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India misses out on world uni rankings

Yes because IITs are not research universities.

Who told research is gng on but not upto the mark .Reality is TIFR mumbai and banglore dng gud ,IISC dng fine in som basic sciene and few engg sector. All our universities poorly performing in all fields. Without qualitative research our institutes won't come in top 50.
Who told research is gng on but not upto the mark .Reality is TIFR mumbai and banglore dng gud ,IISC dng fine in som basic sciene and few engg sector.

Research is money intensive, once money comes, level of research will go up too. For now India needs more Engineers than researchers, so more funding needs to go into Engineering Schools. I believe few new IIT's have been established.

Here's the research ranking, IISc is ranked 91-100, there are two Chinese universities in top 100,
Tshingua University at 36 and Peking university at 45. Its all about money/funding.

Research is money intensive, once money comes, level of research will go up too. For now India needs more Engineers than researchers, so more funding needs to go into Engineering Schools. I believe few new IIT's have been established.

Here's the research ranking, IISc is ranked 91-100, there are two Chinese universities in top 100.

Top Universities by Reputation 2011

Can u tell me y v need more engineers than researchers? then wat is difference between researchers and engineers ? if researchers can find anything new wat is use of engineers ? opening IIT is useless . v suppose to establish multifaceted research institutes .

For education and research v have to compete with Japan and Singapore not with china. hw IISc is ahead of unv of helinski , vienna simply astounding.
Can u tell me y v need more engineers and researchers? then wat is difference between researchers and engineers ? if researchers can find anything new wat is use of engineers ? opening IIT is useless . v suppose to establish multifaceted research institutes .

For education and research v have to compete with Japan and Singapore not with china.

Cause we are still catching up with the rest of the world, and still have a long way to. We need to put basics in place first. More engineers more graduates, then we ll have more people wanting to go into research.

And we can't emulate Japanese, Singapore model, simply because we can't afford to. Chinese model is what we need to learn from.
The day India Universities can have 100% electricity across everything in the buildings, is when it can sky rocket up the rankings.

Btw, I was told by my cousin 4 years ago, saying that half way through his lesson, they are electricity cuts and can get hot in the class.
Who told research is gng on but not upto the mark .Reality is TIFR mumbai and banglore dng gud ,IISC dng fine in som basic sciene and few engg sector. All our universities poorly performing in all fields. Without qualitative research our institutes won't come in top 50.

IIT's had already overthrown TIFR's and IISc as best research institutions, yes IIT's are established not for research but for producing world class engineers, but IIT's these days are attracting world class professors of Indian origin and there by attracting PhD students of similar caliber especially in the fields of CSE and EEE. In earlier decades at IITB and IITD, the PhD students usually used to be mediocre and from non IIT background, but the situation has changed now, now IITB and IITD have make sure that they only allow students from IIT background i.e, students who has done bachelors or masters in IIT. In last 3 years i have observed the quantum leap in the quality and quantity of research that is going in some top IIT's leaving TIFRs and IIScs behind.
IIT's had already overthrown TIFR's and IISc as best research institutions, yes IIT's are established not for research but for producing world class engineers, but IIT's these days are attracting world class professors of Indian origin and there by attracting PhD students of similar caliber especially in the fields of CSE and EEE. In earlier decades at IITB and IITD, the PhD students usually used to be mediocre and from non IIT background, but the situation has changed now, now IITB and IITD have make sure that they only allow students from IIT background i.e, students who has done bachelors or masters in IIT. In last 3 years i have observed the quantum leap in the quality and quantity of research that is going in some top IIT's leaving TIFRs and IIScs behind.

Don't provide false information . If true give the proof then tell me hw many research articles did IIT have been published in top class JOURNALS like Nature (NOT NPG) ,IEEE, SCIENCE. If they published in those journals that is real evaluation becoz those journal only publish top class research and innovatives . I am expecting reply
Don't provide false information . If true give the proof then tell me hw many research articles did IIT have been published in top class JOURNALS like Nature (NOT NPG) ,IEEE, SCIENCE. If they published in those journals that is real evaluation becoz those journal only publish top class research and innovatives . I am expecting reply

Dude, i don't want to argue with idiots like you, you are reeking ignorance. 90% of papers from CSE and EEE of IIT are published in IEEE, ACM, Springer. But that itself doesn't give the credibility of a good publication as these publishing houses even publish mediocre papers from some mediocre conferences. Why can't you just go through IIT professors and students home pages and check where their papers have been published before spitting BS in here. Being from IIT's i can burst your bubble in no time, but i am giving you time to do some research and come back.
Cause we are still catching up with the rest of the world, and still have a long way to. We need to put basics in place first. More engineers more graduates, then we ll have more people wanting to go into research.

