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India fueling insurgency in Baluchistan

india is sponsoring terrorism is clear and simple. Any indians supporting indian terror act under any excuse and deception, bear the same responsibilty of sponsoring indian terror.
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india is sponsoring terrorism is clear and simple. Any indians supporting indian terror act under any excuse and deception, bear the same responsibilty of sponsoring indian terror.

Dear Mods,
This issue has been discussed to death and i think that it was agreed upon that
no more threads will be posted on this topic without any proof.
No proof has been show in this thread and hence forth please close this thead

See dear,There is a very simple way to shut us all up.
Just give the damn evidence and shut us up.

But you won't give the evidence.You know why?

Because you do not have any evidence.

Its just a dream

Beating around the same bush wont help you. I have noticed a tendency within Indians, you reply to one, another one jumps in, you reply to him again, and here you find another one and then again another one. Nice way to derail a thread.:tup:
Now i dont need to shut you guys up, thats not the point. A few months back GOP wasnt even raising the issue and its not that hard to imagine why? But now we have and not just with India but with afghanistan too, it is common sense that we have something on which we have based our concerns and raised the issue. On international forums things dont happen just by saying it, you have something to back it up and that is why close door one on one meetings are held. The issue of addressing Indian terrorism is included within the join statement made by both leaders and your PM has promised to look into the matter, now how much sincere he really is in addressing Pakistan's concern remains to be seen. Personally speaking i dont have much higher hopes, already the double statements are being heard from your leaders.
There was no acceptance as you make it out to be...he just said that we'll look into it IF you give us some evidence, you are twisting the statement to suit yourself...if thats the criteria for acceptance i guess Pakistan accepts every charge of terrorism against it by India if it says we're looking into the matter or we're examining the the proofs...ridiculous.

The part about 71 is what you believe from your state propoganda...if there was any terrorism it was from the Pak Army that massacred unarmed civilians and intellectuals running into hundreds of thousands....

So let me get this straight, PA was doing terrorism in its own territory while Indian angels intervened in the name of protecting freedom and justice. Is this what you are telling me.:rolleyes:

Nobody from India killed civilians and even saved your army from a massacre by the Mukti Bahini.

Tell me you are not serious when you wrote this. Are you on drugs or something. Seriously you need to see a doctor after all we dont want to loose another Indian troll.;)
Dear Mods,
This issue has been discussed to death and i think that it was agreed upon that
no more threads will be posted on this topic without any proof.
No proof has been show in this thread and hence forth please close this thead


Proof has been handed over to Indian Prime Minister. You may want to ring your PM to see the proof. That is if your PM or govt has any guts to tell indians what has been handed over.

So far no major news article in india told anything to indians that their PM has been handed over proof of indian involvement in terror activity.
Proof has been handed over to Indian Prime Minister. You may want to ring your PM to see the proof. That is if your PM or govt has any guts to tell indians what has been handed over.

So far no major news article in india told anything to indians that their PM has been handed over proof of indian involvement in terror activity.

Reason is he is always busy sitting in a call centre attending calls. :lol:

In another thread i replied to a Indian :-

Hang on,so what if Kashmir is not written in the statement?,in all the "outstanding issues" Kashmir issue comes into it and secondly the issue of terrorism has been delinked from the composite dialog and in the composite dialog between India-Pakistan Kashmir issue has been in the forefront always.

Secondly the way ur saying tht Indians will take Balochistan issue to a different way wont happen.Its not a disputed region.
Yes i agree with the highlighted part, however dont you think that GOP must have provided with something which forced your Indian PM to look into the matter other wise he would have rubbished the claim there and then like you guys were doing it before.

I also think that GOP is right in raising the issue bilateraly and not involving out siders however i think GOP will move on once it realizes that India has done little or nothing to address Pakistan's concern. More so if you happened to follow a few US statements over the past few months and there are numerous artciles posted over here, about addressing PAKISTANs concern over Indian involvement, it is evident that GOP is taking its allies into confidence and has provided the necessary evidence without making a hue cry in the media which will serve no purpose other then raise tensions.

