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India overtakes China in Times’ World University Rankings

WOW, according to this ranking, Tsinghua University, ranked 12th, is the number one university in Asia. The 14th Peking University is the second university in Asia.
VKDINDIAN is right, only China and Papa xi Can Produce Decent Universities.
10,000 Indians in China, ~500k foreign students in total.
Sure a majority

You are not understanding what i am saying, i said majority foreigner students in China are Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

If even 100 Indian students are in China, it means they are not satisfied from Indian education system, same is for Pakistani students or for students belong to any other country.
You are not understanding what i am saying, i said majority foreigner students in China are Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

If even 100 Indian students are in China, it means they are not satisfied from Indian education system, same is for Pakistani students or for students belong to any other country.
10,000 of 500,000 is 2%. What is majority here?

Most pursue MBBS in China, the same reason why most pursue MBBS in Russia and Ukraine. It has nothing do with Indian "education system". Google is your friend.
Not due to culture but due to better education system and lower fees than EU, US.
Majority of foreigner students in China are Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
There are hardly any Indian students going to mainland China. The most popular destinations are the US, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, Western Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Eastern Europe, South Korea and Russia/Belarus/Ukraine/Georgia roughly in that order. This is not a knock on the Chinese education system. It is just that those Indian students aspiring to go abroad prefer to go to white countries.
Majority of students go there for MBBS, others for Engineering, IT.
Chinese medical degrees are not recognized in India and I doubt Indian medical graduates find it easy or want to get jobs in China.
None of South Asian country have good education system
Many parts of the Indian Indian education system are terrible but there are a few islands of excellence at the undergraduate and masters degree level. The quality of PhD programs and research output of faculty in India is definitely not good, except for a few exceptional cases.

If even 100 Indian students are in China, it means they are not satisfied from Indian education system, same is for Pakistani students or for students belong to any other country.
Just like every Chinese student cannot get into Tshingua, every Indian student cannot get into a top IIT or medical college. If some Chinese student cannot get into any top Chinese university and goes to some community college in Alaska, it doesn't mean that he is not satisfied with Chinese education system, just that he found a better fit in a foreign university.
10,000 of 500,000 is 2%. What is majority here?

Most pursue MBBS in China, the same reason why most pursue MBBS in Russia and Ukraine. It has nothing do with Indian "education system". Google is your friend.
If Chinese universities are accepting MBBS students that have been rejected by every Indian university, it doesn't speak highly of the quality of doctors being produced by the Chinese education system.
If Chinese universities are accepting MBBS students that have been rejected by every Indian university, it doesn't speak highly of the quality of doctors being produced by the Chinese education system.

Money and student fees. Just like how Chinese students in Australia are very often rejected by even second tier Chinese universities at home but go to top tier Australian universities if they can afford it. It doesn't mean those top tier Australian universities are not as good as the second tier Chinese universities which rejected those students.

Anyway I doubt Chinese universities are accepting significant numbers of MBBS students who have been rejected in India. That's not what thye guy you replied to said in any case.

roughly 20,000 indian students go to China for university. Not much data on the reverse, I think it might be quite a bit less.
The Times World University Ranking is incredibly inaccurate! It just doesn't pass the eye test, and if it doesn't pass the eye test, there's always something shady going on there.

I looked up universities in my state and neighboring states, and the rankings just didn't match up with how some universities considered prestigious were ranked much lower than average, and at times below-average universities.

I did the same with Pakistan, and no prestigious universities made the cut; some random below-average university showed up at the top.

Then I tagged @NOBODY on PDF, and he corroborated my views
I had a look at this, but it like any ranking there are lot of controversial choices. Let's not even bother with India vs China debate here.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 4.35.01 PM.png

Top 20 in India as per the list. Apparently colleges like NIT Silchar is in top 20! I have never heard of Shoolini before today, this intrigued me. They have the best 'Research quality' in India. After visiting their website it shows 1300+ patents filled. That's encouraging, though I could not find list of patents filled (yet, will keep checking).

This article is an year old, but I think still relevant.
Out of the 1,000 patents filed, 549 were process patents, of which two have already been granted.

The campus looks like this, more like a resort somewhere in Himachal.


The top 5 for Research Quality are the following -
1- Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management SciencesIndia
2- Thapar Institute of Engineering and TechnologyIndia
3- Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical SciencesIndia
4- Delhi Technological UniversityIndia
5- Malaviya National Institute of TechnologyIndia

I somehow find it weird that these have better research quality than say IISC, IIT's or even older heavyweights like Madras University, Jadavpur etc.,
I could be wrong, but I personally find the list not conforming to my 'eye test'.


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