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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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apart from muslims other minorities are doing pretty well even better than Hindus...look at the sikhs, jain, parsi, etc they are making a name for themselves but can't say the same about the muslims.. they do have this cave mentality.
Some fun facts about Indian Muslims presented by the Sachar Commission Report to the Indian government:

1) 52% of Muslim men were unemployed, compared with 47% of Dalit men.
2) Among Muslim women, 91% were unemployed, compared with 77% of Dalit women.
3) Almost half of Muslims over the age of 46 couldn’t read or write.
4) While making up 11% of the population, Muslims accounted for 40% of India’s prison population.
5) They held less than 5% of government jobs.

How is anything of the above the problem of the Govt. If you want even to get a job as a sweeper you must be 4th (or 5th) standard pass. If you don't get educated , you will get nothing. Madrassa education doesn't have any real value in the real world. Also if Muslim women wants to get job, they should first step out of the house.
Some fun facts about Indian Muslims presented by the Sachar Commission Report to the Indian government:

1) 52% of Muslim men were unemployed, compared with 47% of Dalit men.
2) Among Muslim women, 91% were unemployed, compared with 77% of Dalit women.
3) Almost half of Muslims over the age of 46 couldn’t read or write.
4) While making up 11% of the population, Muslims accounted for 40% of India’s prison population.
5) They held less than 5% of government jobs.

Why are they fun facts?

Are you trying to make fun of Indian Muslims' supposed problems when Allah has commanded you to be brother of every Muslim!
apart from muslims other minorities are doing pretty well even better than Hindus...look at the sikhs, jain, parsi, etc they are making a name for themselves but can't say the same about the muslims.. they do have this cave mentality.

Muslims in South India are doing very well.
Here are the conditions Indian Muslims reside in:

1. Unemployment rate among Muslim graduates is the highest among all socio-religious communities.

On Madrasa - The myth broken

Only 3% of Muslim children among the school going age go to Madarsas. There is dearth of facilities for teaching Urdu.

Attitude towards Education, in Muslims

1. The Committee found that Muslim parents are not averse to mainstream education or to send their children to affordable Government schools.

Education of Muslim Girls -

1. Access to government schools for Muslim children is limited.

2. There is non-availability of schools within easy reach for girls at lower levels.

3. Absence of girls hostels and female teachers are also impeding factors.

On Banks and Muslims -

1. The average amount of bank loan disbursed to the Muslims is 2/3 of the amount disbursed to other minorities. In some cases it is half.

2. The Reserve Bank of India's efforts to extend banking and credit facilities under the Prime Minister's 15-point programme of 1983 has mainly benefited other minorities marginalizing Muslims. Muslim community is not averse to banking and more improvements can be brought about with specific measures.

3. Some banks have identified a number of Muslim concentration areas as negative geographical zones where bank credit and other facilities are not easily provided. Steps should be introduced to specifically direct credit to Muslims, create awareness of various credit schemes and bring transparency in reporting of information.

Muslims and Basic Infrastructure Facilities -

1. The concentration of Muslims in states lacking infrastructural facilities implies that a large proportion of the community is without access to basic services.

2. In both urban and rural areas, the proportion of Muslim households living in pucca houses is lower than the total population.

3. Compared to the Muslim majority areas, the areas inhabiting fewer Muslims had better roads, sewage and drainage and water supply facilities.

4. Substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in urban areas are in the less than Rs.500 expenditure bracket.

Muslims in Government Services

1. The presence of Muslims has been found to be only 3% in the IAS, 1.8% in the IFS and 4% in the IPS.

2. The share of Muslims in employment in various departments is abysmally low at all levels.

3. Muslim community has a representation of only 4.5% in Indian Railways while 98.7% of them are positioned at lower levels.

4. Representation of Muslims is very low in the Universities and in Banks. In no state does the representation of Muslims in the government departments match their population share.

5. Their share in police constables is only 6%, in health - 4.4%, in transport - 6.5%.

Constitutional Rights for the Muslims -

1. The Presidential Order of 1950 is inconsistent with Article 14, 15, 16 and 25 of the Constitution that guarantee equality of opportunity, freedom of conscience and protect the citizens from discrimination by the State on grounds of religion, caste or creed.

2. The monthly Per Capita Expenditure of Muslims is much lower than the national average.

3. Benefits of entitlements meant for the backward classes are yet to reach Muslim OBCs. The condition of Muslims in general is also lower than the Hindu-OBCs who have the benefit of reservations.

On Wakf Properties -

1. There are about 5 lakh registered Wakfs with 6 lakh acre land and Rs 6,000 crore book value.

2. But the gross income from all these properties is only 163 crores i.e. 2.7%.

3.The management of Wakf Boards is unsatisfactorily due to inadequate empowerment of the State Wakf Boards and Centreal Wakf Council.

4. Encroachment of Wakf properties by the State is a common practice. The attitude of the State Governments and their agencies has resulted in large scale abrogation of the cherished objectives of the Wakfs.

