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India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

I'm not making fun of PAF personnels, the thing that makes me laugh is the fighter planes of your country.

You can laugh all you want, but the ability of an F7 to get a confirmed lock onto a Mirage 2000 should tell you what the capabilities of our Air Force is. Currently, PAF obviousally does not matches the IAF in terms of quality and quantity but this advantage will vanish by the next 2 years my friend :D. As far as our fighter planes are concerned, they are more than ready to engage the Indians and that is why your lovely IAF hasnt even dared to challenge the PAF. I love to hear Indians bragging about there Air Force, if it so mighty how come its not engaging the PAF :D:pakistan:. Think about what i just said
You wanna compare LCA with jf-17??

LCA was made by india using russian technology. Result: it was failled jet
jf-17 developed by pakistan and china and it can be compared with the f-16s.

So proud of your SU-30s, its a sexy beast, but it was handed to teh wrong hands ....

Plus our f-16s are capable of tackling ur SU-30s.

I dont think that would be necessary, our F7's and Mirages are more than capable of doing that :D. There are many different tactics that PAF has developed to counter the threat from MKI's.
5,000 targets???
dreaming is a wonderful thing until u start replacing reality with it :coffee:
It's not PAF thts going to be sending, its going to be India thats goin to be sending jets, ur the one wanting to destroy camps. If it comes for pakistan to retaliate we could send in jets, we did it in 1965, and 1971 when we were facing a even larger airforce and we were sucessful.

Plus we could always use our cruise missles.
Don't talk about 2 years, it's a long time. Compare PAF and IAF at present.

seems like another bollywood kid ; please get some education ; + you have never been in the battlefield and stop posting your so insecure men all i got to say its good luck and why is the casuality rate is 1:10 can someone explain its seems 1 men of Pak Army = 10 Man of India army
wow u just don't get it lol, it is not always about the numbers....

when will they ever learn..

hope this makes my point.
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I'm glad you accepted that. You see IAF is doing Pakistan a favour by not attacking.
What makes you think Pakistan will stick to air raids, remember we have missiles that actually work. You have only one functioning missile the Prithvi.

Remember Pak will utilize its full arsenal to counter attack on 5000 targets.
Look into the histories of all the banana republics of the developing world and you'll see these very trends repeating themselves over and over again. It's almost like following a bad script to the very letter. Granted the civilian leadership has recently taken back the mantle of leadership, but this only goes to show that there is a long way for them to go.

If you are insinuating Pakistan as a "banana republic"..... why hasn't your mighty nation taken care of it yet.
One thing that is really annoying me is... that ever since India acquired BVR capability. They think its a done deal. No doubt the SU-30s are great planes but you guys seem to feel invincible after acquiring them. Every other post the MKIs come up. You think this will be a deal closer for your country??

Have you seen your media reaction ever since we Pakistanis have gone on heightened alert?

I know for a fact that the BVR upper hand you enjoy over the PAF will not last very long. Now is the time to take care of all your issues with Pakistan.

One more thing..... you don't give an opponents a month to prepare for your "surgical strikes". Do you seriously think your high value targets are going to be sitting in their "terrorist camps"? Now carefully calculate the consequences.... either India is not going to do anything or they will have to engage Pakistani forces.

All these useless international experts question who is in charge of Pakistan..... simple answer, when the enemy tries some misadventure in Pakistan..... the Guardians of Pakistan will be fully in charge. Yes, the Indian side knows that as well.

Do you people have no idea that we have a strategy in place to counter your BVR and air superiority?

So India needs to savor their BVR advantage and the all mighty MKIs. Not going to last very long.

Heightened alert, troop deployments etc. take a lot of effort and costs a lot. We do mean business.
Yeh I know you had got some Missiles for china, but first translate the instruction which you got alongwith missile to urdu, otherwise you may endup firing it into china itself. Dabloo

The missiles from China came preprogramed with India targets. So we never had to translate instructions to Urdu.

Sorry guys.... just could not resist this. :rofl: :china: :pakistan:
Pakistan should first try to stop US from attacking then think of stopping IAF. Noone has the guts to attack India, Do you ever see US firing missiles in our country, you all can just talk and talk and talk.

You really need to pay attention to current affairs. Also recommend watching/reading some credible news outlets besides Pakistan obsessed Indian news channels and print media.

I personally read a couple of Pakistani, Indian, US, British and even an Israeli paper everyday. Helps you sift out the proper news from the biased.
What makes you think Pakistan will stick to air raids, remember we have missiles that actually work. You have only one functioning missile the Prithvi.

Remember Pak will utilize its full arsenal to counter attack on 5000 targets.

Asim too much trash is coming from that side of the border, instead of countering every single one of these trolls, i'll suggest you switch on to offensive mode(Mod mode) and send the trash back.:D:tup:
The war is unlikely to happen as each day goes by Pakistan gets more time to prepare and get its troops on near the border.

The dilly-dallying shown by GoI on this issue has more or less made it clear that no war is going to happen.

Also India is always averse to the idea of a full scale war due to the losses it will suffer.

At the most there will only be a troop deployment at the border like the one happened before and history will repeat again and within a year who knows maybe even the 'peace process' will start all over again.

Of course at the same time thee should be no terrorist attacks for a year.
Asim too much trash is coming from that side of the border, instead of countering every single one of these trolls, i'll suggest you switch on to offensive mode(Mod mode) and send the trash back.:D:tup:
Its normal during times of tension...

Funny thing is they won't get banned if only they talk on topic. They'll be all over the spectrum, US, Taliban, Jackie Chen. Wtf? We're questioning them about 5000 targets! I call this wimp mentality, they can't face us topic vs topic so they try to bring in all the dirt all at once. Which is precisely why they are too chicken to attack and are busy asking US for assistance.
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