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India may strike terror training camps post Mumbai-II: US counter-terrorism expert

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Even if india face another mumbai attack,an outright missile strike on terror camps in pakistan is a big risk.They have jf17s and stuff.But pakistan may be seeing the suicide bombings rate doubled(by talibs ofcourse..we wont support those ba*tards)
India cannot dare do surgical strikes in Pakistan if they could they would have done that after Mumbai Attacks . But sanity prevailed because any such adventure would meet a swift retaliation and Kashmir is already on the boil . India will be the biggest loser in an Indo-Pak conflict . Pakistan has nothing left to lose (we are already suffering) so any economic prosperity and growth India is doing will be converted into nuclear nightmare.

It's not a question whether India dares. The question is whether "non-state-actors" will dare. This time Indian politicans might still wanna hold back, but the world and Indians wont let us. Dont mistake India's patience as cowardice.

Yes so lets

1. Give our arms to US (both by India and Pakistan) and live like peaceful neighbours.

nice idealistic thoughts but do u think it's practical.???
won't pakistan need to defend against shia iran and india against evil communist (i love this expression between)china.
i hope some more indian can think like you ......

give peace a chance and meanwhile Pakistan will finish up with these TTP and will join the economy race which is good for both country people....


Indias largest fear is Pakistani joining the economic race because all cards play in our favour due to our demographics and smaller population density.
nice idealistic thoughts but do u think it's practical.???
won't pakistan need to defend against shia iran and india against evil communist (i love this expression between)china.

:P With looming sanctions, with Israel on its throat, with half of the world against it, why would Iran attack Pakistan in the first place?

lolzz we have to defend ourselves against India big time so with both countries armless we can think over peace with you ;)

And why China would attack India in the first place?

China is much ahead of India and she can keep her progress march even without Arunchal Pardesh ;)

its India that had to catch up with China
nice idealistic thoughts but do u think it's practical.???
won't pakistan need to defend against shia iran and india against evil communist (i love this expression between)china.

We have no dispute with Iran or China unless you are living in parallel universe. They both are allies.
It's not a question whether India dares. The question is whether "non-state-actors" will dare. This time Indian politicans might still wanna hold back, but the world and Indians wont let us. Dont mistake India's patience as cowardice.

what about indians non state actors working against Pakistan?????

infact some of indians state actors are working against Pakistan what about those ones?????

The mentality of Indians is that they live in a filmy dunya. What they see on tv movies is more real then what intelligence may say to them. The Mumbai Drama was a staged drama orchestrated foolishly. They should not dare to make a squeal of the drama or their lies will now stand face to face with facts.
Israel can train these filmy people but lie don't stand a chance in front of truth. The humanity is quite about Gugrat massacre, Babri massacre, Karkare's assassination, but India must not cross the limits. People in India are brave enough now to talk about these. Some one should import the book"Who killed Karkare" by Indian police whistle blower Mushrif. He exposes all that is to know. Allah is Great. Pakistan Zindabad.
Seriously, why do these jacka55es in the US have to raise such pathetic doomsday scenarios? I hate the likes of Peter Bergen and Selig Harrison for the junk they spew.

It's all to create mass hysteria and keep both nations on edge and continue the suspicions of one another. Serves their interests for sure.

Ok he's said in a testimonial or whatever, but this is already top story on ToI and I'm flabbergasted it gets such unneccessary exposure.

But this will get all the attention, and stories like the:

Indian and Pakistani ambassadors to the United Nations having their fourth joint appearance at a public event within the span of a week

or that

Bopanna & Qureshi have been recommended for Pakistan's highest civil award today

fail to get the limelight they deserve. There's positive stuff out there that needs the stronger focus rather than some pathetic 'expert' IMO.
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