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India is not Britain

They are comfortable with rising India

Pls watch the video again

Your immediate neighbors are certainly NOT comfortable with rising India. I don't think Pakistan likes you too much still, Sri Lanka still has an axe to grind after how you guys royally screwed up their nation for 2 decades by arming and training militant outfits. Bangladesh - well, you guys technically liberated them, yet they seem to hate you right now.

Lets not even talk about China. We all know how shaky your border situation looks right now. You are technically surrounded on all fronts by a bunch of people who don't like you. Would you at least admit to that? Or are you going to come up with a long story now telling us how the Pakistanis love your curry so much?

You have just chosen to ignore the 76% of the population who is also the biggest FDI investor in India. Anyone can guess whether indians are really brilliant or stupid?

The same bunch of idiots who blocked ST Kinetics and kena stuck with not enough ammo and arti to fight with. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't want our business, nevermind, we got other people who would love our investments. Indians are like a frog in a well. Most don't seem to realize there is a world out there besides Pakistan anyways.
What do Chinese Singaporean have to do with Mauritius?

So sorry, will correct it soon as per your command. LOLOL.

Oh no, i can't really guaranteed that our finanical instituations will agreed to put more investment in India especially most of our previous investments either goes winding up or fail big time due to inconsistant fiscal and monetary policies from India government.... :cheesy:
First, don't blame our Singaporean society thinking you know anything about us at all. Blame your own obnoxious countrymen for the kind of hatred they face over here in our country. And second, my parent's didn't immigrate here just one generation ago but my family has been here for nearly 200 years. So I'm really very very different from you people. As a matter of fact, even your own countrymen wouldn't call me Indian no matter what my ancestry is, so stop twisting your argument to your convenience.

And third, open your eyes to the reality to the situation. Dotheads are disliked worldwide, not just in Singapore. Do a search on the internet and you'll know. You guys get beaten up by minorities in Australia. Even the Fijians, who are also descended from Indians generations ago, now mostly in Australia do not seem to like you guys at all. Check out this link - Do fijian indians hate mainland indians? - Topix

Don't blame us who have been staying in our native places all along for this. When you Indians leave your slums and head out to our nations, the onus is upon you to fit in to our society, not our society amend its ways for u! Kinda reminds me of this slogan I saw once in Australia when I was there on a visit. "It's Australia mate. Fit in or f@ck off!" The same logic applies to any other country on earth.
Looks like Singapore tolerates and breeds racism. Which is kinda sad. When you can only find the negatives of your ancestry it means the society and culture has made you think so. Singapore is not US after all, where you will be accepted for who you are and diversity is celebrated. You can be ashamed of you culture and brown skin while we are ashamed of you and your rather pedestrian sense of superiority. Not to mention the need to suck up to Chinese to fit in, who themselves will be descriminated against if they arrive from mainland.
Your immediate neighbors are certainly NOT comfortable with rising India. I don't think Pakistan likes you too much still, Sri Lanka still has an axe to grind after how you guys royally screwed up their nation for 2 decades by arming and training militant outfits. Bangladesh - well, you guys technically liberated them, yet they seem to hate you right now.

Lets not even talk about China. We all know how shaky your border situation looks right now. You are technically surrounded on all fronts by a bunch of people who don't like you. Would you at least admit to that? Or are you going to come up with a long story now telling us how the Pakistanis love your curry so much?

The same bunch of idiots who blocked ST Kinetics and kena stuck with not enough ammo and arti to fight with. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't want our business, nevermind, we got other people who would love our investments. Indians are like a frog in a well. Most don't seem to realize there is a world out there besides Pakistan anyways.

Indian dont need amunation to fight with some of the neighbours including you. If we have to to fight with you, we will need to just add to global warming, then you guys will be leaving like frog in Ocean.

So sorry, will correct it soon as per your command. LOLOL.

Oh no, i can't really guaranteed that our finanical instituations will agreed to put more investment in India especially most of our previous investments either goes winding up or fail big time due to inconsistant fiscal and monetary policies from India government.... :cheesy:
Are you FM of singapur. Your gov. does not take your suggestions. Such a loosers.
Looks like Singapore tolerates and breeds racism. Which is kinda sad. When you can only find the negatives of your ancestry it means the society and culture has made you think so. Singapore is not US after all, where you will be accepted for who you are and diversity is celebrated. You can be ashamed of you culture and brown skin while we are ashamed of you and your rather pedestrian sense of superiority. Not to mention the need to suck up to Chinese to fit in, who themselves will be descriminated against if they arrive from mainland.

