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India fifth most powerful nation: National Security Index

And you're saying that Americans can't ?

:agree: Americans can also be do that. We are bombing each other.
And Americans can not bomb the mainland of China, So we can only shoot each other missiles.
China's military industry in Sichuan, not coastal.
Neither America will attack china, nor china will attack India, nor India will attack Pakistan for an all out war. Only people with out of their senses keep talking and arguing about war. In present economic scenario if any one nation enters into war, it will be a catastrophe for another, as every one is inter dependent on another. Neither USA attacked Soviet Union or vice versa. In present situation only third world or countries whose economy or military is weak and who don't have strong allies would be attacked just like Libya, Iraq with week defences and where the aggressor there war to pay off for their benefits. Will Chinese & Indian leadership are so foolish that they will risk their country and people lives. In today world, a war is only fought in thoughts, diplomatically, strategically by resources, economically. The country with better resources, economy, governance etc only would emerge victorious.
And I don't know why people say nuke is not an option. If your government is going to collapse and get conquered and genocided by an outside power, better to nuke while you can. No nation is going to risk nuclear annihilation to attack China. 1937 will never be repeated again. 宁可玉碎,不为瓦全。Better to be a broken jade, than a complete shale.
:agree: Americans can also be do that. We are bombing each other.
And Americans can not bomb the mainland of China, So we can only shoot each other missiles.
China's military industry in Sichuan, not coastal.

Why would they risk their bombers to bomb mainland China, when their long range cruise missiles can do that job effectively?

remember Baghdad ? :agree:
And I don't know why people say nuke is not an option. If your government is going to collapse and get conquered and genocided by an outside power, better to nuke while you can. No nation is going to risk nuclear annihilation to attack China. 1937 will never be repeated again. 宁可玉碎,不为瓦全。Better to be a broken jade, than a complete shale.

More than hundred nukes would drop at the Supervolcano of the Yellowstone Park, if they want to take a try.
China is not Iraq or Libya. Neither China would attack USA nor USA would attack China.

Some good eminent members are arguing and trolling. I didn't expected this from some good forumite's
But China lacks that power projection which US can.


What is your point? Not one single Chinese member here, has claimed that China is more powerful than the USA.

We can defend ourselves well enough though, as we proved even back in 1950, during the Korean war.

Even at one of our weakest points in history, we managed to push the USA and 16 of her allies out of North Korea.

The USA, despite having the most powerful army on Earth (no question)... still couldn't beat North Vietnam, or even a bunch of Taliban with AK47's in Afghanistan.

Even a superpower shouldn't overestimate itself.
China will have deployed the laser weapon and railgun by 2020, and we are worried with US at all.

U.S. has already deployed them. Even India is working on Laser and microwave tech.

I don't think designing a Rail-Gun is such a humongous task.

Here's the basic working principal of rail-gun

PowerLabs Rail Gun!
interesting that india ranks itself in the top five :rolleyes:

but the UN ranks india #1 in global poverty index and #1 in global hunger index. :hitwall:
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