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India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again

no, i don't see how it is.

to hell with maths !!

how can you so callously forget all those people who died so unnecessarily, either by suicide or by hunger or by economic/social murders??

in late 2014, while modi the feku was touring the nato world trying to bring in more armaments and useless capitalist industry, the workers of the tea estates of darjeeling were dying of hunger and many were so weakened by hunger that they couldn't stand.

did any temple idol in india go hungry?? every day tons on milk, curds and prepared food items are wasted by using them to bathe and "feed" these religious, non-living idols made of stone, plaster and metal.

on average, 500,000 indian children under the age of five die every year because of malnutrition !!

there are 70+ million homeless people in india !!

250,000 people in india suicided in 2012, contributing to the 'world health organization' declaring in 2014 that india is 'suicide capital of the world' !!

300,000 farmers have suicided between 1995 and 2015, and this is only and only because of the extreme capitalism of the economic system and the senseless nature of the social system.

no pakistani, no chinese, no russian has caused india's miseries... it is india's ridiculous, unscientific and anti-human political/social/economic that has caused this.

india doesn't need any more armaments... in fact, the indian military must be decreased by 50 percent and the resources be sold, melted and redeployed to provide every citizen with high-quality free houses, low-costing food, free medical system, free education system, free water, free electricity etc.

get out your military mindset... both india and china are wallowing in capitalism and don't have anything of substance to show to the world... i was only day-before-yesterday saying to our chinese sanghi member, chinese dragon ( "cd" to his indian saffroni admirers ), that ever since china turned to vulgar capitalism, capitalism has created so many inequalities and unnecessarily problems within china.

the op article is actually pointing to the absolute anti-human attitude of the indian establishment/government where instead of spending money on bringing a welfare/socialist system to its citizens and turning the guns on the indians who through capitalism and reactionaryism have caused misery within india for 68 years, the money is being used to buying armaments that can kill pakistanis, chinese, syrians, iraqis, north koreas etc.

why don't you see the utter injustice and callous-ness of it all??

Hey you still whining about capitalism? what would you call Qaddafi selling oil to capitalist countries in Europe and US?
Why do Shaheens need fake bharti medicines then

Bcoz every society have greedy faggots who want to loot people.. what is the most easiest thing to make money.. import fake drugs from bhart and sell them in market...

Now keep blabbering, from my side ... Takhliya

India "fake medicines" are apparently saving Pakistani lives though they are smmuggled from India, some Pakistanis are even asking for them to be locally manufactured in Pakistan.

Asia Times: Pakistanis enjoy a dose of Indian medicine

Pakistanis enjoy a dose of Indian medicine

PESHAWAR - Pakistan may often be at odds with neighboring India, but that has not stopped Indian products from being immensely popular in this country.

Indeed, these days, medicines have become the latest among Indian imports - which include movies and music - that have captured the fancy of Pakistani consumers.

In the North West Frontier Province, and especially in the adjacent tribal areas along the Pakistani-Afghan border, the medicines provide brisk business for drugstores.

All sorts of medicines from India are sold, including the most commonly prescribed drugs such as aspirin, Amoxillin, Ampicillin, Co-trimaxazole, Laxotanil, Ciprofloxine, Renitidin, Famotidine and Cemetidine.

Under Pakistani law, though, only medicines that are approved and registered with the health department can be sold in the country. Since the Indian drugs sold openly over the counter in the tribal areas are neither, the trade in them is illegal.

People, however, say officials are deliberately looking the other way because of the skyrocketing prices of Pakistani medicines.

Remarks Karim Khan, a tribesman from Khyber Agency, "By ignoring the Indian medicines, the government is doing great service to the poor people."

Some doctors are now even telling poor patients to seek out Indian medicines. This is largely because Indian drugs can be 10 times cheaper than those manufactured in Pakistan by the same multinational companies (MNCs).

Malik Akhtar Khan, who has been a pharmacist in Peshawar for decades, says Pakistani drug prices are high because the government allows the MNCs to import raw materials from their parent countries. In comparison, he says, pharmaceutical firms in India are bound by law to use local materials. In addition, says Khan, "MNCs, which normally have very high budgets, exploit their trademark."

India, of course, is known for having no adequate patent system for pharmaceuticals, save for the 70-year patents for drug production processes. This has enabled Indian firms to produce generic drugs that they sell at a fraction of the cost of branded medicines. As a result, MNCs have also been forced to lower their prices.

The Indian drug manufacturing system - which will undergo changes under the government's commitments to world trade rules - has been the envy of many developing countries.

