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India involved in Lahore attacks: Police

OK, how many of the Indians here think that RAW is not financing, planning and fanning terrorism, insurgency and violence in Pakistan? Please raise your hands!

very funny epool ... you know even if I raise my hand (which I wont for I dont think its so) ...... none come to see it and its heads I win tails you loose situation ......:cheers:

at the beginning of Mumbai attack I thought it’s for real but after some time I realized it’s a another bollywood movie(this time in real life). In every Bollywood movie there are some missing links.

you werent the only one ... even our dear home minister thought so who went on a step further to say "bade bade sheheron mein choti choti baatein hoti reheti hain" (for those who dont get it : small things keep happening in big cities)

1. Where the hell Indian navy and costal guards were (I think watching movie)
2. How the terrorist come to know the destination with out being there.(there is a in side hand involved)

Well you really cant cover all the fishing boats can you? they were very much at station and at ports ... doing what is a variable answer.The terrorists had spent time in Mumbai prior to attack ..... so they were conversant with the area.

3.What the Indian intelligent agency there for.(I think on vacation)

My sincere and honest appeal to the Pakistani members to please decide once and for all about RAW-is it competent or not. On one hand you claim its supporting all the terror in Pakistan and even has taliban in control (which ISI had previously) and now you mean to say RAW didnt know of it ..... why vacillate? fix up your ideas

4.i do n t know what kind of commandos India have to continue drama for 42 hours to have world attention.(putting India on sport light)

something called political directives which curtailed employment of weapons to full extent led to this drama

5. Then playing games with western world calling Mumbai attach India‘s 9/11. (Playing with emotions of western world)
6. Media act like they already had the information. (Sixth sense I am guessing)

vague statements which are best answered when elaborated

7. Everyone came to die in the Mumbai attack expect Ajmal Kasab. (Why? I am guessing for good quality movie)

the poor guy had the misfortune of meeting someone called Late Tukaram Gopal Ombale who grabbed his AK as he was firing and pulled the barrel into own abdomen till as such time others managed to overpower Kasab and capture him. Kasab didnt sweetly hand over his weapon and get caught, it took one brave mans life to get him.

8.People can be hired from Pakistan by RAW posing as Muslims. (This is also happening in FATA)

there is my point - you cant decide the abilities of Indian intell agencies

On the other hand Pakistan first investigates and then point out the criminals (Indian RAW).

even when the whole world after investigating says its not so ... (lahore attack on SL team remember?) come on they have to prove their abilities .... by default

if Pakistani involved in attack dose mean government is involved in it.

yes and no
Ok at the beginning of Mumbai attack I thought it’s for real but after some time I realized it’s a another bollywood movie(this time in real life). In every Bollywood movie there are some missing links.
In this movie missing links are
1. Where the hell Indian navy and costal guards were (I think watching movie)

A limitation of IN, yes.

2. How the terrorist come to know the destination with out being there.(there is a in side hand involved)

It is well known and worldwide accepted fact. No one denied it.

3. What the Indian intelligent agency there for.(I think on vacation)

Then ISI must have retired from the job these days. ;)

4.i do n t know what kind of commandos India have to continue drama for 42 hours to have world attention.(putting India on sport light)

Get your homework done properly, kiddo.

5. Then playing games with western world calling Mumbai attach India‘s 9/11. (Playing with emotions of western world)

Its an achievement. Pakistan couldn't do it, and is being isolated from the world. It was the move which made GoP accept everything.

6. Media act like they already had the information. (Sixth sense I am guessing)

Again an achievement. Who cares for morals? Don't be naive.

7. Everyone came to die in the Mumbai attack expect Ajmal Kasab. (Why? I am guessing for good quality movie)

Because it was a suicidal attack. Get it?

8. People can be hired from Pakistan by RAW posing as Muslims. (This is also happening in FATA)

And US can be hired for drone attacks. Why not blame RAW for that?

On the other hand Pakistan first investigates and then point out the criminals (Indian RAW).if Pakistani involved in attack dose mean government is involved in it.

Who cares for the results NOW? There were dozens of attacks after that. World forgets quickly. No Political gain for Pakistan and no loss for India (assuming Pakistan proves Indian involvement).

You are a very naive person. Stay here for a while, you you will gt the picture.

