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India lags behind Pakistan in missiles

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Huh..another thread gone.. Guys please read this article. It is posted in a Pakistan based organization called Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad. http://www.issi.org.pk/journal/2006_files/no_3/article/a4.htm
sounds interesting..

Can you explain me what is a super computer and what is a cluster? How can you make a cluster and super computer?
Please explain it to me.

Another Thing Pentium Processor is now a history. If you see the history, He Did Not Developed Pentium Processor in India. He Did in USA.. . You know who invented Liquid Crystals. which brought revolution to the electronic display. A Pakistani. He is my Father and he invented in a Company in UK.
Tell me what you have invented in 40 years. You are not able to make your own computer. Using HP computer. to make a HPC. you can make super by using Play Station 3.

In the 1960s, a French theoretical physicist, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, who had been working with magnetism and superconductivity, turned his interest to liquid crystals and soon found fascinating analogies between liquid crystals and superconductors as well as magnetic materials. His work was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics 1991. The modern development of liquid crystal science has since been deeply influenced by the work of Pierre-Gilles de Gennes.


May I ask u something. In this History of Liquid Crystals who is your father?
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Can you explain me what is a super computer and what is a cluster? How can you make a cluster and super computer?
Please explain it to me.

Another Thing Pentium Processor is now a history. If you see the history, He Did Not Developed Pentium Processor in India. He Did in USA.. . You know who invented Liquid Crystals. which brought revolution to the electronic display. A Pakistani. He is my Father and he invented in a Company in UK.
Tell me what you have invented in 40 years. You are not able to make your own computer. Using HP computer. to make a HPC. you can make super by using Play Station 3.

Ok...so let me give U something which u don't want to go ahead and search 4 urself.....SuperComp gives U env in which U can run app without worrying abt breaking the task in small tasks...this env take care abt allocating the resporces....using avalibility of multiple CPU for number crunching.....in clustering as generally in case of DB or app servers this is done by application itself. Wirring the cluster the easy but giving the env in which apps can run is diff..

Ok Pentium is history can u tell me what is today...for ur GK even today the underlying design is same.....what AMD and Intel are doing is creating multiple core on the same chip.....nobody knows how to get to next level except for cramping for core on same block......

As for work done, i alread pointed out that his all the eductation are from India....Its Indian education system which produced him
it's exactly because of this type of obsession over supercomputers and dependency on its calculcations, the indians aren't able to progress in defense production. there is no substitute for engineering ingenuity and prowess. You need brain-power and ingenuity to design and develop a successful project. you cannot depend on supercomputers to perform an accurate simulation of missile flight or nuclear detonation. if this was the case, the US wouldn't even test its platforms at all, nor would india's projects been complete failures.

to develop a nuclear weapon, you need immense resources at your disposal. it's true, there is the need for high-powered computing, but all the worlds nuclear powers have gotten to where they are without supercomputers. more importantly, you need top-notch theoretical physicists to design your weapons. yields will vary, but if your design gives you an explosion close to the designated yields, you've achieved success. india has not been able to do this, even with its supercomputers. it has exploded fission devices, but it's thermonuclear weapon or hydrogen bomb was a 'dud'. It only gave a yield of 35 kT, which is nowhere near the yield of a working fusion weapon.

now some of you may ask why the US is trying to use supercomputers for nuclear weapons? it's because the US needs to replace its current nuclear weapons stockpiles from the Cold War. to do this, they need to develop a reliable nuclear warhead which they can't do without testing. therefore, they are trying to develop more powerful supercomputers to simulate a nuclear explosion as closely as possible. however, they are running into numerous problems and delays. first of all, a supercomputer can never accurately simulate a nuclear explosion. basically, there no fail-proof way of designing a reliable weapon without actually testing it.

thus, the US conducts sub-critical tests in Los Alamos every year to get data, to better verify their designs. however, there are calls for actual testing within the department of defense, even though the US has banned nuclear testing. this shows us, exactly how reliable supercomputer simulations are. nothing beats the actual testing of a nuclear weapon. There is pressure from some important figures in France, to conduct an actual nuclear weapons test, since they need to develop new warheads for their next line of SLBM's.

back to india, the indians will not be able to design something successful by relying on supercomputers and CFD simulations. whether it's systems integration, flight, there is always hard "open-air" testing required, to see if what you've design on computer and paper using your brain power, works. a supercomputer cannot accurately simulate what oscillations will occur within an object during flight. when it comes to missile technology, ballistic or cruise, Pakistan is ahead of india. Pakistan has more than 70,000 scientists and engineers, very capable working on its strategic programs. currently, some of that progress is in jeopardy since the govt. cut off some funding. however, we know that Pakistan is working on longer-ranged missiles for its strategic forces.
Ok...so let me give U something which u don't want to go ahead and search 4 urself.....SuperComp gives U env in which U can run app without worrying abt breaking the task in small tasks...this env take care abt allocating the resporces....using avalibility of multiple CPU for number crunching.....in clustering as generally in case of DB or app servers this is done by application itself. Wirring the cluster the easy but giving the env in which apps can run is diff..

