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India, Japan pantomime message to China

Its in none of the fore mentioned countries interest to **** off china, unless they don't like chinese money and hope their economies stall, yet they (Japan in particular) seem quite adamant about it. How would an anti-china block work then?

you missed the point.its the above mentioned countries and not Japan who had floated the idea of Anti-China Block.Mainly SCS dispute is behind this as smaller nations like Philippines and Vietnam can't counter China with its military might.
Agree to a certain extend bother. But not every country wants their countrymen to know that, it will not be in their government's interest of "ambition".

Thing is this isn't the 60s or 70s.

Economies are interconnected more than ever before, geopolitics is no longer aligned with political ideology its becoming more about money and resources. The entire dispute in east and south china sea runs back to the same notion.

VN has its ambitions, PH is just a pawn.

you missed the point.its the above mentioned countries and not Japan who had floated the idea of Anti-China Block.Mainly SCS dispute is behind this as smaller nations like Philippines and Vietnam can't counter China with its military might.
China must beware! The warmongers of the US Government is pulling the strings again this time and emboldening/enticing Japan as the front running proxy.
Japan is part of the US Alliance of developed countries such as UK, France, Germany South Korea(sort of)m and other European nations.

India is, well not. Indians can only be the junior partner in such an "alliance" if nothing else, the Japanese weapons will always be better, the Japanese forces will always be more educated and well trained as well as better paid, the Japanese will have the backings of US.

China is trying to establish a new world order, not out of boredom, but necessity. The old order has no room for China with US as the one on top and the developed countries on tier two and China can only be on the bottom.

It is better if India is looking to establish its own power rather than alliance with a world order that pretty much puts you on the bottom of the food chain.

Here is my question,ok china wants to create new order-fine?But is there a place for india in such a new order.When even in old order u are encroaching on our territory, claiming a whole populous state of ours with people who speak hindi now.What will you do in new order.Your analysts are already saying indian ocean is not india's ocean,the hidden threat is comprehensible.
Is china going in a right direction to create this new order,u could have been asian leader and helped all asian countries economically.Instead u are regularly threatening most of your neighbours claiming their territory .
Look ,as an indian i tell you honestly we have no intention to get involved in superpower game.But your actions are forcing us,if u mean us no harm then why are u building huge infrastructure in tibet even when india hasn't done anything there.Massive modern chinese weapons have been deployed in tibet,tunnels with IRBMs targeted at us.
What you see is natural reaction,u can't think the water will only flow one way.For every action there is reaction.Apart from that japanese investment is very good for our economy so thats another reason.
But most of all Its china that is forcing us into usa camp.
Ultimately usa foreign policy more or less respects even those who are weaker unless provoked,chinese have no respect for anyone who isn't stronger.Thats difference why usa is percieved in positive light.
chinese have no respect for anyone who isn't stronger"

It's in the mutual interest of some Asian Countries to engage to avoid any future probable non-existence.

And people who have any sense of history knows that you can't trust the Maowadis. They are one of the worlds cruelest dictators. They even killed their own in millions to achieve their objective. They backstab, do not respect any treaty. Fluck they even armed an exporter of terror with nuclear weapons to further their objective.
China is having problem dealing with her insecurity. She needs to flex her muscles to convince herself of what she perceives as power is indeed real. But perception is not reality. Japan, Hitler and Mussolini did the same thing but failed. The red dragon doesn't make China any luckier. But too much pride of oneself can be blinding too, but not without consequences.

chinese have no respect for anyone who isn't stronger"

It's in the mutual interest of some Asian Countries to engage to avoid any future probable non-existence.

And people who have any sense of history knows that you can't trust the Maowadis. They are one of the worlds cruelest dictators. They even killed their own in millions to achieve their objective. They backstab, do not respect any treaty. Fluck they even armed an exporter of terror with nuclear weapons to further their objective.
Piece by piece, China is grabbing islands and territories belonging to other sovereign countries and you know what's despicable about this act? China is good only at violating the rights of smaller and weaker states, not those equally powerful countries like the US or Russia.
chinese have no respect for anyone who isn't stronger"

It's in the mutual interest of some Asian Countries to engage to avoid any future probable non-existence.

And people who have any sense of history knows that you can't trust the Maowadis. They are one of the worlds cruelest dictators. They even killed their own in millions to achieve their objective. They backstab, do not respect any treaty. Fluck they even armed an exporter of terror with nuclear weapons to further their objective.

Does US have?

chinese have no respect for anyone who isn't stronger"

It's in the mutual interest of some Asian Countries to engage to avoid any future probable non-existence.