@ enigma947
Happy now?
Ofcourse Mastan Khan sir, We can only change what we control. We have to first address problems within our nation. We are in complete disarray. Just look at these Balochistan riots. Our enemies would always be working to weaken us, but if as a nation we remain united and one, all their cunning plans would go to the trash bin.
But the problem here is our government is made up of pussies and as my brother Ice Cold said only media can force the government to come out of its denial mode and maintain a tougher stance against the hostile elements.
Another thing sir, I really admire and respect Ansar Abbasi and his articles. And he is one of the most respected journalists in Pakistan, that's why I posted the above article. Ansar Abbasi was the person who broke the story about the lapses in security and the major changes in secuirity personnels made by the Governer Salman Taseer. He also broke the story about information provided by the spy agency concerning attack on Srilankan players.
I completely agree with you that we can start with charging the security officers and personnels and Governer Salman Taseer for a start.
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Thanks qsaark sahib. I didn't read the article. Can anyone teach me how to attach a thumbnail in posts.
I've read the article now. It is true that General Ashfaaq Pervez Kayani is the most patriotic, learned and able General Pakistan has ever seen.
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26/11: 'India has not answered all our questions'

April 13, 2009

Shah Mehmood Qureshi, foreign minister of Pakistan, spoke to Karan Thapar on the CNN-IBN programme, Devil's Advocate, on issues ranging from the spread of Taliban to the investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks and the trust deficit between New Delhi and Islamabad.

Terrorist attacks in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Chakwal, all within a few days, and now Baitullah Mehsud is threatening two attacks a week.

We are facing the challenge and we will confront them. My engagement with friends in India has been that 'please understand this is a common challenge, a common enemy'. We can only defeat this enemy collectively.

The Taliban is in virtual control of Swat and that's just 160 km from your capital.

The whole of Swat is neither under Taliban control, nor is being attacked by them. There are pockets and we will clear those pockets. We feel that dialogue is one of the options. People who are willing to lay down arms� we are going to engage with them� Yes there is a challenge, but Pakistan is not a few pockets (but) a strong, vibrant country.

One of the principal concerns is that elements of the ISI have links with the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.

Without ISI's help, you could not have apprehended the 700 or so Al-Qaeda operatives. ISI has done more than any other organisation has done. Now we are in the process of restructuring ISI� The present leadership of ISI is very clear that this challenge is our challenge� if there are opinions that need to be expressed, they should not be done through the media. There are diplomatic channels available...The people operating on the ground have to be taken on board. If you are accusing them, who do you want to work with?

President Obama's ****** strategy has proposed a contact group for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Is Pakistan happy for India to play a role?

India is a regional player and should play a positive role. What the Indians are forgetting is that this is a cancer.

It will grow, it has no borders, it sees no boundaries� We want a good friendly normal relationship with India� The challenge is not just India-Pakistan. It is a much larger challenge and I think we should all be on board� If we have to concentrate on the western border, we have to be comfortable on the eastern side. It is in our mutual interest that we remain focused on the western border.

President Zardari (has) forcefully argued for addressing the question of Kashmir.

We have outstanding issues and Kashmir is one. For normalisation, for good relations, we have to address them. We had in place a process, the Composite Dialogue. Unfortunately, the tragic Mumbai incident put that on hold. We were making incremental progress. If you block channels of communication, what are you doing? You are strengthening militancy, the hands of terror.

Last week, the Indian Prime Minister said the Composite Dialogue couldn't start until the Mumbai accused were brought to justice in Pakistan and secondly, until the infrastructure of terror was dismantled.

We would not accept conditions. But bringing the culprits of Mumbai to justice is in our mutual interest. We want to cooperate with you and we want to move ahead. We cannot do it alone. As for dismantling the terrorist network, we should do it in our own interest and Pakistan has taken very positive steps.

We have arrested some very high-profile people, proscribed some very important organisations, seized and frozen assets. We have taken a number of steps and this is an ongoing process. We have over 100,000 troops deployed on the western border, dealing with extremism and terrorism. These are all positive steps to dismantle and to challenge extremists and terrorists.

It's now almost a month since India handed over to you the answer to the 30 questions you had posed (on the Mumbai attacks). Are you satisfied?

Everything has not been answered, but we will proceed in a co-operative environment. If more is required, we will share it with you. Examination is going on in the Ministry of Interior. But what I want to tell you is that we are serious.

Rehman Malik, the Adviser in the Interior Ministry, has said that successful prosecution of people like Lakhvi and Zarar Shah depends on the information that you get from India. Have you got enough?

There is evidence and there is legally tenable evidence. We want to take a fool-proof case to court. We want to go ahead with this investigation in a sincere fashion.

What about Masood Azhar? Is it still your position that you do not know where he is?

I honestly do not know where he is.

