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India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer


Mar 24, 2006
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You sure Pakistan is the one creating war hysteria or merely defending itself?

India aims 5,000 targets | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

PAKISTAN on Wednesday deployed its Army in place of the regular Pakistan Rangers along its border with India, BSF officials said, report Zee News and The Times of India.
Meanwhile, a top Indian Air Force officer said that around 5,000 targets in Pakistan have been identified to be hit in the event of a war.
The deployment of the soldiers has taken places in the Barmer sector of Rajasthan.
Confirming the deployment of Army, Additional Director-General of Indian Border Security Force (BSF), Barmer, UK Bansal said Wednesday, “There is a lot of activity along the Pakistan side of border near Barmer in Rajasthan and Rangers have been replaced by the Army.”
On the heightened activity, the ADG said they were prepared for any eventuality and is capable of meeting any such situation. “The BSF is on full alert,” said Bansal.
“A lot of military movement is being noticed in districts just across the international border for the last few days, which is not normal,” R C Dhyani, DIG of Rajasthan frontier BSF, also said from Jodhpur.
“Patrolling across the border has intensified while defence personnel are constantly on vigil from watch towers,” he said.
5000? What? Did they count children playgrounds and swimming pools too?
It's so hypocritic Asim, they prove it over and over again.
What is the point of drumming up war hysteria afterit's clear that the opposition has decided to pursue the diplomatic option in lieu of the military one?

Certain recent occurrences within Pakistan indicate that it is still a hapless state with an immature leadership that is either burdened or over shadowed by an outdated and obtuse military mentality:
  • Ascertaining war is not going to happen to ratchet up the war rhetoric
  • wasteful "displays of force" and frequent announcements of "imminent attacks"
  • militaristic jingoism abound, knowing very well that war is not going to ensue
  • trying to portray the situation as the enemy having "backed down" (when in reality the decision not to go to war was made by the leaders of the opposing country quite some time ago)
  • self proclamation of a military victory after war doesn't happen (this hasn't occurred yet, but will in the near future)

Look into the histories of all the banana republics of the developing world and you'll see these very trends repeating themselves over and over again. It's almost like following a bad script to the very letter. Granted the civilian leadership has recently taken back the mantle of leadership, but this only goes to show that there is a long way for them to go.

Immersing yourselves in war hysteria at this point is a complete waste of time. War isn't coming unless Pakistan engages in certain activities (as I've listed elsewhere on another thread). All this empty bravado, false hyping of "imminent war", over excitability, fear mongering, fighter-jet overflights, military posturing etc. will achieve nothing constructive for the state and the people of Pakistan. It will merely re-inflate the public perception of the military, which is always good for them given recent events, but that is about it. Oodles of already meager/dwindling resources will be burnt away by archaic fighter jets circling over their own cities creating noise pollution and interrupting regular air traffic (which one would think/hope is important to the economy) pushing the already broke nation into an even deeper pit. Also, none of these antics are wasted upon the rest of the world who has seen many a flailing military state engage in this repertoire; it will only further diminish whatever credibility Pakistan has left in the international community.

The Pakistani leadership really needs to move away from all this nonsense and work toward something constructive.
What is the point of drumming up war hysteria afterit's clear that the opposition has decided to pursue the diplomatic option in lieu of the military one?

Certain recent occurrences within Pakistan indicate that it is still a hapless state with an immature leadership that is either burdened or over shadowed by an outdated and obtuse military mentality:
  • Ascertaining war is not going to happen to ratchet up the war rhetoric
  • wasteful "displays of force" and frequent announcements of "imminent attacks"
  • militaristic jingoism abound, knowing very well that war is not going to ensue
  • trying to portray the situation as the enemy having "backed down" (when in reality the decision not to go to war was made by the leaders of the opposing country quite some time ago)
  • self proclamation of a military victory after war doesn't happen (this hasn't occurred yet, but will in the near future)

Look into the histories of all the banana republics of the developing world and you'll see these very trends repeating themselves over and over again. It's almost like following a bad script to the very letter. Granted the civilian leadership has recently taken back the mantle of leadership, but this only goes to show that there is a long way for them to go.

