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India may strike terror training camps post Mumbai-II: US counter-terrorism expert

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Jun 10, 2010
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United Kingdom
India may strike terror training camps post Mumbai-II: US counter-terrorism expert

WASHINGTON: In the event of another Mumbai- type attack, India is most likely to strike back by eliminating terrorist training camps across the border which may lead to a "full-blown" Indo-Pak war involving possibility of a nuclear exchange, a noted US counter-terrorism expert has said.

"I think a very serious concern that we should all be collectively worried about is the possibility of a Mumbai II attack," Peter Bergen, the Counter-terrorism Strategy Initiative Co-Director at New America Foundation, said in his testimony before the House Homeland and Security Committee.

Mumbai-II, Bergen, said would change every strategic calculation in South Asia.

"I think the Indians showed great restraint after the last Mumbai attack. But their populations are going to demand some kind of retribution if a large-scale attack happens on Indian soil by a Pakistani militant group, which I think is one of the more foreseeable foreign policy challenges we have going forward," he told the committee, which had organised a hearing on the evolving nature of terrorism nine years after 9/11.

One of the more predictable US foreign policy challenges of the next years is a "Mumbai II": a large-scale attack on a major Indian city by a Pakistani militant group that kills hundreds, Bergen said.

However, an attack like this would likely produce considerable political pressure on the Indian government to "do something," he said.

"That something would likely involve incursions over the border to eliminate the training camps of Pakistani militant groups with histories of attacking India. That could lead in turn to a full-blown war for the fourth time since 1947 between India and Pakistan," he said.

"Such a war involves the possibility of a nuclear exchange and the certainty that Pakistan would move substantial resources to its eastern border and away from fighting the Taliban on its western border, so relieving pressure on all the militant groups based there, including al-Qaeda," Bergen said.

India may strike terror training camps post Mumbai-II: US counter-terrorism expert - The Times of India
Why is this hysteria of Mumbai - II being hiked up. There is something very suspecious here. What credits that another attack will be in Mumbai and cant be somewhere else??? Unless the americans are preplaning it or have creditable information about an attack already. All these kind of hysteric statements serve the purpose of laying a foundation conspiracy which i belive is going on very well with Indo-US collaboration.

The indians will have no balls to attack without US backing because doing so will only take their own economy nose dive. And keen american intrest in Mumbai-2 is enough to hint their involvement in global terror.

Mumbai drama happened with the assitance of Indian insiders and their own preplaned incompetence. Why would a few terrorism planning to infiltrate would carry identity documents?? True there is a history of Ajmal Kassab starting as a petty theive in lahore and that would give very little credibility to his islamist ambitions. More likely a depressed drug addict soul willing to commit sucide for world attention.
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Why is this hysteria of Mumbai - II being hiked up. There is something very suspecious here. What credits that another attack will be in Mumbai and cant be somewhere else??? Unless the americans are preplaning it or have creditable information about an attack already. All these kind of hysteric statements serve the purpose of laying a foundation conspiracy which i belive is going on very well with Indo-US collaboration.

Mumbai II means Mumbai Type attacks, Not that another attack on Mumbai and Would start Striking Terror Camps....
so US is thinking to have a face-palm for Iraq-Afghan failure ??

bad idea. US is playing with fire or may be it wants to hit two birds (India-Pakistan) with one arrow.

May it could be a good ridden for US and she would be worried only for Chinese success march viz a viz economy. which can be halted one way or the other by pitching Japan or South Korea against China
so US is thinking to have a face-palm for Iraq-Afghan failure ??

bad idea. US is playing with fire or may be it wants to hit two birds (India-Pakistan) with one arrow.

May it could be a good ridden for US and she would be worried only for Chinese success march viz a viz economy. which can be halted one way or the other by pitching Japan or South Korea against China

if go through the history of last 50 years
you will find that we have never been pawn of any country.
so usa provoking or giving ideas to india an then india acting on it is out of question!!
so you can calm down.
perhaps you can suggest what india should do in case of mumbai 2?
any ideas bright guy!!
It's a very tricky question, though. God forbid something on the scale of the Mumbai attacks were to happen, and if it were connected to elements (even non-state) in Pakistan, public opinion in India would just explode.

Moderate voices would be drowned out by the shrill cry of retribution- I'm not sure what would happen, but it would be bad.

Here's hoping that never happens.
if go through the history of last 50 years
you will find that we have never been pawn of any country.
so usa provoking or giving ideas to india an then india acting on it is out of question!!
so you can calm down.
perhaps you can suggest what india should do in case of mumbai 2?
any ideas bright guy!!

Jana isn't a dude, Jana is a lady.
ok ok do it we load amraams and jdams with GBU's for reply in same way lolllllll at haters
Why is this hysteria of Mumbai - II being hiked up. There is something very suspecious here. What credits that another attack will be in Mumbai and cant be somewhere else??? Unless the americans are preplaning it or have creditable information about an attack already. All these kind of hysteric statements serve the purpose of laying a foundation conspiracy which i belive is going on very well with Indo-US collaboration.

The indians will have no balls to attack without US backing because doing so will only take their own economy nose dive. And keen american intrest in Mumbai-2 is enough to hint their involvement in global terror.

Mumbai drama happened with the assitance of Indian insiders and their own preplaned incompetence. Why would a few terrorism planning to infiltrate would carry identity documents?? True there is a history of Ajmal Kassab starting as a petty theive in lahore and that would give very little credibility to his islamist ambitions. More likely a depressed drug addict soul willing to commit sucide for world attention.
I will love to hear any theory you have espesically if that happens to be one inspired by zaid hamid :toast_sign:

Dude seriously in 1971 America did everything to syop indira gandhi
even to the extent of sening a wholee fleet. it was political manouvring of indira vis a vis Russia which saved the day for india.
well about economy nose diving don't listen to me but here is what najam sethi says

Please enlighten me a little .:rofl:
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if go through the history of last 50 years
you will find that we have never been pawn of any country.
so usa provoking or giving ideas to india an then india acting on it is out of question!!
so you can calm down.
perhaps you can suggest what india should do in case of mumbai 2?
any ideas bright guy!!

First of all i am NOT a guy i am a GIRL.

Now as far as whether India will act on these provocations or not that has to be seen later BUT keeping in view the mass hysteria Indian media tries to create within seconds of any incident calling for attacking Pakistan coupled with fundamentalist militants in Saffron brigade, there are chances of any miscalculated adventurism out of frustration.

In any case any provocationist move my India is not going to do any good to both countries.
ok ok do it we load amraams and jdams with GBU's for reply in same way lolllllll at haters

Nice non chalant way to reply sir!!!:tup:

seriously a study was done in USA about south asia.
now people depending upon nationality will take sides without going in to merits of study!!

man i gotta say this people are stupid.
Nice non chalant way to reply sir!!!:tup:

seriously a study was done in USA about south asia.
now people depending upon nationality will take sides without going in to merits of study!!

man i gotta say this people are stupid.

:agree: stupidity is a human trait not animals' trait so it should be there sometimes
First of all i am NOT a guy i am a GIRL.

Now as far as whether India will act on these provocations or not that has to be seen later BUT keeping in view the mass hysteria Indian media tries to create within seconds of any incident calling for attacking Pakistan coupled with fundamentalist militants in Saffron brigade, there are chances of any miscalculated adventurism out of frustration.

In any case any provocationist move my India is not going to do any good to both countries.
are you trying to say that provocative movement move by pakistan will bring peace??
or non action on other provocative movement by pakistani gov will bring peace.
PS:-even i don't want war!!!
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