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Featured India moves to buy 6 more Poseidons from US for $1.8bn

So total 18 Poseidon jets forming the bulk of the LR MPA fleet.
Add the five heavily modernised Sea Dragons which can track 32 surface targets at over 300Km and the ability to track aircraft as well for AEW forming a second layer of capability, will use the deadly Kh-35 for ASuW(Shared with the MiG-29K) and the 35+ Do-228 which has the EL/M-2022 V3 (Same was in the old Bear) which is also very capable and we have a formidable fleet.


With the Kh-35


With the Underbelly Radar and the EO Pod
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What else would make the Indians braver? They cannot manufacture their own weapons systems so the next best thing is to go shopping for them.
The strange thing is they take such pride in it. I mean, I understand that you do what you gotta do, and it wasn't so long ago that China was in a similar position where it had to import its military hardware. But it's just weird how they strut around and brag about Rafales and Poseidons like they made them.

The funnier thing is that India thinks it has "strategic relationships" with Russia, France, the US, etc. because it buys weapons from them. India isn't a partner, it's a customer - and a gullible one at that.
'IAF defends the country, but Modi stole its money to give to Anil Ambani'
Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying while the Indian Air Force was defending the country, Modi stole Rs 30,000 crore from the force and put it in businessman Anil Ambani’s pocket.


Although there is a MOU between CCP and SCAMGRESS... please don't quote a 50 year old child who cannot even write a line without copying it from his phone... a man who is something just because he has been born in a dynasty...

SCAMGRESS and ITS KNOWLEDGE... Its protest and acumen of protesters can be judged by watching following vedio... Please note that I'm using THE PRINT... one of the biggest source of Anti-Modi and Anti-BJP news... just to prove THE POINT...

everyone in India want the number of Rafale jets to be at least 72... because 36 is neither sufficient nor cost effective number... It could be a game changer only when inducted in good numbers and on time...

On Anil Ambani... Tell me how and why???


LOL it is funny how they accuse Pakistan of spending and buying military hardware during corona. Here we have an example of a nation that is drowning in corona and unable to keep up with infections and deaths. Yet military spending goes on shamelessly.

We are not a bankrupt nation on FATF grey list that needs IMF bailouts for day to day survival.

The strange thing is they take such pride in it. I mean, I understand that you do what you gotta do, and it wasn't so long ago that China was in a similar position where it had to import its military hardware. But it's just weird how they strut around and brag about Rafales and Poseidons like they made them.

The funnier thing is that India thinks it has "strategic relationships" with Russia, France, the US, etc. because it buys weapons from them. India isn't a partner, it's a customer - and a gullible one at that.
The strange thing is they take such pride in it. I mean, I understand that you do what you gotta do, and it wasn't so long ago that China was in a similar position where it had to import its military hardware. But it's just weird how they strut around and brag about Rafales and Poseidons like they made them.

The funnier thing is that India thinks it has "strategic relationships" with Russia, France, the US, etc. because it buys weapons from them. India isn't a partner, it's a customer - and a gullible one at that.

You are right we should have made cheap copies of various platforms... gradually by using hacking and theft, we should have acquired western technologies... should have used them to UPGRADE and create new platforms...
We should have also set up a virus research facility with the help of an European nation and have started a biological war against the world...

We don't have the relationship with USA like Canada have... but US feels that we can come handy in handling Chinese... and only time will tell whether that would happen or not...
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With New P-8I Deal, Indian Navy Could Get Advanced U.S. Tech Earlier Denied

The Indian Navy’s Boeing P-8I long range maritime reconnaissance & anti-submarine aircraft could be fitted with a list of crucial U.S. technologies that had earlier been held back by the United States owing to the absence of a necessary bilateral agreement. Well, theoretically. It all depends on whether the Indian Navy wants it.

First, some background.

The Indian Navy contracted for eight P-8I jets in January 2009, at which time India wasn’t yet a signatory to the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA), resulting in a large list of sensitive proprietary systems being held off the Indian planes. Four additional P-8I jets ordered by the Indian Navy in 2016, which begin delivery in April this year, will similarly be without the U.S. proprietary tech. In 2018, after over a decade in discussion, India and the United States finally signed the COMCASA, for the first time paving the way for U.S. high-end secured/encrypted communication equipment on American platforms supplied.