And we can't emulate Japanese, Singapore model, simply because we can't afford to. Chinese model is what we need to learn from.

I think v producing 2-2.5 lakhs engineers per year , and is more in number. I think u see the research in military point of view ,bulding tanks and frigates alone not research. It covers nanotechnoloy ,bio-informatics, neuroscience , molecular biology ,system biology , regenerative medicine ,molecular docking ,synthetic biology etc,. for those research hw engineers will be helpful?

Chinese are not gud at research , see v have lot of universities but v can't compete with NUS ,why ? V hav enough money atleast v suppose to create one NUS like university . Then it quite good.
Don't provide false information . If true give the proof then tell me hw many research articles did IIT have been published in top class JOURNALS like Nature (NOT NPG) ,IEEE, SCIENCE. If they published in those journals that is real evaluation becoz those journal only publish top class research and innovatives . I am expecting reply

i can give you my 2 IEEE papers 4 free.. if u want so... mate dont b so ignorant
Dude, i don't want to argue with idiots like you, you are reeking ignorance. 90% of papers from CSE and EEE of IIT are published in IEEE, ACM, Springer. But that itself doesn't give the credibility of a good publication as these publishing houses even publish mediocre papers from some mediocre conferences. Why can't you just go through IIT professors and students home pages and check where their papers have been published before spitting BS in here. Being from IIT's i can burst your bubble in no time, but i am giving you time to do some research and come back.

Damn stupid ,once again check those papers whether they got the paper by col laboratory research or those are corresponding author for that paper . springer is not that creditable journal(IN the sense low IF) Impact factor less than 6 probably. In conferences anything u can present with relevant reason. I attended many conferences in india as well in abroad .
Damn stupid ,once again check those papers whether they got the paper by col laboratory research or those are corresponding author for that paper . springer is not that creditable journal Impact factor less than 6 probably. In conferences anything u can present with relevant reason. I attended many conferences in india as well in abroad .

Idiot, first of all you lost all the credibility when you call IEEE, Science and NATURE as journals. Those are organizations which conducts conferences and publish the papers that got selected in them. Second, no body gives impact factor for organizations like IEEE/Springer it the conferences or journals which will have impact factor. Go through the link for top CSE conferences in here
http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourav/crank.htm , you will find conferences supported by IEEE, ACM or Springer or in collaboration in all tiers.
i can give you my 2 IEEE papers 4 free.. if u want so... mate dont b so ignorant

From PURE IIT (WITHOUT FOREIGN COLLABORATION , CORRESPONDING AUTHOR FOR THE ARTICLE , IT SHOULDN'T BE PHD OR PDF work IN ABROAD) if yes I am hopefully awaiting for the article atleast give the link the i will happy and I will apologize for my post.
I think v producing 2-2.5 lakhs engineers per year , and is more in number. I think u see the research in military point of view ,bulding tanks and frigates alone not research. It covers nanotechnoloy ,bio-informatics, neuroscience , molecular biology ,system biology , regenerative medicine ,molecular docking ,synthetic biology etc,. for those research hw engineers will be helpful?

Chinese are not gud at research , see v have lot of universities but v can't compete with NUS ,why ? V hav enough money atleast v suppose to create one NUS like university . Then it quite good.

And China produces 3 times more than that!

And no am not seeing research just in military point of view. I just finished my PhD so I think I would know what research means.

All am saying is that research is money intensive, India doesn't have that sort of money, we need to bring our primary, secondary schooling, undergrad education at par with the rest of the world first. Once that is done India can focus more on research.

Of course am not saying that don't pay attention to research at all, funding to institutes such as IISc in increasing every year, new research centers are coming up, we ll get there. But our priority should be to make sure that everyone is able to afford education first.
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