Pakistan acknowledged that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani. But not responded to his appeal for consular access, or asked for permission to question him.

We have to ask for some of the statements he has made to Indian authorities. We are not aware of them. We will (and), as I said, it is being examined.

Things are either being examined or you do not know. :rofl: :rofl:

These are very serious and delicate matters. We have to proceed very carefully. Now, if you keep suspecting us, then we will not be able to move forward. Let's drop the suspicion, join hands and work together in our interests.

The increasing vulnerability of Pakistan to terror has been so obvious. Here, they say, is this government in Islamabad strong enough? Or will they be deflected by their own problems and weaknesses?

We are fully committed to fight terror, whether an incident takes place in India or anywhere else. There is a complete consensus. All stakeholders in Pakistan are on board that we will not surrender to terrorism.

As your eastern neighbour, we are the first international victim of the terror that comes from Pakistan. You can only address that concern by cooperating with Pakistan and not accusing Pakistan. That negative policy will not be in your interest.

So, that in a sense, is the message you are sending the Indian people -- cooperate with us in your own interest?

Mutual interest.
Ok at the beginning of Mumbai attack I thought it’s for real but after some time I realized it’s a another bollywood movie(this time in real life). In every Bollywood movie there are some missing links.
In this movie missing links are
1. Where the hell Indian navy and costal guards were (I think watching movie)
2. How the terrorist come to know the destination with out being there.(there is a in side hand involved)
3. What the Indian intelligent agency there for.(I think on vacation)
4.i do n t know what kind of commandos India have to continue drama for 42 hours to have world attention.(putting India on sport light)
5. Then playing games with western world calling Mumbai attach India‘s 9/11. (Playing with emotions of western world)
6. Media act like they already had the information. (Sixth sense I am guessing)
7. Everyone came to die in the Mumbai attack expect Ajmal Kasab. (Why? I am guessing for good quality movie)
8. People can be hired from Pakistan by RAW posing as Muslims. (This is also happening in FATA)
On the other hand Pakistan first investigates and then point out the criminals (Indian RAW).if Pakistani involved in attack dose mean government is involved in it.

Well your missing links only question the inefficiency of the various security agencies..If we had fool proof security.. lahore,marriot, 9/11, 26/11 wouldnt have happend brother.!!!
i am trying my best that i should avoid this thread untill the reports come in, but you people are so persistent...

Well you really cant cover all the fishing boats can you? they were very much at station and at ports ... doing what is a variable answer.The terrorists had spent time in Mumbai prior to attack ..... so they were conversant with the area.
i wonder then how come they catch the poor fisher-men every second day.
BTW the americans and other westerns don't let this happen-they don't let any other boat pass into their lands, probably they rightly claim to have a global navy. The indian navy i must suggest should step down on this stance of being a so called 'global sorta navy'
My sincere and honest appeal to the Pakistani members to please decide once and for all about RAW-is it competent or not. On one hand you claim its supporting all the terror in Pakistan and even has taliban in control (which ISI had previously) and now you mean to say RAW didnt know of it ..... why vacillate? fix up your ideas
It has already decided.
The RAW have proven it's worth in Kargil, the failiure of prior info on many terror attacks, fueling insurgency in Balochistan and supporting the Afghan govt against Pakistan and feeding the terrorist in Wana and surrounding.
We know what they are capable of and what not.

Can't get their sh!t cleaned up inside the country but can play an all-rounder outside!!

something called political directives which curtailed employment of weapons to full extent led to this drama
Wow, whould you please enlighten me of the employment of weapons to full extent. i suppose they were terrorist, not Pakistan Army fighting at siachen.

Which 'full extent' weapons did they use by the way: Milan, Pinaka, old vintage heavy artillery guns or Vijayanta tanks, that the permission was required with the so call political directives even after when hundreds have already been killed.

It's anti-terrorist ops dude.

One CQB weapon, a few smoke grenades, a few other Flash n Bang grenades, alot of will power, determination, courage and dare-ness and important of all, alot of national support (which i am sure you did give) that's all what is require for such kinda ops.

the poor guy had the misfortune of meeting someone called Late Tukaram Gopal Ombale who grabbed his AK as he was firing and pulled the barrel into own abdomen till as such time others managed to overpower Kasab and capture him. Kasab didnt sweetly hand over his weapon and get caught, it took one brave mans life to get him.
i am seriously impressed:pop:
Media is the only one that can force the government to come out of its denial mode and actually adopt a tougher stance against the real culprits rather then blaming some XYZ Islamic organization. It has now become very clear that there is a CIA/RAW nexus damaging the interests of Pakistan, purpose seems to be clear, level grounds for US intervention and De nuke Pakistan make India stronger enabling them to counter China.