Ok Pentium is history can u tell me what is today...for ur GK even today the underlying design is same.....what AMD and Intel are doing is creating multiple core on the same chip.....nobody knows how to get to next level except for cramping for core on same block......

As for work done, i alread pointed out that his all the eductation are from India....Its Indian education system which produced him

Don't tell me your education System. In UK. Indian Education is similar to Pakistani Education. Our Matriculation or SSC is Lower then GCSE, F.SC. is lower then GCSE. Masters is equal to 2nd year of BSc. and If a doctor comes from Pakistan or India and wants to give the exam on FRCS Part 1 or 2 they have to redo the whole MBBS in UK. right.

another thing if India's Education System is so High, Why the Doctors, Engineers and Pharmacists have to pass exam in Europe and America. Tell me. Why?
Sir If your Education System is Up-to-date then you were equal to america.
Secondly what I am saying to you. He made pentium chip in america. because he got the facilities. which India did not have. Like my father could not invent the chemical for LCD screen if he was in Pakistan. Alright Sir.

In the last yes you are right in clustering but the principle is same. For DB. you need cluster not only for the number crunching but you need more memory and disk storage. which cluster provided. DB software automatically do the load balancing. And for your info. You can take down the cluster easily and to save your cluster you need a realtime backup cluster.
No we Come to HPCs. HPCs are made for calculations. e.g. if you are calculating an equation and takes 2 hours to give you answer. but if you put it on 10 processors cluster. it will take only 12 minutes. so thats why you need a HPC.

My main Point is IBM is an American Company made the super computer in America. But your "Eka" is based on HP Servers. and everybody knows HP is an American Company. So hopefully you understand.
its totally off topic but sir can you help me to know which country does not need to pass an examination for a professional license in america or europe.
no offence meant just an inquiry.
thanx a lot
its totally off topic but sir can you help me to know which country does not need to pass an examination for a professional license in america or europe.
no offence meant just an inquiry.
thanx a lot

If the Particular university education is approved the respective country's medical or dental council. You can study in any country in the EU to practice education all over Europe except UK. You have to clear the examination for all countries For example The IQE for getting license to practice in the UK. FRCS is more of an advanced course. Even if u had finished ur course in the UK you must undergo training to get an FRCS.

Mods can You delete this thread after Moscow has read it as it is totally off-topic.
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another thing if India's Education System is so High, Why the Doctors, Engineers and Pharmacists have to pass exam in Europe and America. Tell me. Why?
Sir If your Education System is Up-to-date then you were equal to America.
Every country has these exams for expats...but then If I can point out to you Indian form the largest part taking these exams in UK & US. Yes we produce some of the best brains but we lack the env to keep them going out. (On side note, I am really interested in knowing the status of technical edu and Will start separate thread & will invite you there)

We are very good up to graduation level. Students going to US for post grad feel like having walk in park. But where we lack most (& which count most also) is "Research". Thats our stumbling block and we have to overcome this.

In the last yes you are right in clustering but the principle is same. For DB. you need cluster not only for the number crunching but you need more memory and disk storage. which cluster provided. DB software automatically do the load balancing. And for your info. You can take down the cluster easily and to save your cluster you need a realtime backup cluster.
No we Come to HPCs. HPCs are made for calculations. e.g. if you are calculating an equation and takes 2 hours to give you answer. but if you put it on 10 processors cluster. it will take only 12 minutes. so thats why you need a HPC.
My main Point is IBM is an American Company made the super computer in America. But your "Eka" is based on HP Servers. and everybody knows HP is an American Company. So
hopefully you understand.

