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India has 40% of world's malnourished: Expert

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@shuttler You take this forum too much seriously. Members here doesn't reflect entire India.

of course not I said this forum as an example

As for shining India, you are referring to few election campaigns and Indian members generally don't believe in it.

shining ..incredible blah blah blah
It looks like the no of indians believing in it is not a small no

What you call chest thumping is actually Arguments Indians have to put here on a Pakistani forum, because thats all they can do.

it's funny good for them to take a break from their daily woes

If they post similar posts, many Pakistanis and especially Chinese posters do on this forum, they straight away get banned.

May be you should try to look from neutral POV.

I am always trying to be neutral. If you guys said the statistics is a propaganda of the west trying to throw bad lights on india. I dont accept this argument at all!

Also tell me one thing, is everything perfectly fine in China ? I dont see any threads posted by you guys that tells about socio-economic problems in your country.

We are not perfect. We only rank #115. We are progressing just fine and we dont need to say we are a democracy

There was a thread on forced abortion in China, and guess what it didn't make to second page.

as if you said there is none in india.
I can see india has a lot more social stigmas than China

Explain to me why after all the fanfare in the Dec tragedy in where the poor girl was raped and tortured to death and still a vast number of gruesome rape/gangrape -torture-homicide happen again and again and again

Just last week a 4 0r 5-year old poor indian girl met her most misfortune where she was raped and disembowelled by the rapist with an iron rod!!!!!

So, buddy, think again. I am not here to argue on behalf of all Indians, may be some Indian just got on your nerve or you just dont like India for sake of it and this forum, a Pakistani forum is best place to take out your anger.

in fact you are arguing on behalf of indians
and indians' arguments are never a cause for my nerve
PDF is a platform to express my viewpoints at leisure
Anything that makes me unhappy I take it out in sports grounds
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@shuttler buddy, you call that fanfare ? Seriously ?

I am one of the biggest critic of Facebook protestors etc. Rapes happen in every country. We have problem in our country. We report it and post about it. Just because its reported in Media, you guys run around saying all Indians are animals, rapists etc.
hell one of the moderators disrespects our temples and gods, and everyone enjoys.
Do you know the rapes incidence rate is much more in South Africa than India.

I wont discuss about Rapes in India, coz its lost cause, people here just talk about it to bash India rather than discussion.

As for stigmas in India, I wonder if any country can run Democracy with so much religious, cultural diversity etc. We have problems and we are working on it, it will take time.

As for statistics, do you realize what means malnourished acc to International Standard and Indian standard. I am not saying West is trying to show India in bad light, but there is more than just few numbers.

I cant explain the same things over and over again .

I don't see most of the Chinese ever criticizing their own country. You are happy with your country, be with it, we don't need certificate of Humanity and all from others.

PDF has become more focused on some purpose and with its affiliations with PKKH and weird decisions made over here, any person can see what's happening. :P
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poverty rates, overall health problems.

well aparently those numbers mean nithing when comparing pakistan and india lol, indians are more educated but have lower iq, they have a higher gdp per capita but more poverty, disease.

why are more Pakistanis able to sleep on full stomach percentage wise then indians?

Do you even understand GINI HDI and per capita ?Those are the most relevant things..India is x10 more populous Than pakistan,hence the higher numbers.
Full stomach percentage?What weed are you smoking?
India needs to spend,as a percentage of its fiscal income,more on foods for the poor and less on expensive western military hardwares。
@shuttler buddy, you call that fanfare ? Seriously ?

I am one of the biggest critic of Facebook protestors etc. Rapes happen in every country. We have problem in our country. We report it and post about it. Just because its reported in Media, you guys run around saying all Indians are animals, rapists etc.
hell one of the moderators disrespects our temples and gods, and everyone enjoys.
Do you know the rapes incidence rate is much more in South Africa than India.

g. :P

Which moronic pothole is that one???

Looks like a sadistic case with power to enjoY.
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@shuttler name a worse evil country on planet earth that did everything evil that can be found? Yes.... Its mighty china. Yuck.... Even thinking of things chinese does makes me sick.... Want to puke.... Wait i wont puke. Chinese might make chinese dish out of it. Yuck....
Chinese cannibalism of infant flesh outrages the world | Washington Times Communities
17,500 Powdered Human Baby Pills Seized by South Korea

Liar. The people who made the capsules out of fetuses and who intended to use them were not ethnic Chinese. They were Korean citizens of China.

