What's new

India holds 527 tcf of shale gas reserves

Gentlemen,here is a failed state


India to spend USD 1 trillion on infrastructure in next 5 yrs

India to meet poverty reduction goal by 2015: UN Report

India Plans Mars Probe in Drive to Become Asian Space Power

India leading research on Thorium: US official

Delhi's metro success a lesson for Australia

India-The pharmacy of the world,largest manufacturer of generic drugs

India Hosts 30% of Global Top 1,000 R&D Companies: Zinnov

Being global without India not possible: Airbus CEO
Fracking, shale gas and health effects: Research*roundup – Journalist's Resource: Research for Reporting, from Harvard Shorenstein Center

Alternate Energy,in India

Worlds largest photovoltaic solar plant,Gujrat


And India have big plans for this

Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)

Cost Of The Project:-$75 billion / 3lac crore

Time Duration:- 2010-2022

Current Status:- The project is currently in the phase I in which 1000 MW of solar power will be generated by 2013.

Key Facts

20,000 MW of solar power by 2022.

Investments by private players and GOI.

Phase I (2010-2013)= Grid solar-1000MW and off grid-200MW

Phase 2 (2013-2017)= Grid solar-4000MW and off grid-1000MW

Phase 3 (2017-2022)= Grid solar-15000MW and off grid- 2000MW

But my bet is on Nuclear energy ;)

Our three stage nuclear program


And :lol:at people boasting about CNG vehicles


Indian electric car Reva,sold in 26 countries


ISRO, Tata Motors develop India's first hydrogen fuel cell bus@Samlee specially for you dude
Where is Pakistan then??At 146 :omghaha:

So I Am Admitting It's All Gloom and Doom here.But A 'Rising Economic Power' is Grouped With Equatorial Guinea.Dont Try Get Away By Just Comparing With Us.Explain Your Delusion

Yes 40% I Think The Trauma Has Really Gotten To Your Head So Bad It Has Shaken Your Mental Balance That Is Why You Are Laughing
India launches offensive on Naxalite rebels as they near Delhi | World news | The Observer

Usual tactis,comparing the numbers.

Usual Tactic To Come Up With Excuses Get Something off Your Back

Well we didnt came second in failed state ranking,did we?No?

So Just Because Pakistan Came On A Stupid Foreign Policy Index India Is Now A Rising Asian Tiger and Emerging Global Power.Troll Logic At It's Best.

Big Deal Talk About The Present Not The Future I Can Come Up With Like A Million Such Rosy Projections About India From 10 Years Back That Does Not Explain The Present Poverty or Deprivation.Neither Does It Explain Your Delusions.

And yes we have a space program,A country that was one of the poorest in the world back in 1960s started its space program on a shoe string budget and its headquarters was an old church donated by poor villagers for free,its workshop set up in a cow shed which was also donated by some poor villagers.

Today that space program is ranked sixth in the world,It is building and launching satellites and selling satellite imagery to even European Nations,exploring moon and planets and launching satellites on its own..

Mean while a country on our west is yet to launch a satellite on its own despite help from China and US since its creation.

No we dont blame them..They acknowledge the Fact that there are Problems...But they dont work on it..:omghaha:

There Is Word Used In Urdu Call Jahil For Trolls Like You

Pakistan will launch communications satellite on August 14, 2011

So I Am Admitting It's All Gloom and Doom here.But A 'Rising Economic Power' is Grouped With Equatorial Guinea.Dont Try Get Away By Just Comparing With Us.Explain Your Delusion

Did I said every thing in good here?Understand meaning of 'Rising power' first

So Just Because Pakistan Came On A Stupid Foreign Policy Index India Is Now A Rising Asian Tiger and Emerging Global Power.Troll Logic At It's Best.

Dont push me into posting a link of that kid :omghaha:

Big Deal Talk About The Present Not The Future I Can Come Up With Like A Million Such Rosy Projections About India From 10 Years Back That Does Not Explain The Present Poverty or Deprivation.Neither Does It Explain Your Delusions.

Really?Did you even read that link,First one is based on UN report which says that India is on track to meet the United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of poverty reduction by 2015.You think you know more than UN?:rofl:

The second link,is a comment of Indian FM,Yes mega projects are being undertaken all over the country,We already have enough experience in undertaking such projects,we already have projects like Delhi Metro.
If you are interested,check the status of these here
Indian Megaprojects - SkyscraperCity

Comparing A Real Life Picture of Islamabad Airport and a Promotional Indian Government Poster.Just Goes To Show That You Are Not Only An Idiot Yourself But Think Others Are Idiots As Well.If You Really Want To Know The Conditions Of Indian Airports Read A Book Written By Your Own Countrymen Indian Airports (Shocking Ground Realities) by Kishin R. Wadhwaney

Gentlemen,here is a failed state


Go To Pakistan Government Websites And You Can Find Equally Fancy Posters Big Deal.
BTW I Did Not Call India A Failed State Tell That To These Country men of Yours

Tale of three Indias and a failed state - The New Indian Express


Really?Did you even read that link,First one is based on UN report which says that India is on track to meet the United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of poverty reduction by 2015.You think you know more than UN?

