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India is preparing a moon landing for 1st time in country's history

From a country whose entire annual budget is near to China's education budget.....
Nothing new, India has a long history of misplaced priorities in regards to its space program.

Like when India had its greatest man made famine due a to great Leap in 1960s resulting in over 20 million deaths, our delusional leaders were busy selecting Indian astronauts for regime legitimacy :)

I can't believe that in 2017 there are people who believe stories from 1400 years ago as if they were fact. And that if you ever question the validity of those beliefs the standard punishment is death.

You are not a pure Muslim like them. You have in you dna of people who continued in the non Muslim way even after the establishment of Islam. They look at you and see a Hindu pretending to be a Muslim. Which in their eyes is even worse than being a Hindu. That's why there are more foreign Hindu workers in the me that Pakistanis. They just don't like you guys.

But the Arabs were non-Muslims before the advent of Islam :lol: there is no such thing as a "Pure Muslim" in Islamic theology.....:lol:

Here in London UK, there is a lot of inter-marrying between Pakistanis, Arabs, Turks & Iranians. Especially the younger generations. Could you please provide eveidence for your claims because they seem far-fetched..............:lol: Unless you can your claims are even more fasle than those from the indian media.

It's obvious you don't know what you are talking about...............:lol:

East Pakistanis will disagree but i dont want to prick your bubble.

You remembered 1971 but conveniently forgot August the 14th 1947 when a Muslim minority was able to carve, rip, dismember and spread open wide the legs of mother india to create Pakistan from conquered indian territory :devil: and there is nothing indian kind can do to get that conquered indian territory back again :chilli:
I think 71 came after 47. You shouldnt forget that.

Both are now in the past. We took land from our enemies and there is nothing they could do about it. They still feel humiliated by this even today. Never forget that.
Nah you took land and the enemy took back one half and we are eying to take further portion.

Mooning will get another meaning.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......one half????????? bangladesh is 6× smaller than Pakistan in area. Since when did 1/2=1/6????????.....:lol:

Too bad bangladesh did not merge back into india...........:lol: We still control the land we took from dismembering india in 1947 and no-one can do anything about it......:lol:
Are you sure about the bold part?

I mean you guys still whine about hindus getting as$ f*cked in BD today?
Personally i am as worried about them as much as you are about Pakistani hindus
Personally i am as worried about them as much as you are about Pakistani hindus

But that doesn't mean that you guys don't whine about them. Your dramaibaaz nautanki foreign minister does care about them.
Mars human mission should be a combined South Asian effort, if at all one is talking about desis.
This is technologically way, way beyond the region as of this time...... and until Kashmir issue is resolved this kind of collaboration is a distant prospect, a very distant prospect indeed.Kudos bhai
You'll never understand, because you've blinded your mind with dogma.

Dogma aside, please provide evidence of your claims otherwise those claims are BS. Anyone can say anything on the net. But evidence and ground reality ultimately always suffice, not online rants.
Firstly stop it before assuming anything. I am sure you jump for joy everytime you hear a hindu girl being abducted and forcefully converted in Pakistan. One more insect got quashed right.

Nope. We don't feel happy for anything like that. We are big enough so we don't have fears from our minorities like you guys have.
So much for a defense forum. Very very professional behavior by our elite posters.
What? Islamabad was blocked for 20 days because you guys thought govt is favoring ahmedis.

Ahmedis are not you. You understand that. In any case they have been deal effectively. You know that too.
Ahmedis are not you. You understand that. In any case they have been deal effectively. You know that too.
You werent talking about "us" but all minorities unless of course you dont acknowledge them even as a minority.
You werent talking about "us" but all minorities unless of course you dont acknowledge them even as a minority.

They are a minority and no threat to us like you think for muslims in India.
Jealousy at its height..

Deletion of Indian post won't resolve the issue.
I request SUPARCO to come forward to prove the balls.
Its my heartily wishes to have you guys in humanitarian friendly space race.

Trolling on Indian capability shown you lightness towards space research..

Good Day Guys.
I will pray for your wisdom...
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