Ashamed of brown skin? Slack off that hashish pipe man! When did I ever deny I was Indian Singaporean? We have our own identity distinct from yours and we are proud of it. And it's an identity that is well-integrated with loads of mutual respect with our Chinese Singaporean brothers. Simple as that.

Indian Singaporean has nothing to do with India. We are not tied to each other for generations, and our loyalty is to our own kind only, which is Singaporean.

Indian dont need amunation to fight with some of the neighbours including you. If we have to to fight with you, we will need to just add to global warming, then you guys will be leaving like frog in Ocean.

Are you FM of singapur. Your gov. does not take your suggestions. Such a loosers.

We all know how Indians fight, come on now. Only fights you ever had won in your history was against the neighbor 10% of your size. The one and only time you fought an equal, you got wiped out.

Technically, you guys are just a bunch of bullies. No need to give us lessons now on how you fight.
Ashamed of brown skin? Slack off that hashish pipe man! When did I ever deny I was Indian Singaporean? We have our own identity distinct from yours and we are proud of it. And it's an identity that is well-integrated with loads of mutual respect with our Chinese Singaporean brothers. Simple as that.

Indian Singaporean has nothing to do with India. We are not tied to each other for generations, and our loyalty is to our own kind only, which is Singaporean.

lol at your double speak. referring us as "dot heads" , claiming or wishing that Tamil is the dying language shows that you despise your culture. looks like you faced a lot of racism as a kid and want to overact to fit in.

i have been to singapore and met the local tamils. they wear dots on their heads and speak perfect tamil. guess it comes down to how insecure one feels about himself.
Ashamed of brown skin? Slack off that hashish pipe man! When did I ever deny I was Indian Singaporean? We have our own identity distinct from yours and we are proud of it. And it's an identity that is well-integrated with loads of mutual respect with our Chinese Singaporean brothers. Simple as that.

Indian Singaporean has nothing to do with India. We are not tied to each other for generations, and our loyalty is to our own kind only, which is Singaporean.
If you dont have any tie with India then why the hell you are claiming yourself as Indian Singaporean, does your goverment dont allow you to call yourself a Singaporian. We dont need Non required Indians
What do Chinese Singaporean have to do with Mauritius?

We have plenty of Mauritians studying and working here in Singapore and we do have investments over there too. What's the big deal about that now?
Ashamed of brown skin? Slack off that hashish pipe man! When did I ever deny I was Indian Singaporean? We have our own identity distinct from yours and we are proud of it. And it's an identity that is well-integrated with loads of mutual respect with our Chinese Singaporean brothers. Simple as that.

Indian Singaporean has nothing to do with India. We are not tied to each other for generations, and our loyalty is to our own kind only, which is Singaporean.

We all know how Indians fight, come on now. Only fights you ever had won in your history was against the neighbor 10% of your size. The one and only time you fought an equal, you got wiped out.

Technically, you guys are just a bunch of bullies. No need to give us lessons now on how you fight.
Be carefull, if we are bullies, then as per you we won against a country of 10% size, thing about yourself, you are not even .1%. For us it doent matter what the hell you think about us, dont give yourself that much importance, you are insignificant.
lol at your double speak. referring us as "dot heads" , claiming or wishing that Tamil is the dying language shows that you despise your culture. looks like you faced a lot of racism as a kid and want to overact to fit in.

Yes you are dotheads. We don't do that stuff over here. We evolved, you are stuck where you were a thousand years ago. And yes, Tamil is dying over here. Not my fault in the least. If it's dying it's dying, can't do nothing about it. Adapt and move on.

And as for the other chap, Indian Singaporean = any Singaporean with ancestry relating to the Indian Subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, whatever else you have over there..sikim? is that a country?

Has nothing to do with your republic. Most of us arrived here when that whole place was part of the British empire anyway, so we have had nothing to do with the Republic of India. In case you haven't realized, India IS a geographic term. Just because you adopted it as your country's name after you guys got divided doesn't mean the other meaning doesn't apply.

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