I May Not Know More Than UN But It Looks WHO Knows A Lot More

?India will miss 2015 millennium development goals? - Times Of India

FYI India Has Already Failed To Meet Deadline To Eradicate Extreme Poverty

MDGs: India fails to meet poverty deadline | The Asian Age


PS To All Other Indian Members On This Forum Please Don't Get Offended By My Posts.I Am Not Some Rabid Anti India Hater But This Delusional Idiot of A Troll Named gslv mk3 Seems To Think He Will Run Down Pakistan on PDF and No One Will Do Anything About It
Comparing A Real Life Picture of Islamabad Airport and a Promotional Indian Government Poster.Just Goes To Show That You Are Not Only An Idiot Yourself But Think Others Are Idiots As Well.If You Really Want To Know The Conditions Of Indian Airports Read A Book Written By Your Own Countrymen Indian Airports (Shocking Ground Realities) by Kishin R. Wadhwaney

OMG What kind of a troll I am I talking to ...:omghaha:.This shows what an idiot you are

Kid,understand one thing

Nearly all tier 1,tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India have modern glass and steel Airports while Pakistan have to do with airports that looks more like a 'school building' :omghaha:
The picture I gave you is the advertisement on newspaper on event of inaguration.Here is an other pic of the same airport,This is located in my city


I know you cant digest the fact that a tier 3 airport in India is more modern than one in your tier 1 cities,here is another tier 3 airport




Now Delhi Airport,worlds second best airport in 25-40 million category



And you want me to take Kishin R. Wadhwaneys book written in 2004?Kid this is 2013,here is what world thinks of our Airports

Airport Service Quality Awards 25-40million
Go To Pakistan Government Websites And You Can Find Equally Fancy Posters Big Deal.
BTW I Did Not Call India A Failed State Tell That To These Country men of Yours

I found this image on facebook,and since you are telling this is just a fancy image


Now start clockwise from top.

First image,Gurgaon,How many cities in Pakistan have infrastructure that can come even cose to Delhi NCR??

second image,launch of GSLV,Now can Pakistan launch a nanosat on its own even today?

third image,Hyderabad Outer Ring Road,which is a 160 km,8-12 lane road,Now go compare with your Lahore ring road.

fourth image,Bandra Worli Sea Link,is 5.6 a km long cable stay bridge,Now can pakistan undertake an infrastructure project of that magnitude?

Fifth image,Delhi metro airport express,is the same sort of rail link they have in cities like Hong Kong,Delhi metro is a 190 km,world class metro rail network,which was even praised by British ministers of being more efficent than London Underground

India have 3 operational metro rail system,7 more under construction

How many have you got in operation/under construction/planning? Zilch!!!

Sixth image,Commonwealth Games,how many cities in Pakistan can hold a world event like that?

Failed state?The world didn't call us a failed state.Every one know who topped that list.

I May Not Know More Than UN But It Looks WHO Knows A Lot More

?India will miss 2015 millennium development goals? - Times Of India

Here is an Article dated Jul 5, 2013, 08.07PM IST

NEW DELHI: Despite widespread poverty in the country, India is on track to meet the United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of poverty reduction by 2015, a UN report said today.

"...although poverty remains widespread in India, progress has been substantial. In India, the poverty rate fell from 49 per cent in 1994 to 42 per cent in 2005 and to 33 per cent in 2010. If the current pace continues, India will meet the poverty reduction target by 2015," UN Secretary-General's Millennium Development Goals report released by UN Information Centre said here.