Along with other goods, Indian medicines are smuggled into Afghanistan into Pakistan's tribal areas, and then eventually find their way to Peshawar. Afghanistan receives thousands of US dollars worth of medicines each month from India under a bilateral agreement. But some unscrupulous agencies in Kabul are apparently making huge profits from the arrangement and selling them in the tribal areas.

Medicines from India are likely to become even more popular in this country as Pakistan's Ministry of Health seeks a 6 to 10 percent increase in drug prices due to various economic factors such as the devalued Pakistani currency and repeated rises in energy costs.

As it is, many medicines are already being sold at higher prices in Pakistan compared to other South Asian countries.

According to a study conducted by the Consumers International Regional Office for Asia-Pacific, the prices of 17 out of 21 commonly consumed drugs are higher in Pakistan than in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

The Pakistani government has tried to address this by allowing the import of drugs from China, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Poland and Yugoslavia. But health activists say the tactic has failed to work because of what they believe to be collusion between the MNCs, health professionals and government functionaries.

Zafar Mirza of the non-governmental organization Association of Rational Medication even hints of possible irregularities in the registration of medicines. He notes, for instance, that while the World Health Organization itself has a list of 270 drugs covering treatment of various ailments, Pakistan has more than 27,000 registered medicines.

Mirza also points out that while the registration of a drug takes some two years in the United Kingdom and the United States, Pakistan's Drug Registration Board (DRB) "has been registering roughly eight drugs on every working day during the last few years".

Meanwhile, some quarters have raised concerns regarding the safety of medicines from India. But one official of the Federal Drug Quality Control Board in Islamabad has said that laboratory tests conducted on samples of the smuggled drugs revealed most of them as safe.

Pharmacist Malik Akhtar Khan says one way of easing such worries is to simply register the Indian medicines, since this would mean these would have to pass through the regular government controls.

"When the need arose, Pakistan imported sugar from India," he says. "Why can't the government go for Indian drugs so that people can have access to cheaper drugs?"

The prime minister was informed that 61,256 factories were manufacturing medicines in India.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is not only providing quality medicines in the local market but is also exporting drugs worth $25 billion every year by manufacturing 4,282 brands.

The US is importing more medicines from India than the entire Europe. India only allows MPCs to do business by manufacturing not only formulations but also pharmaceutical ingredients.

Dr Nabeela Latif, the secretary coordination Young Pharmacists Association, said the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan was not manufacturing a single global brand.

“MPCs never built any hospital, college or university in Pakistan. They hardly participated in any community welfare project. They have never spent a single penny on research and development.

They are just selling medicines on very high prices. This is the reason medicines are being smuggled in from Iran and India,” she said.
Prime minister urged to ban import of medicines - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

And India remain world biggest importer for another 7-9 years.
In the end, of coming decade India will have an economy of over $5 trillion.
Will that be sufficient for R&D expenditure to support an indigenous arms industry that produces state of the art weapons, only time will tell.
And India remain world biggest importer for another 7-9 years.
Will come in top 10 exporters too by then. :enjoy:
They have target of exporting $3 billion weapons. :D
Ranking top 10 both in exporter and importer list. ;)

@Syama Ayas @Ankit Kumar @ranjeet
Wasting time on which people guys. They are bigots.
And a bigot is a person who repeats his logicless $hit mindlessly.
They won't miss any opportunity to troll Indians (mental illness or they feel proud to do that), because their respective pathetic countries are nowhere in this scenario. :lol:
sorry but you are also doing mistake by turning this thread into a india-pakistan hindu-muslim war.

pakistan is no socialist paradise either. :)

you don't need to reply to sanghi trolls by becoming a troll yourself... you have the choice to talk about making the whole of south asia into a place where nationalism, capitalism and reactionaryism will not exist.
Are u still typing your answers for my questions in the other thread, Jamahir ? :)
I dont know why you are running away since last night. If u dont know the answer then simply say so and i ll stop wasting my time on you.
Are u still typing your answers for my questions in the other thread, Jamahir ? :)
I dont know why you are running away since last night. If u dont know the answer then simply say so and i ll stop wasting my time on you.
what question?
Hey you still whining about capitalism? what would you call Qaddafi selling oil to capitalist countries in Europe and US?

please see my answer to pumba in 'whatever'... this was last night.