Immersing yourselves in war hysteria at this point is a complete waste of time. War isn't coming unless Pakistan engages in certain activities (as I've listed elsewhere on another thread). All this empty bravado, false hyping of "imminent war", over excitability, fear mongering, fighter-jet overflights, military posturing etc. will achieve nothing constructive for the state and the people of Pakistan. It will merely re-inflate the public perception of the military, which is always good for them given recent events, but that is about it. Oodles of already meager/dwindling resources will be burnt away by archaic fighter jets circling over their own cities creating noise pollution and interrupting regular air traffic (which one would think/hope is important to the economy) pushing the already broke nation into an even deeper pit. Also, none of these antics are wasted upon the rest of the world who has seen many a flailing military state engage in this repertoire; it will only further diminish whatever credibility Pakistan has left in the international community.

The Pakistani leadership really needs to move away from all this nonsense and work toward something constructive.
Dude 5000 targets declaration is from INDIA... Why is India not standing down its Air Force if its not interested in War.

India's idiotic notion is that let us prepare for War and when Pakistan readies itself for defence India claims "oh they are creating war hysteria". Basically now India wants to back out of war after threatening to attack us on the 26th of December so is now finding excuses.

If you're going to plan to hit 5000 targets, you're going to see a matching if not a larger response from Pakistan.
Dude 5000 targets declaration is from INDIA... Why is India not standing down its Air Force if its not interested in War.

India's idiotic notion is that let us prepare for War and when Pakistan readies itself for defence India claims "oh they are creating war hysteria". Basically now India wants to back out of war after threatening to attack us on the 26th of December so is now finding excuses.

If you're going to plan to hit 5000 targets, you're going to see a matching if not a larger response from Pakistan.

Lol larger response from Pak, they dont have a larger army. I wish from bottom of my heart that there is no war but if there is war 5000 targets sounds too low. It should be 50,000. We have big enough airforce to do that.
guys its okay we have mark 15,000 tagets and will be achieved if attacked my promise to evey Pakistani
Lol larger response from Pak, they dont have a larger army. I wish from bottom of my heart that there is no war but if there is war 5000 targets sounds too low. It should be 50,000. We have big enough airforce to do that.
You lack guts boy... Read what Musharraf said about India "India wouldn't DARE attack Pakistan".

He didn't say India can't attack Pakistan he said DARE. India is right at not risking its neck with a foolish attack on Pakistan. As not much can be said about Pakistani restraint once we've been wronged.
PAF is too weak to do that, I'm not saying that PAF personnels are not capable to hit targets in India, but what I'm trying to say is that your fighter jets suck.

you believe so right than attack us.I promise before i die if my country is in attack i will hit all those 15,000 TARGET MY PROMISE BUDDY ITS A NOT A PROMISE OF A HINDU
what did i say i promise however i do it its my problem.I respect your opnion PAF and our NAVY is weak.
I'm glad you accepted that. You see IAF is doing Pakistan a favour by not attacking.

why not favor us by attaking :tsk: Bharat Varma says our Missiles dont work ! lack of Man power PAF and NAVY i am sure thats what you want to here not stop trolling on Pakistan Defence forums because it shows your pretty insecure :wave::D
pakistan navy might be week, but not the air force, it might lack in quanity but it destroys IAF in quality.
why dont we tell Indians what they want to here...............they are strong BIG damn i am so scared.
^^ Why are you talking about missiles, keep them aside, I don't want either country to use it. Let's get to PAF and PN.

PN and PAF is weak sir as shown in the past 65,71,99 and 01 very recent standoff you are pretty strong and big happy now please leave our defence forum your pretty insecure to keep posting and go to school you might learn something aside of bollywood movies :bunny:
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