India to meet poverty reduction goal by 2015: UN Report - Economic Times
Dear I Do Not Have Anything To Be Jealous Of Pakistan Has 586 tcf. Read it and Weep


BTW I Actually Came To Felicitate 'But Unfortunately Some Of Your Fellow Country Trolls Understand A Different Kind Of Language

From your avatar it is obvious you are an hawk. By your very nature you are prone to attack mode or panic mode whenever it is most inappropriate. This is not a fight with you but your compatriot Mr. Haq who is quite capable of defending himself. Both you guys have ruined a good thread with your insecurities and had to bring in Pakistan into it.:pissed:
From your avatar it is obvious you are an hawk. By your very nature you are prone to attack mode or panic mode whenever it is most inappropriate. This is not a fight with you but your compatriot Mr. Haq who is quite capable of defending himself. Both you guys have ruined a good thread with your insecurities and had to bring in Pakistan into it.:pissed:

Dear Of All Indians I Would Expect You To Show A Somewhat Reasonable Attitude.I Would Like To Remind You That We Had A Much Better Discussion On A Much More Touchier Issue That Is The Rivers and Water Sharing,Remember Bhasha Dam.Here Is The Link


You Of All People Should Know That I Do Not Normally Engage In Troll Fights.Airports Is Not At All An Issue Between India and
Pakistan.The Problem Is Your Friend Mr. gslv mk3 Just Can't Digest The Fact That Some Indians Who Had The Chance Of Going To Pakistan and Had Pleasant Experience and Were Impressed By The Quality Of Service and Had Written About It.Mr Haq's Only Crime Is That He Mentioned Them In His Blog and Suddenly He Is Accused Of Twisting Facts.After That This Sorry Excuse For PDF Member Starts To Mention My Country In The Most Arrogant Rudest and Most Derogatory Of Languages.He Seems To Give The Impression That Everything Is Going Wrong In Pakistan and Everything Is Hunky Dory In India.It Was Only To This I Retaliated.
I Am A Nationalist But Of The Imran Khan Kind Not The Rabid Zaid Hamid Kind and Do Acknowledge India's Potential and Progress.But Don't Think That I Will Remain Quiet and Have Someone Run Down My Country Like That and That Too On PDF.
Fortunately This My Last Rebuttal On This Thread.I Am Already Very Busy and This Man Is Not Worthy Of My Precious Time

Nearly all tier 1,tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India have modern glass and steel Airports while Pakistan have to do with airports that looks more like a 'school building' :omghaha

I know you cant digest the fact that a tier 3 airport in India is more modern than one in your tier 1 cities,here is another tier 3 airport

You Think You Can Impress Me With A Few Fancy Pictures From Skyscraper City.You Never Bothered To Go To That Site and Look At The New Islamabad Airport




Do Not Try To Impress Me With Glass and Steel Buildings.Everyone Knows Their Quality








And you want me to take Kishin R. Wadhwaneys book written in 2004?Kid this is 2013,here is what world thinks of our Airports
This Is The Conditions Of Your 'Tier 1' Cities
So You Desire Something More Recent.Here You Go


Three killed as Mumbai airport flyover collapses - Emirates 24/7

CBI Report: Kerala airport runway built with sub-standard material; Eight UAE flights land daily - Emirates 24/7

Chennai Airport's secondary runway is unsafe: Expert - The New Indian Express

A 'Pothole' on Surat airport's runway scares sees off plan to allow bigger jets to land | Mail Online

False ceiling panels collapse at Chennai domestic terminal - The Hindu

Kolkata Airport services rated substandard | Marginalmatters's Weblog

third image,Hyderabad Outer Ring Road,which is a 160 km,8-12 lane road,Now go compare with your Lahore ring road.

I Certainly Will




See No Difference at All

Fifth image,Delhi metro airport express,is the same sort of rail link they have in cities like Hong Kong,Delhi metro is a 190 km,world class metro rail network,which was even praised by British ministers of being more efficent than London Underground

India have 3 operational metro rail system,7 more under construction

How many have you got in operation/under construction/planning? Zilch!!!

There Is Truly No Limit To Your Delusions.You Truly Are An Indiot of The Highest Order

Lahore Metro Bus Service



Karachi Circular Railway


Lahore Metro Bus Is Fully Functional and Operating,The Agreement With Japan for Karachi Circular Railway Has Already Been Signed


Plans Are Underway For Metro Bus Service For Karachi and Islamabad and Negotiations Are Starting With China In This Regard

Sixth image,Commonwealth Games,how many cities in Pakistan can hold a world event like that?

You Have Really Lost Your Mental Balance Taking Pride In What Was National Embarassment




Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian




First image,Gurgaon,How many cities in Pakistan have infrastructure that can come even cose to Delhi NCR??

Gurgaon Has Truly World Class Infrastructure Indeed


Pakistan.The Problem Is Your Friend Mr. gslv mk3 Just Can't Digest The Fact That Some Indians Who Had The Chance Of Going To Pakistan and Had Pleasant Experience and Were Impressed By The Quality Of Service and Had Written About It.Mr Haq's Only Crime Is That He Mentioned Them In His Blog and Suddenly He Is Accused Of Twisting Facts.

