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India has 40% of world's malnourished: Expert

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Rapid urbanisation in India is not possible as it was done in China. There are certain flaws in democracy and our political parties are adept in using these flaws for their own benefit.

That is why India is not a good candidate for democracy. The poor only care about filling up their stomach, not the direction of the country. So their votes are up for sale. Another alternative is that only land owner can vote. Or only Arya caste members can vote.
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That is why India is not a good candidate for democracy. The poor only care about filling up their stomach, not the direction of the country. So their votes are up for sale. Another alternative is that only land owner can vote. Or only Arya caste members can vote.

This is not about poverty.This is about opportunistic politics.When a government starts an infrustructure project,some political party no matter how small their size starts unresting the public sentiments and stops the project fom being into existence.This has been done again and again to gain vote banks.
As far as your alternatives are concerned feudalism is extinct from India and there is no Arya cast here.
The 2012-2013 defence budget was hiked some 18% while the economy expanded 5% in the same time span。

That's the state of affairs in India。
Despite India's GDP growth we don't see their middle class growing. I think most of the GDP growth in India comes from military related industries. India spends so much of their budget on military imports. I don't think they even care about the poverty in their country. Indian government don't care about raising living standards, they want to please the jingoistic population with weapons imports. 40% malnutrition is just sad. I feel so sad for the poor Indian child that can't even get a meal of food a day but the Indian government is too busy thinking about being a 'superpower' by 2020. It's sad.

Are you kinda stupid? DO you know that the defense expenditure is less than 2 %?! Do you know that India is among the biggest spender on anti poverty measures and development spending, including infrastructure ???!
Do you know how many millions are lifted out of poverty each year?

Do you know how much progress India has made in social indicators in the last 10 years?

At least inform yourself before embarrassing yourself with selfmade facts.

That 40% is a big number, it will have significant adverse effects on indian force in near future. What kind of plan/s does indian government has to overcome this huge social problem?

1.) This figure is not supported by any stats.

2.) India is spending insanely high amounts on anti poverty measures and development ... and is lifting millions out of poverty each year.

3.) India has made giant leaps forward in the past years... just compare the stats of the social indicators of 2000 with those of today!

Look at the living standards! Even with the poor BIMARU states, Indias average HDI is the HIGHEST on the subcontinent and has even reached medium levels in 2013!
1.) This 40% figure is the assumption of this NGO guy.... no official data available

2.) Are you capable to comprehend that Indias defense spending is less than 2% of our GDP?
And that India is lifting millions out of poverty each year and that Indias spending on anti poverty measures and development like infrastructure are among the highest in the world?
Compare the social indicators from 10 years ago with those of today and see yourself.

Besides, instead of ranting around..... take care about your own problems if you cannot criticize in a constructive way.
India is already classified as a newly industrialized country by organizations like the UNO and has a medium level HDI since this
year (the highest on the ENTIRE subcontinent).... and unlike a specific country close to India ... India is no LDC anymore... :rollyeyes:

I'm sure with rapid economic growth India is making great strides in alleviating poverty and hunger

But I've seen you using the term entire sub continent numerous times.. Sorry that is not true.. SL is the only category high HDI country in South Asia.. And if we go to local level like how you have highlighted Kerala's impressive stats.. Well the Western Province on Sri Lanka(Districts of Gampaha,Colombo and Kalutara) have HDI's double the rate of Kerala and the GDP of $11,000 ppp.. Just wanted to clarify that.. Anybody can google those stats to confirm.. Thanks

SL HDI stats

India HDI stats
I'm sure with rapid economic growth India is making great strides in alleviating poverty and hunger

But I've seen you using the term entire sub continent numerous times.. Sorry that is not true.. SL is the only category high HDI country in South Asia.. And if we go to local level like how you have highlighted Kerala's impressive stats.. Well the Western Province on Sri Lanka(Districts of Gampaha,Colombo and Kalutara) have HDI's double the rate of Kerala and the GDP of $11,000 ppp.. Just wanted to clarify that.. Anybody can google those stats to confirm.. Thanks

SL HDI stats
International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

India HDI stats
International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

Yeah, I did not count SL on the subcontinent ^^

But you guys are definitely doing great :tup:
Do you even understand GINI HDI and per capita ?Those are the most relevant things..India is x10 more populous Than pakistan,hence the higher numbers.
Full stomach percentage?What weed are you smoking?

dont act like you a fuc king idiot, poverty in india is almost twice as much as pakistan hence an average pakistan lives better
i know what your trying to say but if india has more poverty percentage wise then how is an average indian living better then an average pakistani

So the percentage of people below the international poverty line in India was at 32.7% in 2010 and between 25.7 - 28.3 % according to the World Bank and the UNPD....

However, living standards also depend heavily on literacy, life expectancy, access to medical help, income etc etc etc...
That is why India got higher living standards...
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