Really sorry...but I don't....Do you know how many countries have super-comp even by using these of-the-shelf...no many-31 Countries in top 500. By your logic I can assume Pakistan must be having couple of them....but they don't....I give it to you ....its not rocket science....but its also not like just wiring some units and saying we are good to go.
its totally off topic but sir can you help me to know which country does not need to pass an examination for a professional license in america or europe.
no offence meant just an inquiry.
thanx a lot

All First World Countries, EU and USA, including Russia, Australia, Canada. their doctors, engineers and pharmacists does not need to pass the exams.
Every country has these exams for expats...but then If I can point out to you Indian form the largest part taking these exams in UK & US. Yes we produce some of the best brains but we lack the env to keep them going out. (On side note, I am really interested in knowing the status of technical edu and Will start separate thread & will invite you there)

We are very good up to graduation level. Students going to US for post grad feel like having walk in park. But where we lack most (& which count most also) is "Research". Thats our stumbling block and we have to overcome this.

In the last yes you are right in clustering but the principle is same. For DB. you need cluster not only for the number crunching but you need more memory and disk storage. which cluster provided. DB software automatically do the load balancing. And for your info. You can take down the cluster easily and to save your cluster you need a realtime backup cluster.
No we Come to HPCs. HPCs are made for calculations. e.g. if you are calculating an equation and takes 2 hours to give you answer. but if you put it on 10 processors cluster. it will take only 12 minutes. so thats why you need a HPC.

Really sorry...but I don't....Do you know how many countries have super-comp even by using these of-the-shelf...no many-31 Countries in top 500. By your logic I can assume Pakistan must be having couple of them....but they don't....I give it to you ....its not rocket science....but its also not like just wiring some units and saying we are good to go.

remeber sir USA Mastars = UK BSc. (Hons.)
pakistan will have the clusters. if you see the chinese. they started make their supper computers on Lenovo and Dawning. They have their own servers using AMD and Intel processors. Processor is a crucial part but ther are other parts in a Computer. Motherboard, Memory, Hard Disk etc. Chinese are capable of making all these things. Have you seen Laveno Computer. Its quality is far more better then HP.
you see you just connected the HP servers in a cluster but did not made HP servers. Chinese made the servers their own.
pakistan will have the clusters. if you see the chinese. they started make their supper computers on Lenovo and Dawning. They have their own servers using AMD and Intel processors. Processor is a crucial part but ther are other parts in a Computer. Motherboard, Memory, Hard Disk etc. Chinese are capable of making all these things. Have you seen Laveno Computer. Its quality is far more better then HP.
you see you just connected the HP servers in a cluster but did not made HP servers. Chinese made the servers their own.

hmmmm... and somebody said what happened if Indian designed the Pentium...ok what more can I say.....
BTW we were discussing India & Pakistan where does this China came from.

And you think India cann't make these stuff - Motherboard, Memory etc.....
Well you might not know the lot of these stuff are getting designed within India. And no this is not just some media reports, my class mates are working on chip designing so thats how I know. But if you are impressed with stamping press only than yeah I have to concede point 2 u.

Off Topic - Lenovo is in deep trouble...It lags even Acer now... HP is different league..Just google recent management shakeup in Lenovo top management.
All First World Countries, EU and USA, including Russia, Australia, Canada. their doctors, engineers and pharmacists does not need to pass the exams.

You mean Russian Docs just go there and practice.....I have no data but I am not sure abt this...at least regarding Russian doc...can you double check....
You mean Russian Docs just go there and practice.....I have no data but I am not sure abt this...at least regarding Russian doc...can you double check....

yes because, My dentist is Russian. He came to UK and start practicing Sir.
hmmmm... and somebody said what happened if Indian designed the Pentium...ok what more can I say.....
BTW we were discussing India & Pakistan where does this China came from.

And you think India cann't make these stuff - Motherboard, Memory etc.....
Well you might not know the lot of these stuff are getting designed within India. And no this is not just some media reports, my class mates are working on chip designing so thats how I know. But if you are impressed with stamping press only than yeah I have to concede point 2 u.

Off Topic - Lenovo is in deep trouble...It lags even Acer now... HP is different league..Just google recent management shakeup in Lenovo top management.

I doubt it. You know Leveno bought IBM Desktop and Laptop section in 2006. It is a very good hardware believe me. and they are not behind the Acer. in fact acer is nothing in front of them. How many times I tell you that, He made in USA not in India. OK.

Now, we come to here all the motherboards, Intel or AMD processors, Memory etc we buy in UK are made in Chine. and Designing motherboard and memory of a Desktop is different and designing for the Servers are different. Do you know. Intel made special processors for DELL, HP and Apple. Chinese are capable of making all these things even American F-15 aircraft radars are using Chinese Processor.
yes because, My dentist is Russian. He came to UK and start practicing Sir.

Chanceless! That is all I can say. I did 2 years of my medicine there...and you have to clear the IQE to practice. I am a dentist now and this is not happening.:sniper:
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