The 9th P-8I for the Indian Navy seen here under construction months ago

A year after the facilitation framework of the COMCASA kicked into action, the Indian MoD in November last year cleared the Indian Navy to contract for six more P-8Is. This new deal, currently being negotiated between India and the U.S. Government, will be the first U.S.-India aircraft contract under the new COMCASA regime. Livefist can confirm that while certain software changes have been asked for on the new jets, the Indian Navy hasn’t taken a decision yet on whether it wishes to consider the items held back by the US Government earlier. The Indian MoD is also keen to keep cost contours on par with the previous P-8I deals, and that could slow progress towards a contract.


If India manages to negotiate a 6 P-8I contract that includes U.S. equipment held back on the first 12 P-8Is, it would be reasonable to assume that India will be looking to get the earlier aircraft retrofitted with the said systems to maintain commonality. As things stand, the Indian Navy will likely be looking to contract the P-8Is without the said U.S. equipment — and staying with the Indian equipment earlier contracted in replacement. The original 8 P-8Is, as Livefist first detailed here, were integrated with Indian-made replacement systems for encrypted voice, IFF and advanced secret communication equipment. This diagram provides a clear picture of the kinds of systems held off the pre-COMCASA P-8Is and per force replaced with Indian systems.


What’s crucial is that the items earlier held back are now available in case the Indian Navy wants to get them — the U.S. Government has also conveyed that such equipment would go a way towards true communications interoperability. Should that situation arise, the Indian Navy will be looking to choose from a list of 5 pieces of equipment that includes (or similar to) the AN/ARC-222 Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) manufacured by Magnovox and administered by the US Air Force, KV-119 IFF Digital Transponder (Mode 4 Crypto Applique) manufactured by Raytheon, TACTERM/ANDVT Secure Voice (HF) Terminal, VINSON KY-58 Secure Voice (UHF/VHF) Module and the Rockwell-Collins AN/ARC-210(V) SATCOM Transceiver’s COMSEC/DAMA embdedded RT.

The SINCGARS, for instance, is a combat net radio deployed by the US military for encrypted voice and data communications. The KV-119 is a highly evolved Identify Friend/Foe transponder. The ANDVT is a secure voice terminal for low bandwidth secure voice communications in use throughout the US military. The VINSON KY-58 is a secure voice module that involves encrypted communication to and from military aircraft and other vehicles. The AN/ARC-210 is a family of radios for military aircraft that provides two-way voice and data communications across modes. These or pieces of equipment similar to these were also held off the Indian Air Force’s C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft.


Indian Navy P-8I in Qatar in 2019 for the ‘Roar Of The Sea’ exercise

Barring any additions and software tweaks, the new P-8Is being negotiated will be identical to the ones in service with the Indian Navy, sporting the Raytheon AN/APY-10 primary radar and L-3 Communications Wescam MX-20HD digital electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) multispectral sensor turret, and two sensors absent on the US Navy’s P-8As that were specifically asked for by the Indian Navy — the Telephonics APS-143 OceanEye aft radar and CAE AN/ASQ 508A magnetic anomaly detector.

The Indian Navy’s ninth P-8I will be delivered in April this year, with three more to arrive next year. While home base will remain Arakkonam on India’s east coast, work has begun to give the Indian Navy the flexibility to base the aircraft in Goa and Port Blair. The deal for six more aircraft could be signed by the end of this year, though it could take longer.

You are right we should have made cheap copies of various platforms...
You're far too incompetent to even dream of doing that. China makes the idols India uses in its religious ceremonies, enough said.
We should have also set up a virus research facility with the help of an European nation and have started a biological war against the world...
I guess that's the only thing you can copy, ridiculous conspiracy theories. Oh, and you'll copy the American COVID response.
but US feels that we can come handy in handling Chinese... and only time will tell whether that would happen or not...
Here's another strange thing Indians seem proud of: they condemn Pakistan for being a Chinese "vassal", yet they salivate at the prospect of becoming an American vassal. I suppose it's good that they recognize they're too little to be playing the game against China and they need a patron.
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Had Indian military been preparing instead of focusing on Bollywood, they wouldn't had been making emergency purchases today.

India made so much noise this century and ended up beaten by two nuclear powers in two conflicts within two years.

Some emergency thinking required on the Indian side.
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