And when exactly did this happen?

Somebody gets up, produces heaps of words blaming RAW, talks of evidences and proofs. But then nothing happens. Some another authority comes and rubs out all these statements and denies having any information on the issue.

Is that how you come to a 'very clear' conclusion in Pakistan?

Just tell me about a SINGLE real world proof (apart from 'Zaid-Hamid-ish' logics) and we can talk further.

i am trying my best that i should avoid this thread untill the reports come in, but you people are so persistent...

ah impatient are you not?:cheers:

i wonder then how come they catch the poor fisher-men every second day.

well so many of them roam around in those waters, its easy pickings actually if you were to think of it in terms of probability. now terrorists were in odds of probably 5-7 x 1000:1 ratio so if your basic maths is fair am sure you can work out where the chances of success were heavier, the terrorists or the coast guard?

BTW the americans and other westerns don't let this happen-they don't let any other boat pass into their lands, probably they rightly claim to have a global navy. The indian navy i must suggest should step down on this stance of being a so called 'global sorta navy'

ah PN must be in coast guard role. IN is not .... they are more into force projection and containing PN whenever hostilities take place (eg. 1971, 1999 etc)

It has already decided.
The RAW have proven it's worth in Kargil, the failiure of prior info on many terror attacks, fueling insurgency in Balochistan and supporting the Afghan govt against Pakistan and feeding the terrorist in Wana and surrounding.
We know what they are capable of and what not.

Totally an antithetical position. You are still confused. Is RAW capable or not?? They cant get away without being caught in their own country than how can they be good in an alien terrain? confused still I guess

Can't get their sh!t cleaned up inside the country but can play an all-rounder outside!!

an antithesis here too ......

Wow, whould you please enlighten me of the employment of weapons to full extent. i suppose they were terrorist, not Pakistan Army fighting at siachen.

PA does not sit on Siachen, they lost it back in 90s. They sit below it sir. the glacier is today fully in control of IA.

Which 'full extent' weapons did they use by the way: Milan, Pinaka, old vintage heavy artillery guns or Vijayanta tanks, that the permission was required with the so call political directives even after when hundreds have already been killed.

Vijayants are phased out and few which are, are handed over to Infantry units along DCB for pillbox role. As for employment of weapons, the choice would have been on chemicals (read: fentanyl type derivatives ....) and now if you dont know about them .... just too bad

One CQB weapon, a few smoke grenades, a few other Flash n Bang grenades, alot of will power, determination, courage and dare-ness and important of all, alot of national support (which i am sure you did give) that's all what is require for such kinda ops.

not playing black hawk down on computers here are we? if was so simple am sure in a population of one billion some one would have thought of it sir.

i am seriously impressed

as I with your post:cheers:
i wonder then how come they catch the poor fisher-men every second day.
For every "poor fisher-m(a)n" they catch "every second day", how many do they don't catch every third day ? I guess you have that data too. And, I guess, Arabian sea is the size of a pond.
BTW the americans and other westerns don't let this happen-they don't let any other boat pass into their lands...
I suppose, you have data for their misses as well.
It has already decided.

Can't get their sh!t cleaned up inside the country but can play an all-rounder outside!!
Obviously you are immune to irony.
It's anti-terrorist ops dude.
...in a large multi-storied building, with over thousand rooms, closets, nooks, corners, staircases with close to few scores of potential hostages. Yup they should have gone Rambo-ishtyle.
i am seriously impressed:pop:
We're...we're overwhelmed with emotion. <wipes off a tear from the corner of an eye>

These again are total SOB STORIES by pakistani media. Why are they not calling for the executions of the 4 superintendants of police who were absent from their duty---that will be the first step.

I agree! Why blame India before doing the CHITTER PARADE of those officials who neglected on their duties allowing this to happen in the first place.

And what is this cr@p about ''foreign hand'''??? Our media and politicians should be ballsy enough to say INDIA DID IT!! PERIOD! What a bunch of spineless @ssHoles we have in politics and media! :tsk:

These again are total SOB STORIES by pakistani media. Why are they not calling for the executions of the 4 superintendants of police who were absent from their duty---that will be the first step.

Yeah and these stories would have been at least a bit convincing if only RAW were blamed. They messed it up when CIA or some 'other international agency' was mentioned. :chilli:
Isn't he the same guy who said Marriott Hotel bombing was a attack on U.S. Marines ?

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