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India is a democracy

I happen to be much more interested in China than the U.S. I already got a handful of daily American news here at home. Thank you very much.

Thing is You are Not American ! I Saw your Post in this South China sea Thread where You Posted about How chinese Will defeat USA , You still think people Here are that stupid to Believe you are an American

You were Reported Many time False flagger , But no action Taken ....You are Reported Once again

An Pretending American Shows All his Love for China and Pakistan and Hatred for India :lol:
A bunch of hungry people talk the indian superioty
well although it is not good to say you but your country is not far behind ..you have also huge population who are not getting what they deserve to be get in every aspect food , freedom and many other things..
Povert is a serious concern for every rising country
Shandong Province, China, October 17, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A Chinese woman died last week during a forced abortion at six months pregnant, the human rights organizations Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and China Aid say they have learned.

According to a report posted on fanfucn.com, Jihong Ma was seized by Family Planning Officials for a forced abortion because she violated the one-child policy. Due to her state of stress, she was placed on oxygen. In the words of a family member:

More than ten persons from the Family Planning Bureau came, took off the oxygen mask from her and forced her to induce labor. From the time she was put into operating room at 4:00 p.m., there was no news about her . . . At night around 10:00 p.m., someone came, opened the door of the delivery room and slipped away. We ran into the delivery room and saw that the doctors and nurses all disappeared while poor Jihong Ma’s body had already been totally freezing cold, with purple lips and bleeding nose, lying on the operating table without any movement . . . Jihong Ma’s daughter does not know yet that her Mom has passed away. She cries looking for Mom every day.

Reggie Littlejohn, head of Women's Rights without Frontiers.
Join a Facebook page to end abortion here.

“Our hearts go out to the family of Jihong Ma, who was their wife, mother or daughter,” stated Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. “China’s cruel and barbaric forced abortion policy causes more violence towards women and girls than any other official policy on earth. It is China’s war against women and girls. Women are forcibly aborted up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

“Forced abortion is not a choice. It is official government rape.”

Bob Fu, President of China Aid, stated, “Tragedies like this demonstrate the urgent need for China to establish the rule of law. Family Planning Police commit hideous crimes with impunity, as do those who persecute the house churches and Chinese human rights lawyers.”

A recent report released by Women’s Rights Without Frontiers detailed several bone chilling accounts of the brutality experienced by Chinese citizens who fall afoul of the one-child policy.

The report was leaked out of China by a source who requested anonymity for fear of the reprisals that other critics of the one-child policy have been subjected to. It was unveiled at a U.S. Congressional Hearing on the one-child policy, held September 22.

Reports from China have indicated that Chen Guangcheng, the country’s most famous opponent of the brutal population control methods, may have been killed after suffering years of imprisonment, torture, and harassment.

“Chen Guangcheng has stood up for victims of forced abortion. He has been jailed, tortured, denied medical treatment, and we don’t know whether he is dead or alive,” said Fu

What a terrible country China is....
The present democratic norm in this era are from west,The world always follows the Most Powerful.The west (US and Europe) are the strongest from military,economy,social etc ends.Once there economic and military superiority is ended,the world will follow the new world order.
China has grown without democracy,so it proves that democracy is not the only parameter.
What nation other than North Korea can I compare India's fake democracy with? You seem to grasps on to this western colonial ideology like its your life. Based on these 4 indicators of a countries progress: social, economical, military and political, which one is India ahead of "Communist" China in? The answer is none.

I think we can compare China with Somalia for both have autocratic regime who don't care about people. :bunny:
Thing is You are Not American ! I Saw your Post in this South China sea Thread where You Posted about How chinese Will defeat USA , You still think people Here are that stupid to Believe you are an American

You were Reported Many time False flagger , But no action Taken ....You are Reported Once again

An Pretending American Shows All his Love for China and Pakistan and Hatred for India :lol:

He is as much American as any European living in the US -- or are you suggesting that ALL Americans are white-europeans? That is racist thinking, little Indian friend.
Thing is You are Not American ! I Saw your Post in this South China sea Thread where You Posted about How chinese Will defeat USA , You still think people Here are that stupid to Believe you are an American

You were Reported Many time False flagger , But no action Taken ....You are Reported Once again

An Pretending American Shows All his Love for China and Pakistan and Hatred for India :lol:
They can verify my IP location to debunk your nonsense accusations about my identity. You should move on, and not derail this thread for your personal attacks.
Now shut-up, India is a democracy

For all my fellow PDF members (original, fake masked members), my only answer to all your ****** hatred threads against India and its progress is... India is a democratic country.. where the nation belongs to its citizens.

May be you can beat tour chests on your development, growth, technology and other BS stuff. But remember, this one word DEMOCRACY.

So, if you still want to continue your hatred against us and try to show where we are behind, please Send me a PM and I will give more information than Google.

Dont waste your time in "google"ing about places where India is lagging behind, instead "Google" how great the word "DEMOCRACY" means.

Some of us are fooled by our governments by show development, expressways, technology, WMDs, double digit GDP underground stuff etc.. but you have to realize that you are a nothing more than a slave in your own country.

So called super powers administration crushed down student agitations :frown:, kills its own citizens :angry: warns media of dire consequences if "REAL" news is broadcasted, in this environment people never knew what "FREEDOM" is meant to be.

Come to INDIA and we will show you the practical meaning of "FREEDOM". :yahoo:

In my previous company, one of colleague visited Bangalore from Shanghai. She spent a week with me in the project.

On the eve of her departure, she said "India is way behind China in infrastructure", there is a lot of catching to do.. I just said, yes, and not a word more came out from my mouth. (Because, it is like "Athidi devo bhava", Guest is equal to god"...)

However, just before the check-in she said, you are lucky, and I asked, why.. she said you have REAL freedom here, to which I smiled and said you are welcome to and can settle down in Bangalore... :welcome:

That's our country, that's India. :tup:

From now onwards, for every thread you post with a evil eye on India, my answer is this. :cool:

Have a nice day...!!!

A democracy that supports despotism or autocracy in other parts of the world is no democracy at all!
They can verify my IP location to debunk your nonsense accusations about my identity. You should move on, and not derail this thread for your personal attacks.

Even if you are from USA , You are definately Chinese ....Stop Pretending like You are American
India is as much of a democracy as DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) aka North Korea. Both are fakes, the major difference between these two fake democracy's is that India's democracy is fake in practice, whereas North Korea's democracy is fake in name.

india is a pure democracy,purer than any democracy in the world.basically only laws with common sense work,not any damn law unlike whatver bullshit u spewed here.
Even if you are from USA , You are definately Chinese ....Stop Pretending like You are American
Chinese Americans, Vietnamese Americans, Muslim Americans, German Americans. They are all Americans in my eyes. Stop with your racist implications.
Don't forget their Caste system, which is COMPLETELY opposite of real democracy. Let's not forget, the democracy in India is not real so it's perfectly fine to have a Caste system.

Because we don't do bullshit things like Cultural Revolution. We have our own way of family planning, social reform, land acquisition and we don't believe in Bullshit Hukou System to keep our cities clean.

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