Are u still typing your answers for my questions in the other thread, Jamahir ? :)
I dont know why you are running away since last night. If u dont know the answer then simply say so and i ll stop wasting my time on you.

i had really begun typing my reply to you last night but i was fatigued after making long posts.

be assured that i will make reply by 1 am tonight, because i do put thinking into my posts. :)

and if i don't know something, i will either search for it or say straight that i don't know and enquire with those on the forum who know about that particular thing.

what question?

from last night, it began with a pending reply from me to pumba... it was about my mention of citizen transportation system and one other thing. :)
Answer me this, where were you when for more than 60 years ~5000 villages in India didn't had electricity? ( Thanks to MODI, Now they have ).

i am not a congress supporter and it is indeed a shame that 5000 villages didn't have electricity for 60 years or 68 years, but i must make a simple point - for modi to claim victory by electrifying those 5000 villages, there were so many villages which were electrified over the decades and modi was simply using what had been developed earlier... i don't understand how this can be used as a point of claiming triumph. :what:

Where were you when we imported coal from Australia and overlooked the reserves in Jharkhand ( my state ). ( Now my state is receiving impetus, and by 2017 when we don't import coal , Jharkhand will produce 33% of India's Coal , giving jobs to my people ) .

1. coal and nuclear power are obsolete and dangerous and unnecessary 50's technology... there are non-polluting methods for electric generation and the best way is that instead of centralized generation and delivery through grids, electricity generation must be at neighborhood level and house level, as the situation applies.

2. about jobs, we must make clear a basic point... people shouldn't be in oaid employment as their only source of survival... it is the necessary duty of a country's political system ( and its economic system ) to provide most things either free or subsidized or low-costing... this includes free housing, free electricity, free water, interest-free economics, no stock markets, free education, free medical system, low-costing food, loans to pursue projects, true democracy etc... these things are a basic human right... how can there be a government or a political system that does not provide these things??

3. about jobs again, wage-slavery should not exist... people should learn to separate real useful employment ( personally and socially ) from mindless wage-slavery labor.

4. hasn't the bjp government signed agreement to import uranium from australia?? today's 'deccan chronicle' newspaper speaks of another leakage in the crippled japanese fukushima nuclear plant, and still modi government wants to import uranium and have dangerous nuclear power plants??

To hell with your communism, even China has gone Capitalist.

didn't you read my mention in this very thread of making a few points to the always sarcastic and callous chinese tta, 'chinese dragon' ( who is a sanghi really ), about how capitalism has brought misery and inequalities and social disharmony to china?? :)

ask him about that post i made.

Communism grows in lack of knowledge of Economics.Communism is, was and will be a failure.

when you must be calling for abolishing of money system, you are instead championing it... economics is a waste of time and cause of much misery and in case of socialist societies a cause of inefficiency.

and do read my reply to pumba in the 'whatever' thread... the conversation was last night.

PS :- Don't name Cuba, even the laws of Chemistry and Physics have exceptions.

so i shouldn't mention because you know that little socialist cuba is one of the best places to live in the world, despite being affected by the dissolution of the ussr?? :)

perhaps you know that the uno-undp "human development index" annual ranking gives cuba a vastly higher ranking than india - in year 2014 ranking[1], cuba was at number 44 and india was at number 135.

even syria which is in a nato-created international war has a higher hdi ranking for 2014 than india - syria at 118 and india at 135. :)


[1] 2014 Human Development Report (HDI) | UNDP
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And 683 million people who defecate on the open.
India reduces open defecation by 31 per cent: UN report | The Indian Express
We will make it less than 5% by 2022, better than your 10-15% at that time. :D

even syria which is in a nato-created international war has a higher hdi ranking for 2014 than india - syria at 118 and india at 135. :)


[1] 2014 Human Development Report (HDI) | UNDP
Report of 2015,
India: 0.609(130th)
Syria: 0.594(134th)

Well, gap isn't large. Even after that you can see that poverty ratio of Iraq is better than China's. Where is China and where is Iraq?
Rate of improvement of countries is too a great factor. India is fastly improving itself at very high rate, and will keep further improving. It is inevitable.
But I know @jamahir will only spew socialist and Marxist $hit against India.
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from last night, it began with a pending reply from me to pumba... it was about my mention of citizen transportation system and one other thing. :)
nevermind,pumba ko samjha dea hain banda bhagnay vala nae:police:will answer him shortly, be patient------:D
please see my answer to pumba in 'whatever'... this was last night.

i had really begun typing my reply to you last night but i was fatigued after making long posts.

be assured that i will make reply by 1 am tonight, because i do put thinking into my posts. :)

and if i don't know something, i will either search for it or say straight that i don't know and enquire with those on the forum who know about that particular thing.

from last night, it began with a pending reply from me to pumba... it was about my mention of citizen transportation system and one other thing. :)
@Mentee there goes the 1 am deadline. And not even a single word about the topic raised.
And he wants to bring radical change in the whole country with over a billion population.
SHAIKHCHILLI ke haseen sapne.
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