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India holds 527 tcf of shale gas reserves

Being A Seasond Warrior of Cyber Slug Fests I Can Tell Your From The Same Breed.Off Course Haq Musings Have Been Around A Long Time and Seldom You Indians Give An Equally Well Referenced Reply Just Stoop To Your Pathetic Troll Attacks

Man,if we indians started to give'well referenced replies' about pakistan....no electricity,bankrupt economy,balochistan,terrorism,country under siege,OBL hiding,'F' state,shias slaughtered like sheep etc etc.where would we start? where would we end?Where would you hide?:coffee:
Haq Musings Have Been Around A Long Time and Seldom You Indians Give An Equally Well Referenced Reply Just Stoop To Your Pathetic Troll Attacks

Well referenced ??

See this India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending.How he starts to twist facts by comparing the total defense spending and illiterate population,cleverly avoiding comparison of Literacy rate (India is at 74% while Pakistan is a lower 55%
) and Defense spending as Percentage of GDP(India is at 2.5%,Pakistan is at much higher 5%)

Another gem from him

moment I stepped out of the plane and entered Islamabad's plush International Airport, easily far more efficient, modern and better maintained than any of its counterparts in India.

Haq's Musings: Indians Share "Eye-Opener" Stories of Pakistan

Man,if we indians started to give'well referenced replies' about pakistan....no electricity,bankrupt economy,balochistan,terrorism,country under siege,OBL hiding,'F' state,shias slaughtered like sheep etc etc.where would we start? where would we end?Where would you hide?:coffee:

Pakistanis Are Hiding Nowhere and Unlike Indians Don't Live In Delusions of 'Shining India'.Please Start Wherever You Want.Than We Would Start Naxals,Seven Sister Insurgencies,Malnutrition,More Poverty Than 26 Sub Sharan African Countries,Malnutrition of The Worst Order etc.

Man,if we indians started to give'well referenced replies' about pakistan....no electricity,bankrupt economy,balochistan,terrorism,country under siege,OBL hiding,'F' state,shias slaughtered like sheep etc etc.where would we start? where would we end?Where would you hide?:coffee:

Try that,Riaz Haq will run for cover,and will not come up with any replies but with twisted facts

Pakistanis Are Hiding Nowhere and Unlike Indians Don't Live In Delusions of 'Shining India'.Please Start Wherever You Want.Than We Would Start Naxals,Seven Sister Insurgencies,Malnutrition,More Poverty Than 26 Sub Sharan African Countries

literacy rate of 54%,No electricity,Lower HDI than Bangladesh,considered as Low HDI country,Lower Per Capita Income than India,No electricity and Lacks infrastructure,Doomed economy and terrorism and riots in the commercial capital Karachi.
I think we should focus on getting the Thorium based water reactor technology and mastering that.

Nuclear energy is always better.

Fukushima was an unfortunate incident but that cannot be the hostage-holder for our development.

France is prospering with nuclear power.

The shale gas is good but we're better of exporting it rather than using it to pollute our air.
Thank lord!

Because he cant figest the fact that according to Indian National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI),India has an estimate 527 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of Shale gas reserves.I know that would be hard for him,he is always interested to twists facts to show that Pakistan is ahead of India in every field-refer his post #14 and my reply post #32 to see tat

I Have Read Post #32.Nothing But A Pathetic Troll Attack.I Don't Know What This 'National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI)' is US EIA Is A Neutral Body Answer post#45 First.If You Think Your Own Organization is More Credible Fine Doesn't Make Any Difference To Me. Big Deal GSP Estimated in 1992 That Coal Reserves in Thar Were 135 Billion Tons.Later On US Geological Survey Made A Survey And Revised The Figure To 175 Billion Tons. Somewhile Back They Also Gave Report About The Crude Oil Potential of Coastal Balochistan Estimating Six Trillion Barrel Oil Reserves.Do You Honestly Think I Give A Damn About Your
National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI).
Pakistanis Are Hiding Nowhere and Unlike Indians Don't Live In Delusions of 'Shining India'.Please Start Wherever You Want.Than We Would Start Naxals,Seven Sister Insurgencies,Malnutrition,More Poverty Than 26 Sub Sharan African Countries,Malnutrition of The Worst Order etc.

