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India 'incomplete' without Pakistan's Sindh: BJP patriarch LK Advani

Everyday BJP proves that it is a hegemonic expansionist extremist regime and that puts question marks on all of India nuclear programs...
There are so many Muslims living in India under Hindu influence they should be supported for their struggle of freedom.
Try and comprehend the difference between personal opinion and national policy.

Personal opinions tend to grow into national policies over time..having a separate homeland for subcontinent muslims was also a personal opinion of few students...Jews as subhumans and Germans as the master race was also a personal opinion of Hitler..it is because people make policies...
Personal opinions tend to grow into national policies over time..having a separate homeland for subcontinent muslims was also a personal opinion of few students...Jews as subhumans and Germans as the master race was also a personal opinion of Hitler..it is because people make policies...
Personal opinions tend to grow into national policies over time in theocratic states, as your example shows, and you don't know anything other than that, so I do empathize your dilemma which you will never be aware off.
Personal opinions tend to grow into national policies over time in theocratic states, as your example shows, and you don't know anything other than that, so I do empathize your dilemma which you will never be aware off.

Pakistan is not a theocratic state. Have you ever visited the country?
This has been Advani's dream for a long time, but it will remain only that, a dream.
On that we can SURELY agree!

He's out of his mind. Virtually no one in Sindh wants that. It's disturbing that a man of his stature would make such a statement.
Early stage of Alzheimer disease I suspect.Kudos
Everyday BJP proves that it is a hegemonic expansionist extremist regime and that puts question marks on all of India nuclear programs...

Worry about your country and your illegitimate nuclear program & doctrine not ours, I see only 2 countries that fit the category of expansionist & hagemonic; Pakistan & China.
Worry about your country and your illegitimate nuclear program & doctrine not ours, I see only 2 countries that fit the category of expansionist & hagemonic; Pakistan & China.

Pakistan and China have not expanded since half a century where as India is illegally occupying Kashmir, annexed Sikkim, forged and financed terrorism in Sri Lanka...and is meddling in internal affairs of Tibet..
Pakistan and China have not expanded since half a century where as India is illegally occupying Kashmir, annexed Sikkim, forged and financed terrorism in Sri Lanka...and is meddling in internal affairs of Tibet..

Yeah ok whatever you say... I will see myself out from this stupid conversation. :blink::pdf:
Pakistan and China have not expanded since half a century where as India is illegally occupying Kashmir, annexed Sikkim, forged and financed terrorism in Sri Lanka...and is meddling in internal affairs of Tibet..

Has Pakistan TRIED to expand? Yes!
Has it succeeded? lol right!

Has China TRIED to expand? Yes!
Has it succeeded? Ask the Tibetans or the claimant nations of islands of South China sea.
Worry about your country and your illegitimate nuclear program & doctrine not ours, I see only 2 countries that fit the category of expansionist & hagemonic; Pakistan & China.
Why should not we claim what is ours. India was a Mughal empire and belongs to muslims. We should have our land back. You should be proud of us we are your kings and rulers after all.
Well, Gentlemen....he was right!
But actually it is, Pakistan Not Complete Without India".
Why should not we claim what is ours. India was a Mughal empire and belongs to muslims. We should have our land back. You should be proud of us we are your kings and rulers after all.

What's preventing you from doing so, go ahead otherwise :blah:
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