S Korea cracks down on 'human flesh capsules' - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

The smugglers told customs officials they believed the capsules were ordinary stamina boosters and did not know the ingredients or manufacturing process.

Ethnic Koreans from northeastern China who now live in South Korea were intending to use the capsules themselves or share them with other Korean-Chinese, a customs official said. They were carried in luggage or sent by international mail.

Pills filled with powdered human baby flesh found by customs officials - Telegraph

A sickening trade in Chinese-made capsules filled with powdered human flesh has pushed South Korea into upping its custom inspections efforts.

The state-run Korea Customs Service has reported that it has encountered 35 attempts to sneak around 17,450 capsules into the country since last August, with the pills disguised as stamina boosters.

The grim deliveries are said to have been carried in luggage or sent by international mail.

Customs officials said the tablets were made from dead babies and infants in north eastern China and that ethnic Koreans living there were responsible for the smuggling attempts.

It has been reported by the KCS that the horrific process involves the bodies being chopped into small pieces and then dried on stoves or in medical drying microwaves before being turned into powder.

Human flesh capsules: 'Dead babies' pills crack down in South Korea ordered - Mirror Online
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This is just sad, for a nation that spends 40 billion a year on bombs.

if they did not have 4 wars from/ with you guys and constant terrorists sent over by you guys, they would not spend a fraction of their GDP they do now.

Funny though when Pakistan increased it's military spending ( a much higher proposition of GDP) - you seemed to be quite content and never complained how a near failed economy and otherwise state- whose current state is propped by alms of aid given to it... could dare increase its military budget.

To the OP: China has the worst record ( much of the good one being FUDGED) for a country that has the 2nd highest GDP. Poverty in China is only getting worse as their demographic gets older. BY all measures when China had the exact GDP of India, its poverty rate was 2 fold.
Which moronic pothole is that one???
Looks like a sadistic case with power to enjoY.
That one which sounds like Astronaut....:omghaha:

India needs to spend,as a percentage of its fiscal income,more on foods for the poor and less on expensive western military hardwares。
Dude, its not about income or money, problem is different. Go to previous pages, ignore senseless posts, you will come to know what the real problem is.
That one which sounds like Astronaut....:omghaha:

Dude, its not about income or money, problem is different. Go on previous pages, ignore senseless posts, you will come to know what the real problem is.

I guessed so.
Despite India's GDP growth we don't see their middle class growing. I think most of the GDP growth in India comes from military related industries. India spends so much of their budget on military imports. I don't think they even care about the poverty in their country. Indian government don't care about raising living standards, they want to please the jingoistic population with weapons imports. 40% malnutrition is just sad. I feel so sad for the poor Indian child that can't even get a meal of food a day but the Indian government is too busy thinking about being a 'superpower' by 2020. It's sad.
maybe 16000 crore inr is not enough.i mean you guys have a billion people thats like a what 150 rupees per person a year or something?

India receives the most extensive volume of National and International resources for ICDS project.The fund has never been an issue but the strategy of ICDS must be reestablished as it has certain flaws.Which I will try to list up.

1.Too much priority given to supplementary nutrition program and not much emphasis given on Child care behavior and educating parents about how to improve nutrition using family food budget.

2.The poorest states still have less funding and coverage.The distribution technique is improper.

3.Service delivery focuses mainly on children above three and there is not enough strategy or program to reach the children below three.

4.Political indifference is a major concern.Although the central government speaks of eradicating malnutrition more often,there is an unbridgable gap between strategy on paper and the implementation on ground.This callousness applies both to central and the state governments as well.
I think India needs urbanization to the speed of China to really solve the problem of poverty and malnourishment, though hard to believe it still happens in India. (What is the standard for this, btw, cause I would consider most American McDonald and fast food to be malnourished)

Any way necessary for Indian poor to move to cities and bring Cities to them. If they are as stubborn as Chinese poor than it is a tough job and blood may be spilled, but it is a necessary step to me.

In the end, food production is really not that profitable unless one has huge amounts of land and is producing using the latest research and tech.

So, instead of having more food, the obvious answer is to give the poor more money so they can spend more on food that others have grown.

Rapid urbanisation in India is not possible as it was done in China. There are certain flaws in democracy and our political parties are adept in using these flaws for their own benefit.
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