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India hangs up on hotline to Pentagon

Exactly. They will see for themselves who runs to who in the near future.

India is a country with endless potential and to imply that India needs America more is a joke. The reality tells a different story. The story now is India is growing rapidly both economically and militarily, unlike the stagnant and rapidly declining America. It is America who is bowing down to get India on their side to fulfil their own agendas.

America needs India's money, they need India to outsource jobs to and they need India as a political ally. What America can offer India, India can always get elsewhere. I even dare go as far as to say that Americans are fearful of India. Just how much shine will India take off America if they side with both China and Russia?

India is doomed if it sides with China. The first thing India must do when sided with China is to cede AP and allow kashmire independence. I wonder how many Indians would support this position. India need closer cooperation with the US, including economic, political and military.
India is doomed if it sides with China. The first thing India must do when sided with China is to cede AP and allow kashmire independence. I wonder how many Indians would support this position. India need closer cooperation with the US, including economic, political and military.

What about Aksai Chin? You don't speak for China because doing what you said would bring Tibetan Independence into question....The status quo is good where it is...lets leave it there and then India will be of bigger help to the Chinese
It seems India chose not to engage China militarily, the ball is now on China's court.
It seems India chose not to engage China militarily, the ball is now on China's court.

I see the ball in the middle.

It is better for both nations in the long run. China is already catching up with the stagnant and declining America.
Cooperation with China and other BRIC nations is the key to a prosperous future.
We have to look ahead and plan for the better future, not destroy it.
It is not hard for our countries to destroy eachothers economy, but do we really want to do that? what is there to gain? and who will benefit from it the most? I can see America smirking already.
Offtopic : I know there are Indian Airforce Liaison officers posted in Israel. Are there any such in Russia ?
Offtopic : I know there are Indian Airforce Liaison officers posted in Israel. Are there any such in Russia ?

I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Afterall, they are in it together with their 5th gen project.
JUst another link in the chain why Pakistan will remain militarily important for America.
India will never boost the same kind of influence which Pakistan does in the middle east as well.

well i give full credit to indians on that. this reflects that the indians have a clear vision in terms of dealing with the americans. they are retaining there own identity rather then becoming an american stooge, so full marks to india for that when countries like australia interested in becoming an outpost for USA>
JUst another link in the chain why Pakistan will remain militarily important for America.
India will never boost the same kind of influence which Pakistan does in the middle east as well.

i wd rather go for safety then importance. i dont wanna get bombed by americans.

on topic i think india should have hotline with US.
India is doomed if it sides with China. The first thing India must do when sided with China is to cede AP and allow kashmire independence. I wonder how many Indians would support this position. India need closer cooperation with the US, including economic, political and military.

There is no such thing as India needs such and such. What matters most are common interests and the overal benefits.
Does India see more benefits working together with China who is also close with the its Russian ally and its neighbour Pakistan or roll with America and risk not really getting anywhere?

You nor I, know how the future may pan out. If both countries get along, they may even agree to meet eachother half way and if relations are good, it may help alleviate the problems brought about by historical rivalries between India and Pakistan. The thought of BRIC working together as a block and a united Asia sounds more appealing.
Offtopic : I know there are Indian Airforce Liaison officers posted in Israel. Are there any such in Russia ?

well defence attache in all countries have air force officers. however if a country is important then the no.of people emplyed are more.
One thing both US and China need to understand is that even though cold war is over, we are still committed to Non Alignment..we are not interested in picking sides in the third wolrd war(unless we are already a part of it.) ie unlike our nighbours, We will not become a Client state to any world power, because it brings more harm than good.

During cold war.. even though India was friendlier to Soviet Union than America..but we never became a Soviet satellite unlike warsaw countries.
In 21st century India-US relations will be along the lines of Indo-Soviet relations in the last century..not the ones that impinges on our sovereignty.

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