Also note our PM statement about India no longer a threat called by the president of Pakistan. All these things ant out of the oridinary.

Don't you think your theory has too many assumptions on an issue that has been highlighted not once or twice but it has gained a status of routine discussions, not on the local but to my fear on the international media as well.
The rhetorics of Mr Rehman Malik in the parliament was if not a hue cry, what else name can you give it? Similarly, had the astute President of Pakistan concerned over his statements, he wouldn't ever have scratched a thin line between political statements and hadiths.
It has always been the stance of center to impetus the blames toward an unseen enemy, which our credulous nation is so ready to believe. The factor of feudalism is the basis which add feuls to the fire of separation yet Government hasn't shown its concern to oppress such feudal lords. At times the center takes the derogatory decisions to start military action on tribes and as the change in rule occurs they try to pardonize themselves and name it a mistake of previous regime. Don't we have enough internal reasons to solve rather than dragging the factor of involvement of foreign hands?
As far as the non state actors are concerned so yes, I don't say that this factor should totally be ignored but we should provide evidence before blaming anyone.
Proof has been handed over to Indian Prime Minister. You may want to ring your PM to see the proof. That is if your PM or govt has any guts to tell indians what has been handed over.

So far no major news article in india told anything to indians that their PM has been handed over proof of indian involvement in terror activity.

please share the sources and also what kinda documents have been presented.. unlike bangladesh ( dats in the case of you idune..) where your prime minister is easily accessible.. in india unfortunatly the prime minister is not that easily accessible .. especially on the phone to quell rumours or baseless fantasies.
Reason is he is always busy sitting in a call centre attending calls. :lol:

seriously man , i tried to laugh.. but it lacked humour in my view .. cant gt your kinda jokes man .. sorry to disappoint you. keep trying may be one day i might like one and we guys can share a beer then :cheers:
please share the sources and also what kinda documents have been presented.. unlike bangladesh ( dats in the case of you idune..) where your prime minister is easily accessible.. in india unfortunatly the prime minister is not that easily accessible .. especially on the phone to quell rumours or baseless fantasies.

Read the news at the beggining of the thread. Now it is the job of your govt and media to provide details of such a nationally important agenda. Specially when proof of indian involvement in terror activities was handed over.

You calim india is largest democracy, where is your democratic institutions??? ruling govt , parliament, media ???? they are suppose to inform indians. Looks like your indian govt and media is hiding the truth of indian terror involvement from their citizens.
In another thread i replied to a Indian :-

Secondly the way ur saying tht Indians will take Balochistan issue to a different way wont happen.Its not a disputed region.

I know baluchistan is not a disputed region but it changes Pakistan point of view from Kashmir to baluchistan. When ever Pakistan talk with India is about Kashmir its first time Kashmir issue is not discussed.

Secondly baluchistan problem is Pakistan issue .
Beating around the same bush wont help you. I have noticed a tendency within Indians, you reply to one, another one jumps in, you reply to him again, and here you find another one and then again another one. Nice way to derail a thread.:tup:
Now i dont need to shut you guys up, thats not the point. A few months back GOP wasnt even raising the issue and its not that hard to imagine why? But now we have and not just with India but with afghanistan too, it is common sense that we have something on which we have based our concerns and raised the issue. On international forums things dont happen just by saying it, you have something to back it up and that is why close door one on one meetings are held. The issue of addressing Indian terrorism is included within the join statement made by both leaders and your PM has promised to look into the matter, now how much sincere he really is in addressing Pakistan's concern remains to be seen. Personally speaking i dont have much higher hopes, already the double statements are being heard from your leaders.

you might figure that I am 'jumping in'...we Indians have to try some new ploy to save ourselves from your clever replies...
see all we are asking for is simple proof which does not include statements made by your pm,prez,pervez...
we need sources to back your claim...or even better detailed news of some captured Indian RAW agent(no satishgate repetition)
when we caught Kasab...it was news....you denied it but it still was news....
Reason is he is always busy sitting in a call centre attending calls. :lol:

and Pakistan really needs them CCs...would do a world of good to your economy...and your unemployed youth.
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