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India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

the problem is that Indian economy is heavily dependent on selling raw materials; the amount of high tech in India is actually quite low and there are too many lowly educated people in India, and too high poverty. As of now, and I am going to say this with total honesty, there are many cities in India that have not caught up to 1930's Shanghai due to very high corruption and lack of organization.

Let me just give you some examples. Even in the 1980's, when we were poorer than India, all of our cities had running water and sewers, designed by Chinese engineers, many of which who were trained in Germany and the Soviet Union, and constructed in the 1950's. These were so good, some of the systems from 1950 are still operational today with no major changes. Even 30 years ago, we didn't have blackouts, but had electricity rationing instead. We have trash collection service. Despite our poverty, 20 years ago our literacy rate was already higher than India's TODAY, and our starvation rate was near zero.

It is not just about the money but it is about how the money is used.

Let me assure you it is not the infrastructure of the Tier 1,2,3 cities that I am worried about.They are doing fine.It will be an extravagant attempt to compare with Shanghai in 1930 and that too on the basis of running water and sewer.We have the concept of Townships,meaning smaller towns within big cities,and I would say the standard of living and the cost is better in 2nd tier cities like Pune or Mysore than,say Mumbai.
I am more worried about reaching out to the masses in far lying areas and provide them public services,bringing them to the mainstream.The government has taken many ambitious projects to address that issue and the budget goes on increasing by leaps each year.
The problem is,there is a gap between people at different sections of the society.While some have all the facilities that they can ask for,some have bare minimum or almost none.
Apart from that,allow me to make a few things clear.Our economy is mainly based on the internal market.We have a huge population with growing levels of income,and hence a huge internal market.So far as export is concerned,we do export everything starting from a pin to agricultural products,FMCG,automobiles,softwares,electronic goods etc.
We dont have any problem with educated people for work as well.Again the huge population comes to the rescue.
Organizations skills,yes,little lacking there,but then much better than the 80s or early 90s.

China is a huge exporter of electronics goods,many US-based companies have their production centers in China.That should be our next objective.There are some recent developments on that field too.Indian mobile manufacturers are doing well these days,and acquisitions are back to the front page again.
But that's ur personal choice right? My point is it's nothing offensive about the word chini.

Are you Indian btw?

Why putting a double foreign flag?

---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

Attention u will get when ur CN firewall will allow free media. Until then, we are happy with our image in EU/Africa/US.

Well, you shouldn't be expected to be treated as A+ student when you are just a C+ student.
Are you Indian btw?

Why putting a double foreign flag?

---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

Well, you shouldn't be expected to be treated as A+ student when you are just a C+ student.

all of a sudden every one becomes the master...
Let me assure you it is not the infrastructure of the Tier 1,2,3 cities that I am worried about.They are doing fine.It will be an extravagant attempt to compare with Shanghai in 1930 and that too on the basis of running water and sewer.We have the concept of Townships,meaning smaller towns within big cities,and I would say the standard of living and the cost is better in 2nd tier cities like Pune or Mysore than,say Mumbai.
I am more worried about reaching out to the masses in far lying areas and provide them public services,bringing them to the mainstream.The government has taken many ambitious projects to address that issue and the budget goes on increasing by leaps each year.
The problem is,there is a gap between people at different sections of the society.While some have all the facilities that they can ask for,some have bare minimum or almost none.
Apart from that,allow me to make a few things clear.Our economy is mainly based on the internal market.We have a huge population with growing levels of income,and hence a huge internal market.So far as export is concerned,we do export everything starting from a pin to agricultural products,FMCG,automobiles,softwares,electronic goods etc.
We dont have any problem with educated people for work as well.Again the huge population comes to the rescue.
Organizations skills,yes,little lacking there,but then much better than the 80s or early 90s.

China is a huge exporter of electronics goods,many US-based companies have their production centers in China.That should be our next objective.There are some recent developments on that field too.Indian mobile manufacturers are doing well these days,and acquisitions are back to the front page again.

yes, but the way you're putting it almost seems to be saying that India's "domestic economy" means that average Indians have similar levels of living standards as average Chinese. Chinese living standards constantly are higher than expected for the level of income we have in literacy, schooling, etc. due to high government investment in education and infrastructure even in the countryside. remember the average Indian does not live in Mumbai or even Pune but is a rural resident, so we should be comparing rural China vs. rural India, and in this comparison, the difference is even higher. Let me just remind you that China is completely electrified, while India is not.

like you said:

"The problem is,there is a gap between people at different sections of the society.While some have all the facilities that they can ask for,some have bare minimum or almost none."

this is an inequality in opportunity. in China we have grave inequality in income, but much less inequality in wealth and even less in opportunity. However, in India, some are systematically denied access to facilities due to corruption.

Also, many US companies do not have their base of production in China; they do not manufacture at all. They're in the business of marketing and distributing electronic products made by Chinese companies which is far more profitable.
India is 3++, considering you are still far from getting the attention from us.

