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India instrumental in toning down resolution against SL: PM to Rajapaksa

This type of apologetic stance.What is need to vote against Sri lanka and then protect from foreign intrusions.Good diplomatic but confusing move.....

Well its keeping a door open for future diplomatic leverage. We can't tolerate what SLA did to Tamils, but we can't also shut of SL completely.
This resolution won't create such a huge impact on us….

By the way, Recently Sri Lankan PM met Chinese Vice President in Beijing.


Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping will become next President of China.

Colombo already invited Chinese Vice President to visit Sri Lanka.

Chinese Vice President expected to visit Sri Lanka later this year….

And what does this tantamount to? Visits? Every nation does that. :coffee:

Sri Lanka rejects claim of India's ‘helping hand’ in Geneva

Sri Lanka yesterday strongly dismissed claims that India had intervened on behalf of the Sri Lankan government to thwart UN intervention by amending the US-sponsored United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution captioned ‘promoting reconciliation and accountability is Sri Lanka’, though it voted with the US-Norway grouping.

The Island

Guess you know whose side you are. And once again you make the same mistake that you did in 71.
I am sorry but don't agree here...India has voted because of regional politics taking toll on the so called independent foreign policy...This vote will surely hurt us big time...and as far as toning it down is concerned then that's the best GOI could have done since DMK was holding their balls

I do not get what is independent about India's foreign policy with respect to SL. SL have been holding us with threats of blackmail of allowing US and now CHina a base. What you see from India is all knee jerk reactions. India gave away Katchatheevu from TN and was it legal? Hell no. And how many times the Indian govt. has stepped in when TN fishermen got killed? why? SL Appeasement.

India does not represent the interests of people many times as its leaders lack some b***s. Again couple of other examples are Bangladesh people changing the demographics in Assam and indian govt. still sitting there twiddling fingers and India was watching when Kashmir pandits were chased away from Kashmir.

So in this era of coalition politics if local interests take precedence over foreign policy, so be it.
This is India at its best Diplomacy. They are masters of backstabbing a Nation at the same time smiling and telling the victim that India has their best interest at heart and that getting Backstabbed is really in the best interest of the victim nation. More and more countries are finding out for themselves what pakistan has been saying for decades.

We are taking lessons from you on the bolded part. :azn:.
You are clearly No.1. in the world for it.:cheesy:
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