5. Failure on the part of the state and statutory bodies entrusted with safeguarding Wakf properties has caused disquiet in the Muslim community.

2006 Sachar committee report | Indian Muslims

Few moments ago you were saying all literate and well off Muslims migrated to Pakistan living poor Muslims behind. And less employment/literacy of women is a social issue among Muslims themselves because they are still considered a Taboo in large Muslim section(that's why Taliban blow girls schools in your country)

Yes, the well-off Mohajirs migrated to India in 1947, & did even better in Pakistan. What was left behind in UP, Bihar; once prosperous states, were "Muslim ghettos & slums".

To the people that like to blame Muslim for the Godhra train incident that killed about 60 Hindus (which resulted in the massacre of about 2000 Muslims) to justify the massacre of Indian Muslims, it has been proven by two independent inquiries that the fire was a tragic accident caused by passengers' kerosene stoves:

But it's important to consider Indian terrorism in a broader context.

Terrorism in India is by no means peculiar to Muslims. A string of recent incidents has been linked to Islamic groups, most of these with foreign ties and pertaining to Kashmir. However, the most bloody recent example of terrorism in India was the slaughter of as many as 2,000 Muslim civilians by Hindu right-wing mobs in the state of Gujarat over several months in 2002.

This horrendous pogrom was portrayed at the time as retaliation for an alleged Muslim torching of a train car carrying mostly Hindu passengers. Two independent inquiries have since concluded that the fire was, instead, a tragic accident caused by passengers' kerosene stoves.

A cloud over India's Muslims - latimes.com
Hello Salam walaikum

Is Me Faizal Ahmad (an indian muslim) and a proud Indian , i just joined today and thank to the moderator for accepting me as a member .

Well well well -- i can see a lot of **** friends worried and concerned about indian muslims almost in every forums but what point do they want to make , i invite them to my mother land and before they try to find about the conditions of muslims of India please please show us to wat extent pakistani muslims have progressed and how much they are contribute towards their own well being .

We muslims do not need any concern or baseless sympathy from pakistanis as we are better off in india more over we are safe from the clutches of terrorists which exist in pakistan and i thank a million times to ALLAH for giving me birth in this blessed land .
I Am working as a General Manager In one the biggest wear house based companies and i enjoy a great luxury and there are many muslims in India who has achived a mile-stone in buisness sectors without any discrimination and hurdle and we all are proud .

But Muslims in india are way better than pakistan in any aspect we just enjoy every bit of our life here.muslims speacially from north Indian states of UP , BIHAR and west bengal lag behind because they do not give much importance to education despite the govt provides them free education and also due to lack of family planning which led to poverty.but why only muslims there are even hindus who are more then muslims suffer with poverty due to tha above reason.

come to south india and see the standard of living of muslims especially TN. Kerala , Goa , maharashtra , u will find muslims progressing well .

So my **** Friends please do not leave in a fools paradise by your baseless assumption on indian muslim . come to india and see where we stand and where u are/

Jai hind -
^^ Yes..Indian Muslim's situation is very bad. Just take them with you to Pakistan.
Yes, the well-off Mohajirs migrated to India in 1947, & did even better in Pakistan. What was left behind in UP, Bihar; once prosperous states, were "Muslim ghettos & slums".

Indian Muslims don't live in Ghetto or Slums but live in Villages. Plus I can only see Bihari Ghettos of Dhaka or Slums of Orangi for the so called well-off Muhajirs migrating to Pakistan and living with fear everyday in Karachi. you will talk of Gujarat Riots but won't talk about Operation cleanup killing thousands of innocent Muhajirs and Nawaz Sharif was elected Prime Minister even after planning fake conspiracy and massacre.
Hello Salam walaikum

Is Me Faizal Ahmad (an indian muslim) and a proud Indian , i just joined today and thank to the moderator for accepting me as a member .

Well well well -- i can see a lot of **** friends worried and concerned about indian muslims almost in every forums but what point do they want to make , i invite them to my mother land and before they try to find about the conditions of muslims of India please please show us to wat extent pakistani muslims have progressed and how much they are contribute towards their own well being .

We muslims do not need any concern or baseless sympathy from pakistanis as we are better off in india more over we are safe from the clutches of terrorists which exist in pakistan and i thank a million times to ALLAH for giving me birth in this blessed land .
I Am working as a General Manager In one the biggest wear house based companies and i enjoy a great luxury and there are many muslims in India who has achived a mile-stone in buisness sectors without any discrimination and hurdle and we all are proud .

But Muslims in india are way better than pakistan in any aspect we just enjoy every bit of our life here.muslims speacially from north Indian states of UP , BIHAR and west bengal lag behind because they do not give much importance to education despite the govt provides them free education and also due to lack of family planning which led to poverty.but why only muslims there are even hindus who are more then muslims suffer with poverty due to tha above reason.

come to south india and see the standard of living of muslims especially TN. Kerala , Goa , maharashtra , u will find muslims progressing well .