And people who have any sense of history knows that you can't trust the Maowadis. They are one of the worlds cruelest dictators. They even killed their own in millions to achieve their objective. They backstab, do not respect any treaty. Fluck they even armed an exporter of terror with nuclear weapons to further their objective.

Does US have? Or any other country have?
You just think like me :) Nice to know some1 sees it this way.
I totally hate when West is worried coz Asia is raising ..they are not worried weapon or education level ...all they want is their Supremacy , dominance and Life style should not be compromised .

As both are developing countries, China and India have so much to gain if they form some kind of alliance in international negotiations and re-draft of international laws such as intellectual property, technological transfer etc. The already haves will always implement laws to protect their interests, which is why we see intellectual laws are being strictly enforced in the West, but it's up to the havenots to exert itself and negotiate at arm's length, which would require cooperation of India and China.

I remember I was the only one in the class that argued against strict enforcement of intellectual laws etc when I was in school here in the States. Inventions and technological breakthroughs are accumulation of humanity's knowledge from millenniums of years. It would benefit the whole planet if humanity shares knowledge. Can you imagine if our ancestors were all this selfish and didn't share knowledge in agriculture, language of both oral and writing, etc? Human development would probably have to be set back couple thousand years if some of us were lucky not still hunting in the wilderness.

I also support reverse engineering and copying by all developing countries to work around the current system. Copying is the 1st step towards invention. A castle cannot be built on sands; neither would invention suddenly appear without acquisition of all current technical know-hows. It puzzles me greatly when some Indians are laughing at China for copying and reverse engineering.
As both are developing countries, China and India have so much to gain if they form some kind of alliance in international negotiations and re-draft of international laws such as intellectual property, technological transfer etc. The already haves will always implement laws to protect their interests, which is why we see intellectual laws are being strictly enforced in the West, but it's up to the havenots to exert itself and negotiate at arm's length, which would require cooperation of India and China.

I remember I was the only one in the class that argued against strict enforcement of intellectual laws etc when I was in school here in the States. Inventions and technological breakthroughs are accumulation of humanity's knowledge from millenniums of years. It would benefit the whole planet if humanity shares knowledge. Can you imagine if our ancestors were all this selfish and didn't share knowledge in agriculture, language of both oral and writing, etc? Human development would probably have to be set back couple thousand years if some of us were lucky not still hunting in the wilderness.

I also support reverse engineering and copying by all developing countries to work around the current system. Copying is the 1st step towards invention. A castle cannot be built on sands; neither would invention suddenly appear without acquisition of all current technical know-hows. It puzzles me greatly when some Indians are laughing at China for copying and reverse engineering.

Can't agree more :) , those who laugh knows that somewhere in their heart that they can't do it .... Copy & paste is always 2nd step for all developing nations...Japan did the same ..everyone has to go through this phase.

Can't agree more :) , those who laugh knows that somewhere in their heart that they can't do it .... Copy & paste is always 2nd step for all developing nations...Japan did the same ..everyone has to go through this phase.


You wouldn't be so gungho about it if you spent your lifetime inventing something and when you release it in the market a couple of days later you see a chinese copy of it selling at 1/10th the price.
Japan is part of the US Alliance of developed countries such as UK, France, Germany South Korea(sort of)m and other European nations.

India is, well not. Indians can only be the junior partner in such an "alliance" if nothing else, the Japanese weapons will always be better, the Japanese forces will always be more educated and well trained as well as better paid, the Japanese will have the backings of US.

China is trying to establish a new world order, not out of boredom, but necessity. The old order has no room for China with US as the one on top and the developed countries on tier two and China can only be on the bottom.

It is better if India is looking to establish its own power rather than alliance with a world order that pretty much puts you on the bottom of the food chain.

Well thought out point. I concur. But sadly the short-sightedness of the Indians aren't able to see the difference.
That's the reason Beijing showed absolute friendliness when the premier visited N. Delhi.
You wouldn't be so gungho about it if you spent your lifetime inventing something and when you release it in the market a couple of days later you see a chinese copy of it selling at 1/10th the price.

I can only argue with people who have read enough about society and economy. Definitely you have not , every society has to go through this weather you like it or not. And when you see in from other side , you will find that those products help more humanity than you can believe . For you general information i would just like you to know that World has 4 billion people living under US$1500 . Do you really believe , that it is fair that these people should not get things are cheaper rates and should not avail what is meant for humans. They represent majority of humanity.

It's just that Indians can't beat Chinese anymore in this game as they have captured every bit of it. I have seen many reports that many Indians tried to compete with Chinese by producing cheap and copied goods, but could not take compete with their prices. Chinese Government finances such industries where as in India = No response.
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