GSLV has already busted you in this one before i had the chance.:lol:
Well referenced ??

See this India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending.How he starts to twist facts by comparing the total defense spending and illiterate population,cleverly avoiding comparison of Literacy rate (India is at 74% while Pakistan is a lower 55%
) and Defense spending as Percentage of GDP(India is at 2.5%,Pakistan is at much higher 5%)

Your Pathetic Posts Show The True Level Of Your Literacy If You Had Properly Read That Instead Of Just Posting A Link
You Would Know That He Is Quoting A Former Army Officer Col. Pavan Nair and Nothing Of His Own.When He Does,This Is What He Says
'Pakistan suffers from high illiteracy and low levels of human development that pose a serious threat to its future.'

If You Reall Had Been A Reader Of Haqmusings,You Would Have Found Out This
Haq's Musings: Low Literacy Rates Threaten Pakistan's Future
You See Unlike Pathetic Little Indian Trolls Such As Yourself We Do Not Live In A World Of Delusions.We Have The Heart To Acknowledge Our Shortcomings.We Unlike Don't Create a Myth of Shining Pakistan When There Isn't One

BTW When This Link Was Posted on Haq Musings Pakistan Had A better Literacy Ratio


So Tell Me You Were Laughing At Mr Yoginder Sikand for Making This Statement on Countercurrent (Pleasantly Surprised, In Islamabad By Yoginder Sikand) or Mr Haq For Just Quoting It.With Every Post I Learn Something New About Indian Trolls Such As Yourself.First I Found Out How Illiterate You Were And Now I Found Out That You Are Blind and Ignorant As Well .
literacy rate of 54%,No electricity,Lower HDI than Bangladesh,considered as Low HDI country,Lower Per Capita Income than India,No electricity and Lacks infrastructure,Doomed economy and terrorism and riots in the commercial capital Karachi.

Sure It's All Gloom and Doom For Pakistan.But Here Is Shining India:

136 on UN HDI


40% Of The Whole Country Under Naxalite Control


and Rising


World's Largest Hungry Population

India is home to world's largest hungry population : Latest Headlines, News - India Today

India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children die every day, despite economic growth - World News

India is still world's hunger capital

Highest Infant Mortality Rate

Infant mortality rate India's enduring shame
Now Even Your Own Journalists Are Calling Your Country A Failed State

Tale of three Indias and a failed state - The New Indian Express


This Is Shining India A Rising Superpower With A Space Program To Boot :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Enough Or Do You Want Some More.You See You Can State As Many Negativities of Pakistan As You Like.At Least Pakistanis Are Prepared To Accept The Bitter Realities In Their Country.The First Step To Solve A Problem is To Acknowledge The Fact That There Is Problem.Unlike You Indians We Don't Media Manage Our Ways Out Of Our Problems Nor Do We Live In Delusions That We Are An Asian Tiger Of Sorts or 'Shining' for That Matter
No I Am Talking About The Ones Who Can't Digest Anything Good Coming Out Of Pakistan and Express Their Frustrations On Bharat Rakshak and Rediff.They Do The Same On PDF Forgetting That Their Are Pakistanis Here Who Will Answer Their Trash

The thread is about 'India holds 527 tcf of shale gas reserves' .

It is a good news about India and look who are the ones who cant digest that ... pakistanis like you ..... :lol: ..... although that wouldn't be any surprise .

So you should take your frustration somewhere else .
The thread is about 'India holds 527 tcf of shale gas reserves' .

It is a good news about India and look who are the ones who cant digest that ... pakistanis like you ..... :lol: ..... although that wouldn't be any surprise .

