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India's Chandrayaan-3 moon lander fails to answer wake-up call, may be dead for good

Like India's hunger rate is as bad as afghanistan as per GHI? I never trusted these NGO surveys, but if you love posting such things as gospel truth then try accepting other such indices as truth as well.

GHI isn't some official multilateral agency, its just an NGO.

And I never said UN report is a hogwash, you did.

I am here to calibrate your moral compass - Forget Afghanistan it has been even worse than NoKo for the last few years, The Indian govt does not release official figures with respect to poverty for obvious reasons - It tries to hide it by erecting fences and curtains. BTW I found quite a few UN reports for South Asia from hunger to open defecation to infra and you name it there is a library of what goes on in India but I won't be wasting bandwidth because Indians live in denial.
And NoKo is very transparent? Even after getting nearly 10% of GDP (GDP numbers that too after 17% increase in GDP after rebasing), GSP+ status from EU and USA and higher per capita aid than India, your per capita income is half of ours. And the Human Development Index of our poorest state is higher than your country. As I said its you who's coping not me.

I am here to calibrate your moral compass - Forget Afghanistan it has been even worse than NoKo for the last few years, The Indian govt does not release official figures with respect to poverty for obvious reasons - It tries to hide it by erecting fences and curtains. BTW I found quite a few UN reports for South Asia from hunger to open defecation to infra and you name it there is a library of what goes on in India but I won't be wasting bandwidth because Indians live in denial.
May it found a toilet on the moon and chose to ignore further Indian commands...😁😁
And NoKo is very transparent? Even after getting nearly 10% of GDP (GDP numbers that too after 17% increase in GDP after rebasing), GSP+ status from EU and USA and higher per capita aid than India, your per capita income is half of ours. And the Human Development Index of our poorest state is higher than your country. As I said its you who's coping not me.
You sound extremely desperate!!!! one of the biggest aid and charity recipient country yet still lack very basic necessities; despite making tall claims your govt hides poverty, Your cooked numbers; it never has tangible progress on the ground to back those number up. No matter how you slice and dice it, it does not add up. Countries that do not make such claims and are considered very poor have much better infra and living conditions. Ask any Western traveler who has been to Noko and India will tell you a very different story, there are YT clips on the subject.
Sure United Nations has made up numbers

From the pic - there are zero hunger spots in India... LMAO.... You beat the best of the best hands down...
And India has none and high food insecurity in Norway..LMAO........ you can call me Kris Kringle and I live in the North Pole. :D
Where is Norway in that report or you can't even locate where scandinavia is? India would be on the lower side, not in high concern category like you guys.
Where is Norway in that report or you can't even locate where scandinavia is? India would be on the lower side, not in high concern category like you guys.
Look, don't waste time & BW to prove something that you cannot - Go to your post number 101 - Scandinavian countries' malnourishment Death Rate is higher than India. LMAO.....
From the pic - there are zero hunger spots in India... LMAO.... You beat the best of the best hands down...
You are living in 2000s and 1990s when Pakistan percaorial income was greater than India

Pakistan was blessed withmassive resources early on(surplus gas and abduant free electricity in form of hydro)

But since 2008 our economy has remained stagnant and Indian economy has expanded 4 times.

So don't live in the past, live in future

For reference Chinese were poorer then us in 1990s and didn't knew how to build a original drsign fighter jet untill 2005 or jet engine till 2015.
As for aid, did Pak really get more?
Per capita Paksiatn has received 14 times more dole compared to India.

Per capita Paksiatn has received 14 times more dole compared to India.

As if the wealth was distributed across the Pakistan or Indian populations.
You are living in 2000s and 1990s when Pakistan percaorial income was greater than India

Pakistan was blessed withmassive resources early on(surplus gas and abduant free electricity in form of hydro)

But since 2008 our economy has remained stagnant and Indian economy has expanded 4 times.

So don't live in the past, live in future

For reference Chinese were poorer then us in 1990s and didn't knew how to build a original drsign fighter jet untill 2005 or jet engine till 2015.

As if the wealth was distributed across the Pakistan or Indian populations.
Indian and logic are two opposite ends of the spectrum....
Indian and logic are two opposite ends of the spectrum....
Hence why indians lead Google and Microsoft
Something you need to find which way your home is and how to type an resume for

Grow up son 🤣

Compete rather than making up stuff..you ain't the son of mughals emperor anymore

And that excess free gas and cheap power is no longer enough

American blood money and Chinese one belt money is drying up

Arabs no longer need protection so that money is gone too
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