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'India is a loser', says Sri Lankan media

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There are a lot of people in this forum who act as if they are a sleep and there is no point in trying to wake them up.

There are a lot of people in this forum who act as if they are a sleep and there is no point in trying to wake them up.

Then why dint Pakistan vote?
Pakistan helped Sri Lanka eliminate the LTTE. It is our duty to see this thing through to the end. We should support Sri Lanka diplomatically and Logistically.

Why dint pak vote?
Mr Rajkapse, you have blackmailed us this far, but no further. Your bluff has been called.

Can not believe some SL guys who lost the vote and some pakistanis who did not even vote are claiming victory. I mean can delusion be national character? It seems the answer is yes!
Sri Lanka now facing more international isolation, then how it is India's loss.
its india's strategy or what they becoming enimy to everyone in entire region & becoming friends of west.
Sri Lanka now facing more international isolation, then how it is India's loss.

Just because the West and It's puppet's ignore you, it doesn't mean you are internationally isolated.
Just because the West and It's puppet's ignore you, it doesn't mean you are internationally isolated.

If the majority voted against you, then yes you are facing isolation. China is a friend of every parriah state, every single one - for own interests. By that logic even north korea is not isolated, but they are.

Rajkapse tried to stretch the china card too far, the bluff failed. He should buy a world map and see where his country is placed. If he wants to screw with the future of his country just to spite India, sure, there's a need of one more pakistan! LOL!

BTW do see the channel 4 documentaries, and decide for yourself if serious war crimes were committed or not, and if personally you stand for that kind of war.
Yep. You sided with America against our neighbourhood. What do you expect??

again, you lack the understanding of the Indian stand on this matter. It is a result of our internal politics, US doesn't even figure in the equation.
Just because your politics runs around amreeka, doesn't mean ours does too.
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