Thankyou so much mate.Your media and Commies politicos need people like you ,I don't understand why they demarche our diplomats in Beijing and your media firing warning shots when we peacefully drilling in Vietnam waters.:whistle:
all of a sudden every one becomes the master...

But the quality of the master could be different as well. :coffee:

A 1.5 trillion GDP China can already launch the space manned mission, whereas a 1.5 trillion GDP India is still rookie in almost every domain compared to the 1.5 trillion GDP China.

---------- Post added at 04:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 AM ----------

Thankyou so much mate.Your media and Commies politicos need people like you ,I don't understand why they demarche our diplomats in Beijing and your media firing warning shots when we peacefully drilling in Vietnam waters.:whistle:

The day when Uncle Sam treats you as the bigger threat than us, then you can come back and tell that you are better than us. :whistle:
But the quality of the master could be different as well. :coffee:

A 1.5 trillion GDP China can already launch the space manned mission, whereas a 1.5 trillion GDP India is still rookie in almost every domain compared to the 1.5 trillion GDP China.

That is because the budget allocated and early actions taken. China started thinking about manned mission 20 years back.
But the quality of the master could be different as well. :coffee:

A 1.5 trillion GDP China can already launch the space manned mission, whereas a 1.5 trillion GDP India is still rookie in almost every domain compared to the 1.5 trillion GDP China.

---------- Post added at 04:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 AM ----------

The day when Uncle Sam treats you as the bigger threat than us, then you can come back and tell that you are better than us. :whistle:

Oh!!!yes you people sent your Astronauts but this article is not about China and high IQ Chinese so why you guys going off topic mate..
But the quality of the master could be different as well. :coffee:

A 1.5 trillion GDP China can already launch the space manned mission, whereas a 1.5 trillion GDP India is still rookie in almost every domain compared to the 1.5 trillion GDP China.

---------- Post added at 04:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 AM ----------

The day when Uncle Sam treats you as the bigger threat than us, then you can come back and tell that you are better than us. :whistle:

Manned space flight is so 1961.
But the quality of the master could be different as well. :coffee:

A 1.5 trillion GDP China can already launch the space manned mission, whereas a 1.5 trillion GDP India is still rookie in almost every domain compared to the 1.5 trillion GDP China.

---------- Post added at 04:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 AM ----------

The day when Uncle Sam treats you as the bigger threat than us, then you can come back and tell that you are better than us. :whistle:

Am waiting for that day but right now you guys are threat to them ,so game on :azn:

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------

Manned space flight is so 1961.

Sshhhhhh!!!you evil Russian ,don't you see these guys making us count Chinese govt achievement ..................:lol:
yes, but the way you're putting it almost seems to be saying that India's "domestic economy" means that average Indians have similar levels of living standards as average Chinese. Chinese living standards constantly are higher than expected for the level of income we have in literacy, schooling, etc. due to high government investment in education and infrastructure even in the countryside. remember the average Indian does not live in Mumbai or even Pune but is a rural resident, so we should be comparing rural China vs. rural India, and in this comparison, the difference is even higher. Let me just remind you that China is completely electrified, while India is not.

like you said:

"The problem is,there is a gap between people at different sections of the society.While some have all the facilities that they can ask for,some have bare minimum or almost none."

this is an inequality in opportunity. in China we have grave inequality in income, but much less inequality in wealth and even less in opportunity. However, in India, some are systematically denied access to facilities due to corruption.

Also, many US companies do not have their base of production in China; they do not manufacture at all. They're in the business of marketing and distributing electronic products made by Chinese companies which is far more profitable.

Misunderstood me... there is no problem with opportunity.Education in high school and medical facilities are provided for free,and scholarships are provided to poor students in institutions of higher education.The problem is with reaching out to the people.It may be hard to understand but then it becomes increasingly difficult with a billion population.
So far as corruption is concerned,again I will say,much better than what we used to have in the 80s.The media has played a significant role here.
Your statement about manufacturing electronic goods is not entirely true though.Many South Korean and US based companies have production bases in China,since it is cheaper to manufacture goods their.Contract manufacturers like Foxconn take contracts from companies like Apple for mass production.
this is an inequality in opportunity. in China we have grave inequality in income, but much less inequality in wealth and even less in opportunity. However, in India, some are systematically denied access to facilities due to corruption.

We do have our share (and more) of corruption. China is not exactly free from it. Your trying to bash Indian corruption is really funny. China is one of the most corrupt societies in the world, with people needing to bribe even to have kids.

Only your opaque, all controlling CCP doesn't let out the truth as happens in open societies.

Also, many US companies do not have their base of production in China; they do not manufacture at all. They're in the business of marketing and distributing electronic products made by Chinese companies which is far more profitable.

It is well known that 75% of exports from China are from foreign companies, a figure that rises to 85% and above for "high technology" items like assembling ipads, computers, laptops and others that the West has stopped doing.

The arrogance on the part of so many of you doesn't fool anyone.
Manned space flight is so 1961.

I think it is a great achievement for China and will be one for India whenever we do it.

Only the foolish will try to beat drums of it. We are playing the catch up game.
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