So my **** Friends please do not leave in a fools paradise by your baseless assumption on indian muslim . come to india and see where we stand and where u are/

Jai hind -

Are you for real.
I see that some Pakistani Muslims (especially Shia) seem to now be showing fake concern for Indian Muslims as the heat has turned on them in their own country.

We can understand.

Until recently, Pakistan’s Shias did not have the self-image of a religious minority. They had joined Sunnis in supporting Mr Bhutto’s 1974 decision to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslim. But now they are worried. The Tribal Areas are convulsed in sectarian warfare: Kurram, Parachinar and Hangu (in the settled districts) are killing grounds for both Sunni and Shia, but with most casualties being Shia. City life has also become increasingly insecure and segregated; Karachi’s Shia neighborhoods are visibly barricaded and fortified.

At the Multan DPC rally on February 17, Khatm-e-Nabuwat leaders bayed for Ahmadi blood while sharing the stage with the famed Malik Ishaq, a self-acclaimed Shia-killer. Newspaper reports say Ishaq was freed last year after frightened judges treated him like a guest in the courtroom, offering him tea and biscuits. One judge attempted to hide his face with his hands. But after Ishaq read out the names of his children, the judge abandoned the trial.

The more the heat turns on them, the more they will obsess about the supposed worse conditions of Indian Muslims. That is just the way it works for them.
The Indian Muslims should band together to help themselves.

Unfortunately, they would then be accused of religious nepotism and discrimination against them would increase!

On the wider topic, it is true Muslims need to focus more on education. It is also true that other minorities do better than Muslims. And, finally, it is true that the condition of Muslims depends on the region where they live.

This last part is the clue that explains the other observations, especially when we read certain posts online and in the Indian media. The discrimination against Muslims is strongest in areas where the memory of Mughal rule is strongest. It seems to be a constant source of anger/hate against Muslims. That is why southern Muslims do not face as much discrimination as the ones in the north.
The interesting thing is, no Indian is bringing any statistics on this thread proving their claims that Indian Muslims or Dalits are doing better than Pakistani Muslims. While I have given plenty of statistical evidence how downtrodden Indian Muslims are in India.

Indian Muslims have been massacred from time & time again in India, look at what happened to them in Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Kashmir post 1947, Gujarat 2002, Malegaon, Ajmer Sharif Rajasthan; as well as countless other examples.
Hello Salam walaikum

Is Me Faizal Ahmad (an indian muslim) and a proud Indian , i just joined today and thank to the moderator for accepting me as a member .

Well well well -- i can see a lot of **** friends worried and concerned about indian muslims almost in every forums but what point do they want to make , i invite them to my mother land and before they try to find about the conditions of muslims of India please please show us to wat extent pakistani muslims have progressed and how much they are contribute towards their own well being .

We muslims do not need any concern or baseless sympathy from pakistanis as we are better off in india more over we are safe from the clutches of terrorists which exist in pakistan and i thank a million times to ALLAH for giving me birth in this blessed land .
I Am working as a General Manager In one the biggest wear house based companies and i enjoy a great luxury and there are many muslims in India who has achived a mile-stone in buisness sectors without any discrimination and hurdle and we all are proud .

But Muslims in india are way better than pakistan in any aspect we just enjoy every bit of our life here.muslims speacially from north Indian states of UP , BIHAR and west bengal lag behind because they do not give much importance to education despite the govt provides them free education and also due to lack of family planning which led to poverty.but why only muslims there are even hindus who are more then muslims suffer with poverty due to tha above reason.

come to south india and see the standard of living of muslims especially TN. Kerala , Goa , maharashtra , u will find muslims progressing well .

So my **** Friends please do not leave in a fools paradise by your baseless assumption on indian muslim . come to india and see where we stand and where u are/

Jai hind -

We don't have any special concerns about you, Pakistani highlight this when you bhartiis try to bash Pakistan. So - Don't over estimate that we are inviting you to Pakistan or dying for you.

Welcome to PDF. How is your wear house company going
The interesting thing is, no Indian is bringing any statistics on this thread proving their claims that Indian Muslims or Dalits are doing better than Pakistani Muslims.

Doesn't matter. The topic is not Pakistan anyway. We should stay focused on the topic.
I see that some Pakistani Muslims (especially Shia) seem to now be showing fake concern for Indian Muslims as the heat has turned on them in their own country.

We can understand.

The more the heat turns on them, the more they will obsess about the supposed worse conditions of Indian Muslims. That is just the way it works for them.

Actually, Pakistanis for the most part are very well acclimatized in mainstream Pakistan as 'Pakistanis'. You do not see non-Muslims or Muslims coming out, being asked to publicly prove their loyalty to Pakistan the way Indian Muslims are asked to whenever something big happens in India. Non-Muslims in Pakistan are not accused of being Indian spies/sympathizers, unlike Indian Muslims who are constantly being accused of being Pakistani sympathizers/loyalists.
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