So you should take your frustration somewhere else .
Dear I Do Not Have Anything To Be Jealous Of Pakistan Has 586 tcf. Read it and Weep


BTW I Actually Came To Felicitate 'But Unfortunately Some Of Your Fellow Country Trolls Understand A Different Kind Of Language
Dear I Do Not Have Anything To Be Jealous Of Pakistan Has 586 tcf.Should I Be

If pakistan has 586 tcf , good for you .

But that didn't stopped some of your compatriots from spewing their cr@p in this thread which has got nothing to do with pakistan .

Is it because of their jealousy , inferior complex or being butt hurt ?? I don't know.
Your Pathetic Posts Show The True Level Of Your Literacy If You Had Properly Read That Instead Of Just Posting A Link
You Would Know That He Is Quoting A Former Army Officer Col. Pavan Nair and Nothing Of His Own.When He Does,This Is What He Says
'Pakistan suffers from high illiteracy and low levels of human development that pose a serious threat to its future.'

If You Reall Had Been A Reader Of Haqmusings,You Would Have Found Out This
Haq's Musings: Low Literacy Rates Threaten Pakistan's Future

This is from the same link,got anything to say??
India has the dubious distinction of being among the top ten on two very different lists: It ranks at the top of the nations of the world with its 270 million illiterate adults, the largest in the world, as detailed by a just released UNESCO report on education; India also shows up at number four in military spending in terms of purchasing power parity, behind United States, China and Russia.

It is clar that author want to put India in bad light,ignoring his own countries problem including a much lower literacy rate (54%)and much higher defense spending(in terms of percentage of GDP)

BTW When This Link Was Posted on Haq Musings Pakistan Had A better Literacy Ratio


That is not about literacy rate,read the link

So Tell Me You Were Laughing At Mr Yoginder Sikand for Making This Statement on Countercurrent (Pleasantly Surprised, In Islamabad By Yoginder Sikand) or Mr Haq For Just Quoting It.With Every Post I Learn Something New About Indian Trolls Such As Yourself.First I Found Out How Illiterate You Were And Now I Found Out That You Are Blind and Ignorant As Well .

Yes I was,well that article was written back in 2008,And I was also laughing on Mr.Riaz Haq,who was found boasting about this as late as 2012

http://www.defence.pk/forums/economy-development/198359-indian-journalists-writers-share-eye-opener-stories-pakistan-visits.html dont forget to read my reply on that thread too.

And this is for your eyes to believe

Islamabad Airport


A tier 3 city airport in India


Now will he start boasting about Islamabad's plush International Airport, easily far more efficient, modern and better maintained than any of its counterparts in India??:omghaha:
Sure It's All Gloom and Doom For Pakistan.But Here Is Shining India:

136 on UN HDI

Where is Pakistan then??At 146 :omghaha:

40% Of The Whole Country Under Naxalite Control


World's Largest Hungry Population

Usual tactis,comparing the numbers.

Now Even Your Own Journalists Are Calling Your Country A Failed State

Well we didnt came second in failed state ranking,did we?No?

Now read and Cry

India to meet poverty reduction goal by 2015: UN Report

India to spend USD 1 trillion on infrastructure in next 5 yrs

This Is Shining India A Rising Superpower With A Space Program To Boot

Yes we are a Rising power(I do not use the term superpower,we are not one) a growing economy and a science and technology power

And yes we have a space program,A country that was one of the poorest in the world back in 1960s started its space program on a shoe string budget and its headquarters was an old church donated by poor villagers for free,its workshop set up in a cow shed which was also donated by some poor villagers.

Today that space program is ranked sixth in the world,It is building and launching satellites and selling satellite imagery to even European Nations,exploring moon and planets and launching satellites on its own..

Mean while a country on our west is yet to launch a satellite on its own despite help from China and US since its creation.

No we dont blame them..They acknowledge the Fact that there are Problems...But they dont work on it..:omghaha:

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