Some apt.'s above, in the middle Samudra Mahal & Palais Royale literally host sub-continental royalty @ $ 10-15 million/apt.!
Pak, and India, were a victim of US Vs. USSR cold war. It was played out at cost of Afghanistani lives and territory. Today, Pak. is in bad shape because it cannot rid itself of it's feudal Afghan influence and unless Pak. admits that it's military dictators self-servingly backed the wrong game and hijacked Pak.'s civil society, Pak. will muddle through with aid from Saudi & China and a tight squeeze from India, Russia and Iran.
India was subtle during cold war days and never pushed Pak. around too much knowing it had US on it's side after Pak.'s split. So it played for time with a cheshire smile to remainder, dictatorial Pak. Friendly gestures, cricket matches and what not.
India will continue to fuddle-fuddle, knowing Pak. will continue it's egoistic, feudal and militaristic attitude rather then eat humble pie, ban the army and re-start long pending nation building.
India's Pak. game is over. Pak. can forget India. The cold war is long over. The US, Russia, China & the spoilt little rich mid-east fiefdoms who are an anachronism in the 21'st century anyways, are bosom buddies with India. They know India can bring 'democracy' to their country, maybe not a s directly as US brought, with India openly on it's side, democracy to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
India's Pak. game is over, it's canned the pitch, bought out the pavillions.