Yes,I am indeed accusing him of twisting facts,I have heard about the 'efficiency of Islamabad Airport' from other forums such as 'pakwheels' .Yes I am accusing him of bringing that words,said by an indian journalist in 2006, in 2012,when Indian Airports have built modern terminals and our airports like Delhi,Mumbai and Hyderabad are busy winning prestigious international awards(see link in my previous post-Airports Council International Awards)

here is what dailymail,reported about our Delhi airport

You Think You Can Impress Me With A Few Fancy Pictures From Skyscraper City.You Never Bothered To Go To That Site and Look At The New Islamabad Airport


Oh yes fancy 'renderings' of the new Islamabad airport,which have been under construction for years,and as of yet,the completion is still at least 2 years from now.Yes I do visit Pakistan skyscrapercity page where I have seen Pakistani members complaining about the backwardness of
Pakistan in fields like Airport,modern skyscrapers,metro rail and automotive Industry when compared to India

for your own sake ,I am not going to post renders of Mumbai Airport which will be complete by less than an year from now,coz it is way above your league,but here is are two pictures,

first one from Delhi Airport,Worlds second best airport in 25-40 million category.


This is a tier 3 airport,at city of Raipur


Now India has nearly such modern terminals in nearly all cities( tier1 , tier 2 and tier3 cities).Cities like Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata,Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,A hmadabad,Surat,Nagpur,Kanpur,Bhopal,Udaipur,Thiruv ananthapuram,Raipur,Dehradun,Coimbatore,Amritsar,J aipur,Mysore,Manglore,Trichy,Varanasi,Tirupati,Bhu baneswar,Indore,Lucknow,Aurangabad and many many more have them

Even Port Blair is getting a modern glass and steel terminal...........

Do you even have any completed airport,that can come close to India's tier 3 airports (pic of which I posted above?)

Do Not Try To Impress Me With Glass and Steel Buildings.Everyone Knows Their Quality

:lol:,You are saying that modern glass and steel buildings are below par?Airports all over the world are build this way,even your new Islamabad airport is a glass and steel one..Classic case of 'sour grapes' :omghaha:
This Is The Conditions Of Your 'Tier 1' Cities

Yeah try to exagerate the problem as much as you can,Posting 7 links about the problems of just two airports,Chennai and Kolkata,Understand that neither glass or false ceiling are no structural components,Glass panels do break due to expansion and contraction in Indian climates,here is what officials said

The cracks might continue to develop for a couple of months as the building is fairly new and the glass panels need time to stabilise, he said.

But before you start picking up on that,You should have noticed the pictures of those modern terminals,since you have not done that,here is it for you

Chennai Airport


Kolkata Airport


At least build one such airport terminal,before opening your mouth wide

So You Desire Something More Recent.Here You Go

First link is 4 years old,It has nothing to do with service quality and is about on time arrivals,Indian Airports were facing heavy traffic due to aviation growth.Here is it from the same article.What are you trying to prove?

"Indian airports are bound to face heavy congestion as the aviation growth in India has been unprecedented. In 2007-08, the aviation growth in India was 28.8% as compared to the global industry growth of 4% to 6%," says an analyst at KPMG. Similarly, for 2006-07, the country's aviation industry grew at around 25% as compared to the global growth of 5%.

Second link is about the collapse a slab,while it was under construction.The company involved in construction, Larsen&Tourbo is one of te best in the world(They won the Dubai metro contract),Such mishaps happen all around the world,again,what are you trying to prove?

And Mumbai's new Airport terminal was even featured on Discovery Channels 'Build it bigger',it will open within an year,expect nothing less than a Marvel ;)

And you are trying to post news about Kolkata and Chennai again and again?
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I Certainly Will
See No Difference at All

Your lahore Ring Road is a 45 km long 4-6 lane ring road which has no access control.look at the mopeds,motorcycles and three wheeled motor cycle Rikshaws,I've even seen a video of the same road in which a bicycle guy was riding on the right most lane...........

Hyderabad Outer Ring Road is a 160 km long 8-12 lane(and 4 lane service lanes) access controlled ring road.Such under powered vehicles have to use the service lanes on either side of the road(and even service lanes comprise a 4 lane road)

Kid,even our tier 3 city,Mysore have a 43 km long 6 lane + service lane access controlled ring road

Here is it,more pictures of Hyderabad Outer Ring Road,again got anything better?






Some interchanges,on the same road



Dear Of All Indians I Would Expect You To Show A Somewhat Reasonable Attitude.I Would Like To Remind You That We Had A Much Better Discussion On A Much More Touchier Issue That Is The Rivers and Water Sharing,Remember Bhasha Dam.Here Is The Link

My advice for what it is worth- stop using Haq the huckster as a reference. he is a known fraud ... and you may not get the aggressive responses.

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