities are endless :enjoy:. The French have set a new precedent for ripping off Indians.
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